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octosis created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Run Sooyoung, and run Sooyoung's friend ;;

octosis created a topic of Yours to Claim

Honestly I don't know why I come back to read this comment section every time. The Jooin hate for being a flawed person struggling and taking time to figure it out while not one but TWO people literally don't even give him breathing space for the most part. And then acting like Cain is a saint who never did anything wrong and like Jooin owes him love for it. No one is perfect here.
Anyway hatred of fictional characters is one thing but I sincerely hope you don't act like this with real people. And I hope people don't act like this with you when you fuck up either.

Also though, the shitting on the author and the entitlement?
Like, sure, there were elements that weren't to my taste? For an instance, why was Cain's past life even a thing when there were no other supernatural elements? It feels really out of place. But that doesn't mean I gotta attack and insult the author. This is the story they wrote and if you're still reading that's on you.

I for one am enjoying the utter stupidity and chaos >:))))

octosis created a topic of 1 to 10

Everyone saying the Jungseok is a green flag... listen I like him, but did we forget he took advantage of a drunk Gunjoon and then forced him into sex in a school bathroom when he was literally running away from Jungseok? He's not a green flag I'm sorry.

I like these two because they're both nuts and it's fiction but let's please not pretend this is acceptable behaviour :')

octosis created a topic of Lover Boy

I'm just gonna say, no one is a saint in this story. And that is even from before Eunho started using sex to get back at Jaeha post breakup timeskip.
A lovestruck kid who bulldozes his way into a situationship with a deeply traumatised person without being prepared for what that entails? It's a recipe for disaster.

I personally actually really like this story. It's emotional, messy, and just... very human. And while it for sure raises some people's blood pressure, I actually find it somewhat therapeutic.

octosis created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae you're so fucked indeed lmao

octosis created a topic of The Servant / Employer

Welp that was disappointing. Realistically Yeonho would have needed so much support, recovery time and therapy after all of that, but I guess we're getting the "love fixes all" ending.

octosis created a topic of Jungwon's Flowers

I'm glad his friends are telling him to run if he gets bad vibes at least! Jungwon needs to hear it. But whether he'll listen is another thing, his heads is too stuck in the clouds at this point. I'm also glad there are hints that Jungwon is more experienced than he seems based on that conversation, it does make me feel a bit better about things... although it could just have been a case of having dated people but not actually done much.

Also because I never got a chance to say this when I responded to a comment a while back about why Hyungseo is such a red flag (pretty sure they blocked me):
Yes this is mild compared to other BL! But the reason me (and I'm sure many others as well) are so adamant about this guy being bad news is because in more toxic bl literally everyone can see what's wrong! Like, very very few are defending an outright rapist's actions for an instance. But that's precisely why it's worrying that people are defending Hyungseo - his behaviour may not be AS bad, but I don't want younger more inexperienced people to read this and think it's normal or ok if your boss is trying to get with you or if someone touches you while you're drunk, EVEN if you wanted it at the time. A drunk person can't consent and real life isn't the same as bl.
And just because we know Hyungseo is going to get a redemption arc doesn't mean he's not an absolute dickbag playing with Jungwon's feelings now. People usually don't get redemption arcs in real life. Using someone's feelings to get sex is a dick move no matter how you slice it.

You can enjoy toxic stories and characters, but please just don't pretend these things are ok just because something else is worse.

Anyway sorry that got long, this has been simmering for a while lmao

octosis created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Water is not lube, I repeat, water is not lube!! You do not want water up in there!

octosis created a topic of On my own

Don't read this if you genuinely liked this story probably.

I feel like this had a lot of potential that it didn't really live up to.

I feel like these two learned nothing. They repeatedly promise to communicate with each other in the story and yet they learn nothing. Now, don't get me wrong! It's incredibly difficult to change behaviour that is so deeply ingrained in you but I think the problem here the story ended before they could even show progress/that they'd go straight to the other person and ask if something came up, unlike in the past when they constantly made assumptions about each other. It's like they're just trying to patch their relationship up with I love yous and kinda meaningless apologies - it's like putting a tiny bandaid on a wound that needs stitches. So I can't help but feel like they'll just keep acting on their anxiety instead of checking with the other person, and they'll just keep growing apart and then make up again. And idk about you but that sort of relationship would be so exhausting to me.

