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its so friggin wholesome. i love how the people from the real world are so surprised with whats happening in their world cuz Jiha is like making it easy and better for the hunters to fight some monsters. beom is so friggin cute!


this chapter really brought back some memories of mine. when i introduced some of my OC to a friend of mine, and eventually she tagged another friend of hers and we eventually just made up additional characters and made a lil story out of them haha. made up the whole settings, world, era and etc.
character designing is so fun! i like this chapter.

chizukimbap created a topic of Full volume

i friggin love her support for her sons <3
the grandpa and dad though.... hahaha, their reactions earlier were so funny to see.

chizukimbap created a topic of Rocket Science Love

wishing the red hair be the endgame for our mc.

how does she sit with such long hair xD
if it were me, it would be all messy at the very bottom haha
i had my hair grow for a long time that it was long enough to touch my butt and the amount of hair products i had to use to just make it look shiny and healthy was too much for my lil wallet that i had to cut it.

lol this bitch sister will probably make trash coffee since she doesn't know a THING about it. she just wants to feed her ego so bad hahahaha let's see how this bitch and that old douche fail miserably <3

i'm not into it so much. it's kinda dragging for me. maybe its needed for the plot but it gets complicated to understand with all these updates that i forgot whats happening tbh haha but imma still read it for out main couple and their cute baby.

that guy is so easily manipulated by this bitch and is very gullible at the same time. they really be digging their graves down to the earth's core. i wish the grandpa won't forgive this man-child after this happens cuz that's just him being too soft on his child. he had plenty of chances to redeem himself. even his sister gave him advice to wisen up but nope, he too stupid to do that.


i came back to check on the comments. i find it funny that most of us are happy with this tiny progress cuz its a slow burn type of romance hahaha

get humbled brat! don't you dare mess with our precious baby!

we got progress people!!! PROGRESS!!

chizukimbap created a topic of Cry Me a River

*grabs popcorn* finally his real feelings are slowly coming out.

chizukimbap created a topic of Baby Tyrant

i feel bad for these siblings. all cuz of their corrupt and greedy father.

give lucy the spotlight. like the girl has great potential to be more badass than natsu :(

back the f up!! let them have their moment!

chizukimbap created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

i get riftan's side of concern. but dude, did he really have to talk to her like that? i admit maxi has improved her skills but not to the point of actually giving out a big help along the journey. can she defend herself while others fight? even if she were to go, riftan has to assign someone or be by her side the whole time protecting her. i would be fine with her being there if she has actual combat experience or at least a defending spell to protect herself from harm.

i do admire her wanting to go and support riftan cuz she wants to be beside him and help and be of use. she has helped a lot in the castle and has made progress there. she just doesn't want to be a lady just waiting for her husband to come home. she doesn't want to be worried 24/7 thinking something bad happened to him. i get that.

but yeah, i'm in riftan's side about not wanting maxi to come with him since it'll be more dangerous and harder with her around. like maybe after a few years of practicing of defending or attack spells, other than healing ones, maybe she can come along. but not right now. and riftan better straighten up his attitude towards her. hoping this couple gets more character development along the way.

okay that's my piece ya'll.

chizukimbap created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

the moment i saw the father i was like "fuck. he's hot." then he opened his mouth "okay nevermind."

chizukimbap created a topic of Skip Beat

Same here tsuruga. same here.