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jooinshair created a topic of Yours to Claim

erm the endgame guy was barley in the story

jooinshair answered question about eat food
i cant eat natto i gag at the mere thought
jooinshair created a topic of We Won't Call It Love

I hope people realize that it's not only gay men who sometimes marry without love. Sure, in these types of stories it happens since its bl, but there's so many cases, more than you'd think of people marrying without being in love. Not just men too, recently in a tiktok video of this women going to her engagement party saying "when I'm still not over my ex" and the comments flooded with men and women comments saying "real". It's sad and scary to see how many people do this when they still have someone else in mind, but I don't think its right just to single out gay people that might do this when it seems like alot of people do it. My parents were actually an arranged marriage, even though they may not love each other like in dramas or books we read, they still have a good relationship together, it may be sad or not ideal for people but that's the world we live in sadly.

Finished reading the raws and GRRRRRR. This is why I kinda hate first love tropes esp when the main characters arent each others first love bc they struggle sm to get over themm. I know its realistic and thats why i still read it but it does something to my brain where i keep thinking they still dont love each other up to that first love level when my heart says they do but my brain says they dont. reading about first love not being endgame is like drinking a full vodka shot

jooinshair created a topic of Kami no Fune de Nemuru

after reading 4.5 I dont know whats a dream or reality, whos a ghost whos a shinigami, whos real, what is life

jooinshair answered question about question
into the rose garden and paper flower seme's need the same or more hate. also that one isekai guy that got the fl preganant, mutilated her and stole her baby to raise with mistress one left me scarrred

i wish my a-hole is bubblegum coquette pink too hmph but im forced to roast beef

wheres the regret chasing arc from uke? ugh no flavor

jooinshair asked a question

any shoujo or josei love story where the ML is trans? tytyy

jooinshair created a topic of Dead or alive

He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides
I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside
I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy
Call him "Daddy" while I holler, man, that boy so damn good looking~

jooinshair created a topic of Off-Track Crush
jooinshair answered question about character obsession
yk whats more sad than fujos...people obsessed with fujos.

omg the omega has my body lmfao! no ass no curves built like a waterboard

jooinshair created a topic of Part-time Lovers

not the twink on twink crime #-.-) why is he doing that to him?? they both like diff guys so why mess with my bebe???