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Grace created a topic of Love Stage!!

So she just gets to be free WTF

Grace created a topic of Come to Hand

“Stay with me” “Always” IM DYING WITH HAPPINESS AAAAAAHHHH THEY’RE SO CUUTTEEE. 10/10 ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Grace created a topic of Feel My Benefit

Y’all do know they almost never let the childhood friend be the ML. which is why for me, I’m not rooting for them to be together.

Grace created a topic of 40 x 40 Chikuwa Kaigi

They’re a bit dumb but it’s good.

Grace created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

I need a change of scenery, like go on a trip or to the beach or something. With friends or with your class ANYTHING but the continues fighting, it’s so repetitive it’s on a stretch.

Grace created a topic of We Won't Call It Love

I know there’s only 2 chapters, but truthfully I don’t want the childhood friends to be together because I want that type of love story where you missed your chance to be together with someone and that person chooses someone else.

One is delusional, the other is a psycho, and the last one needs to be realistic.

Really! I wait all this time and just decide to randomly read it from where I left it off and reading it up to the last chapter of s1 just for me to wait again for s2!!!! This can’t be a coincidence!! Like how was supposed to know s1 was gonna end (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

I feel like that woman has a beautiful gift but can also be a dangerous gift, well quirk.

Grace created a topic of Unordinary

This is still on going!???? I honestly stopped when they started showing his past.

Grace created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor
Grace created a topic of Like a Butterfly

I cried to every chapter, this really isn’t good for my heart.

This is really intriguing, never knew there was a manga that use old traditions in modern day time. I’ve only seen an anime that’s similar to this but with a twist, I mean there’s a huge deadly difference but somehow similar, it called “Ooku the inner Chambers”. Y’all should deff watch it, it’s so good. And it’s on Netflix, and get back to me if y’all do watch it.

Grace created a topic of Nerd Project

Why do ugly people have ugly Attitudes?

Grace created a topic of Full volume


Grace created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

My man’s at it again !!!!

Grace created a topic of Circle (Wang Zi Ying)

Wooow 9 years since its release and I’m now finding this now????!!!!!!!!?!!

Grace created a topic of Hate Mate

I thought this was the typical love story where your crush likes u too late and you “move on” with someone else and things don’t work out and go back to the crush . I mean it is similar but I didn’t expect those two, to stay together for that long. I also think that they were kinda forcing themselves to be together, not really completely resolving their problems and just moving on. I was routing for them at the beginning but as soon as they start fighting you can feel that it’s draining, and they’re moments that made them happy but since they came such a long way why stop and then it goes back to fighting, guilt, ignoring and moving on.

Grace created a topic of Eleceed