Also in terms of the other characters? They're pretty much just plot devices/decorations.
Even Heemin's opposition to promoting the restaurant doesn't make much sense to me. Sure you can have irrational fears and hangups, but this truly feels ridiculous. If the fear is "over promoting the restaurant with unreliable hype may lead to financial collapse if you expand too quickly", the solution isn't "don't promote", it's "be careful about expanding your business too quickly". And I get that a part of it also is that Heemin feels like it's an insult if someone comes to the restaurant without caring about the taste of the food, but it's a miracle they even stayed afloat for that long with Heemin having that mindset and other places poaching their customers or trashtalking them. It's a competetive industry, and Heemin isn't only responsible for himself but also his workers and it's quite frankly incredibly stupid to sink so much time and money into a business without having a marketing plan.
Sure people will show up to a restaurant by the virtue of it just being there, but if other places seem more attractive? It's not gonna work out.

In short I feel like the writing was very shallow. And it's a shame because parts of it was really cute.

octosis created a topic of Star x Fanboy

Still one of the sweetest stories around. I love that the focus is just as much on their careers and what they entail, as it's on their relationship. It makes their dynamic more refreshing. Supportive and sweet through and through, with small hiccups in the form of reasonably realistic conflicts but without the anxiety of potential breakups.

I also actually really like that they didn't do the whole coming out as an actor couple thing - I would have loved to see them to be able to be more open about it but at the same time I'm glad we didn't have to see them deal with the fallout of industry dating "scandals" and fans turning on them, because that's such an awful and toxic aspect of this sort of career in the real world. They addressed the toxic sides of the industry briefly but solidly, and chose to keep their relationship protected. And while I don't wish for anyone to need to do that, I respect that decision a lot.

octosis created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Hm not bad for such a short story, I like that the characters' main motivations were pretty clear - like Junseo always wanted Doah and Doah always wanted to be "loved", so that sort of came full circle in a twisted way. However...

Love a toxic bl usually but I guess the thing that made this bland for me is that they're both objectively bad people and I can't relate to them in the slightest, and aspects of Doah were written kinda poorly. Most good villains at least have something that make them likeable or you can see where they're coming from, OR they at least make you angry.
But what did Doah do that made younger Junseo so obsessed other than be beautiful, sleep around and put on lip tint? Also I feel like Doah locking Junseo in the crate came out of nowhere, and didn't really fit what he was like as a character. He'd already had a go at Junseo verbally and there was no foreshadowing to suggest he was that psycho, so I kinda feel like the author made him do it purely because they needed an excuse for Junseo's obsession to grow so he'd have a "reason" to tame Doah... and unfortunately it falls kinda flat.

octosis created a topic of Loveless Heroine

It's back!! I'm living!! It's back!!!!

octosis created a topic of PASSION

Time to hide behind the kidnappers then Tae lmao

(I'm also so looking forward to the other hostages' reactions when Ilay is the one who shows up)

octosis created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Poor Sooyoung, this really is a case of out of the frying pan into the fire

Here's my take: I love them both and they're both stupid lol. Natori doesn't think too many steps ahead and is a bit socially unaware in some ways, especially since he's new in a community he has no clue about and is a bit naive in general, BUT he always thinks of Seo's feelings and apologises when he realises he's messed up.
Seo on the other hand is dumb because he thinks TOO much and tries to protect Natori's wellbeing before his own. He's not used to caring about the other person in a relationship to this degree, so he's bad at handling his own feelings and bad at communication. He doesn't realise why he needs to tell Natori about stuff like his brother. And he also doesn't realise that he needs to communicate his own feelings before they fester, hence his little outbursts.
But personally as someone who's averse to conflict irl I think it's nice that they have these fights and make up. It's kinda therapeutic.

Also for people who complain about Seo being a porn actor and how he should quit for Natori and say it's hypocritical that he's jealous... stop. Emotions and sex are two different things. Yes they can be very closely tied together but this has already been addressed in the manga. Seo has already mentioned how his work is literally that; work. He's not emotionally attracted to any of his AV partners, while Natori is clearly everything to him. Also Natori is uncomfortable with seeing Seo at work in person, but he loves Seo and actually admires him as a porn actor. If he was that uncomfortable, he himself would have the option to leave too, you know?

octosis created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Lmao even if Heejae did throw Seyoung away as revenge he'd regret it so badly he wouldn't last a week, play stupid games win stupid prizes heehee

This is quite literally the only comic that has ever made me cry like a child. It's so heavy and messy and horrifying and also so very human. It's such an intense and realistic portrayal of trauma, and the relationship between the three is horrible and yet so beautiful and tender.
I have never been more relieved to see a happy ending. I'm so glad. I'm so glad I reread it, it was such a cathartic experience

octosis created a topic of Perfect Buddy


octosis created a topic of The Best Smell

This series lives rent free in my heart forever, I love these two idiots so much