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octosis created a topic of Bloody Lies

No Eugene, you didn't fall for a human, because look at that monster cock.

octosis created a topic of Interview with a Murderer

I'm thinking about the scene where Alex picks up the ring for blackmail and it's literally the one thing Clark didn't want him to pick. I think he loved the doctor so much he genuinely just wanted to see him happy even if it meant not being together. Like, that ring was the one record he kept of a relationship instead of a crime. And no matter what he said about killing Alex out of hatred and annoyance for being disappointing, in the end I don't think he would have done it if Alex didn't kill the one person he loved. But since he did, he went all out and made it the most brutal revenge tailored to Alex, rejecting his entire being.

It's also so sad about the doctor, because he wanted so badly to be loved by Clark in their relationship but felt inferior and like he couldn't do anything for him... so he moved on to someone he felt his love was useful to and it ultimately lead to his demise, even though Clark's emotions had been there all along. Not that he could have known, with Clark's manipulative personality and how he doesn't express what he's actually feeling.

All in all, everyone's fucked up here and I love it :')

octosis created a topic of Long Time Red Mall

So sad about the hiatus but the author gotta do what the author gotta do. We don't want another artist destroying their mental and physical health for a comic.

Anyway came from binge reading this and Minsoo is my absolute fave. He's the best.

octosis created a topic of Paper Flower

Can we all take a moment to respect Yooyoung's massive progress. Sure he ran after the grown prince after, but he clearly expressed he didn't want to go to the palace, no stuttering, no hesitation.
Boy has come so far.

octosis created a topic of Onward

Y'know. Am I the biggest fan of love triangles? No. But at least Yiho has some interesting history with Sion, and I quite like his character.
I just hope the two of them don't actually get together because Sion is vulnerable from breaking up with Seungwon or whatever might happen, for the simple reason that they aren't the right fit and Yiho has the wrong attitude about it. He may be able to give Sion safety and financial security, but emotional security is another story.

See, I still don't like Mr Kwon or that Nayool has feelings for him but this is the type of banter I like to see! Let the girl get some wins too please.

Ngl rn I'm not a fan of the sister also being there. But we shall see how it turns out. I do hope she gets a redemption arc though because at the moment she's insufferable with how unapologetic and out of touch she is. Please let her not just be there to mess things up.

octosis created a topic of Paper Flower

You know what, in no way do I think Yooyoung should take the crown prince back if this was a real life situation... but for now all I feel is relieved that the crown prince likely isn't actively going to make him suffer anymore.
And as much as I dislike it having to come from him, he gave Yooyoung what he needed: reassurance that it's good that he's alive.

octosis created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

Small thing but the way Jaewon said "you wanna suck it after it's been in your ass?" YES FINALLY SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT HYGIENE.

(I say that liking rimjobs but it's a little bit different when a whole damn dick has been in there lmao)

octosis created a topic of Furimuite tsukamaete

"We might get closer just like you and Kotoha"
Saying that is so funny when both the person who said it and the person who heard it are too oblivious to realise the romantic implications of it

octosis created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Aaah here we go, my least favourite trope :') I just don't like the amnesia plot, which is a shame because I adore the reset of this story.

I ship Maythan with no one but Mr Wolf OR no one at all /deadeyed smile/
I know it won't happen but it would be very nice if he could get away from these possessive fuckers :)

octosis created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

"Compared to Jinx ml isn't that bad so you need to shut up" - listen, the first part of that is true but also stoooop. Just because someone else is worse doesn't mean we can't complain about someone who's still bad, just not as bad??
It's not just this manhwa, I've seen this argument all over the place and it makes me so damn tired.

Anyway I like Jaewon as a character but he IS manipulative, and that's a quality I'd stay far, far away from irl. He's testing whether Eunho will tolerate his shit and won't go TOO far, but he's still ok playing with people's emotions. But yes Eunho isn't innocent either, and clearly wants Jaewon. And it's their toxic dynamic that makes me so invested.

But again it's ok if a character gives people the ick for bringing bad vibes even though another character basically is Satan in comparison.

octosis created a topic of To You In My Hand

I don't think you have to get everything from a short story with 80% smut, but I will say the introduction of Rowon Bishop was the most unecessary thing. After all, we only see him that one time, we know nothing of his motives, and it looks like the butler would have been fully capable of taking care of everything on his own anyway.
Smut was alright though.

octosis created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I swear to god this story is my everything I love them both so much and want them to be happy. They're both slowly healing each others' old wounds but it's a painful process and they're not sure of each other's feelings ;A;
Literally every little thing they do has me kicking and screaming, from their fights to all their tender moments and little gestures.

octosis created a topic of Bad Friend

Everyone talking about the latest sex scene and I'm just here having binge read the entire story and want to talk about how I feel like the revenge was too smooth-sailing and I felt like the actual training elements of Murim could have been better explored for world and character building value, but also that I don't care too much and totally forgive it because Haon and Rigon's relationship really is everything
There's some stuff in there that would truly make me upsetti spaghetti but it's how they really don't waste that much time being upset and angry with each other - they're just concerned because they love each other so much. And though it takes a few tries they start being more considerate to each other's actual feelings, not just what they assume the other person needs.

Rereading now that the officials are out, and I think I'm going to stick with them instead of reading ahead now. But wow the emotional impact is so much worse than I remembered. I feel so sad for Chaeyoon T__T

octosis created a topic of Can't Think Straight

We knew Jaehyuk wasn't gonna get why Garam won't smile at him lmao

Bless Garam for enabling me to love this desperate dumdum, if Garam wasn't such a king I probably wouldn't be feeling as charitable towards Jaehyuk.
Begging for a second time for him to cry big pathetic man tears eventually :)

octosis created a topic of Loveless Heroine

As if she'd let anyone touch Prong, you guys came to the wrong house >:l

Who cares if he doesn't know her gender yet, we have LESBIANS.