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it's nice that the evil step mother and ex family arc was done easily and quickly at that. and now Chelsea just needs to learn and have more experience in honing her skill.

chizukimbap created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

i wanna say run away from the bastard but his kid needs the medicine :(


awww, i was hoping she would get a dragon companion but i guess she will have to kill it... :(

Protect Brielle at all cost. He is too adorable here <3


i don't like harem but Tenma isn't the pervy and always blushing type of protagonist. And the story is good and his followers are cute as well. You got a fenrir, a slime, a baby dragon, who knows what followers he'll tame next. Imma stick around since i like the story.

chizukimbap created a topic of The Path Of Star

this stuff actually happens to real life idols. so "fans" like these are just the worst. and most of all the knetz are even more worse cuz they'll literally bring down any idol they hate as much as possible and comment some negative things about them. like there's literally proof it was the girl who was aggressive. if they want to see fans as people, why don't they do the same for an idol who was trying to protect his friend.

what a bunch of parasitic family

ummmm..... was that like a literal romeo and juliet ending?! like wtf! don't let that be the ending of season 2! aaaaah like wtf!!!
like girlie pop here (fl) just got poisoned by someone she trust at ch 128. she didn't know since she was drinking something and i guess there was poison mixed in it. then next and last chapter of the season is where ml sees fl, dead. while there are decorations surrounded in this temple like place they are in. flowers, water, fire etc. like in the last moment of the chapter, he drank i guess same poison fl drank and died (or lost consciousness but theres blood... huhu idk!!) and the chapter ends there.


chizukimbap created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

Everyone all serious
meanwhile Ijin: Chicken.

chizukimbap created a topic of Rocket Science Love

i read some spoilers that mc easily forgives ml after all the shit he and his fiancé put him through.... i'm like "BRUH..." they only get together after ml calls the wedding off. THEN he breaks up with MC cuz his father died.

I kid you not, the amount of suffering and emotional damage MC is gonna get through this relationship cuz of his this mf is gonna raise my blood pressure. i might need to watch fluffy kitties and puppies to calm me down.

chizukimbap created a topic of Remarried Empress

i ended up reading some comments first and went down further, i scrolled down and it turned out into an argument.
my exact words while i was scrolling down and i saw the arguments below "oh shit.... oh shit! OH SHIT!"

kinda like me. i haven't drank any alcohol or wine in years and yeah that's true. it does wear off, my alcohol tolerance i mean, and the recent alcohol i drank which i used to love made me wanna puke.

chizukimbap created a topic of Kawaii nante kiitenai

they are literally one of the cutest couple i've seen so far haha

my laugh after reading made me sound like a villain hahaha

chizukimbap created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

the only thing i could compare this situation between them is when you're looking for a job and it requires you "experience" but you don't have any, but have the knowledge to do it and grow more to be of help. like "how can i get experience when you're not gonna give me a chance to get experience!"

it just really reminded me of my days of looking for a job back then.

there should have been a warning sign where you have to turn off your brain before reading this crap. don't like the fl right now. she was nice at first but yeah, she kinda turned.... dumb? that's as nice as i can describe her right now.

this chapter got me smiling the whole time. hahaha they are so cute being so shy together.

ricky is too good for her imo. just hoping he meets someone who actually likes him back and respects his feelings.