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Grace created a topic of Arcade Justice
Grace created a topic of Ellin's Solhwa

Woooow I so forgot this Manhwa, it's be ages since I've read this. Also not me thinking I haven't read this before.

Grace created a topic of Hello! Veterinarian!

OOOoooohhhh im loving this one already, also even though the black hair lady is worried she kinda erks me.

Grace created a topic of The Kids Have Changed

Is this worth reading, I really liked the old art style and the new art style is putting me off.

Grace add 1 photos to Album
Grace created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

I really like this one but the beginning was a bit iffy and it's a bit different from all the other Manhwas I've read. Idk I cant describe it?

Noooooo don't quit just join Millionaire Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Grace created a topic of Aren't You My Type

I think we can all agree that this man does not have ANY self awareness ヽ(`Д´)ノ

I like that she left the guy although I feel like he may or may not come back