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chizukimbap created a topic of Re:Monster

i don't like reading harem or watching it. but i think i've watched some harem anime back when i was a kid who still didn't know what harem meant, i think animes like negima, love hina, clannad(watched this one like 3 times and still makes me cry) and many others. so i was very much hesitant to read this just cuz i saw the harem genre in the list since i don't want to be annoyed with the girls fighting over mc most of the time. but then i tried reading from 1st, then 2nd then 3rd till i couldn't stop and ended up finishing reading this in a few hours. it wasn't that focused on harem or even the love making (which i like), but more so on the plot and how mc gonna be op and more op. now i'm looking forward to the day kanami becomes a pregnant and has her own kid with mc. and of course i look forward to when the kids grow up.

burn him since he is trash.


them about to do do snusnu then i see her nails. oof, that's gonna hurt but i guess the emperor can take it.

the ick just grew bigger the moment he layed his eyes on her. get your grimey eyes off of her.

3 more hits bitch! 3 MORE!

about theme exposing the truth and them abandoning the king and his people. fuck that hero party. they can eat shit.

chizukimbap created a topic of Ashtarte

i know ashtarte will never forgive her "family". i'm just here imagining that their castle is burned to the ground and them dead in it. they still consider THAT bitch as family?! and still wants her to be remembered as a kind human? fuck that and fuck them. hope they live more miserable and sad lives. what fuckin pussies they are. it's good ashtarte left them for good. they had no remorse and that brat cryin? i would've slapped him the moment he shed those tears. you don't deserve to cry over what you did. shutyoassapyoulitterunt.

sorry. im just so triggered about those "brothers" of hers. god! just so infuriating!

chizukimbap created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

just wondered what stigma meant and here's the first thing it describe the word....

a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something. the stigma associated with mental illness = the stigma of mental illness. the stigma of being poor = the stigma of poverty.

holy shit. so thats why.

knight-kun is a waste of face. kind but too loyal to that jackass prince. what a shame hahaha, welp, be miserable there knight~
and i like that the dragon-san is gonna teach those bozos a lesson for treating our mc so bad after all those years. ungrateful lil turds. now suffer you sons of bitches! mwahahahaha!

was not expecting this ichiya chapter. and lucy's ancestor has a type i guess hahaha
good for them xD


now this is the type of misunderstanding i like hahahaha

he really be learning stuff from the adults he is around with lol


too much cuteness!!!!! AAAAH!

chizukimbap created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

reminds of the 3 other cuties from blood link series..... imma read that again. i think it's my 4th time reading it but its still really good.

bitch literally got burned. figuratively and literally.
karma got you again you brat.

get ready for a baby shower cuz he's gonna looks exactly like his father but cuter hahaha

chizukimbap created a topic of Oshi no Ko

i gagged after reading the new chapter....