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Daddy is looking handsome and amazing as alwaysss (also, love their relationship, so wholesome and healing TToTT)

Yuri created a topic of Experience forecast

This made feel so warm and fluffy -o-

Dowon, cutie, ily but whyyyy did u come in at such a time???

Yuri created a topic of Dawning

This of plot need at least 30 chapters to be fleshed out, let's be fr...

Yuri created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

Tel me u have no idea how to introduce characters naturally, without telln me bc the way the ml was introduced (gASP scary crazy handsome dude who is suddenly introduced and is DEFINATELY not the male lead and love intrest) AND the way some rando ass characters were ALREADY talking about her change within the first week of her gettn there (even in this modern day and age, it take a week so these guys gettn their news FAST lmao)

Yuri created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri
Yuri created a topic of Dear My Killer Tune

Ugh, this mc and ml is a bit dumb, but that's okay bc thats just life

Yuri created a topic of Chase me, Watchdog

ugly crying for them, jesus fuck

Yuri created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

Tell me theyre secretly married, please

Yuri created a topic of Da Guo Shi

Okay, all ik is that the mc definitely didn't harm the ml in the first life bc even after all that (ml imprisoning and hurting and kinda being the reason he died) he really shows no sign of hate

Dowon is a cutie patootie and I just wanna squish his lil checks
Also, my guy, there is a limit to ur simp (although ik that the story is probably controlling him, I hope he can snap out of it like how the ml in 'I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story' is doin)


My roman empire is the fact that her dad got SA'd, felt sorry about it and feels shame about about it bc everyone would look at it as a sign of his infidelity to someone who he actually loves (the mum). And the fact that he had to face those awful feelings all over again bc of the stupid, selfish pink haired bitch.

Also, its so fucking cringe lookn at these kids actn like high school has some kinda class system lmaooooo chill out kiddos (reminds me of my high school, so embarrassing lol)

Yuri created a topic of Judge Lee Han Young

yall I wanna read this, but I'm worried its gonna be harem or have female characters that are written stupid or weird or overly sexualised (not like actual women)... Those of yall readn this, whats it like???

Yuri created a topic of Slammer Dogs

noo, he's sad and pouty bc he didn't get to join :(

Yuri created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

u see galna in a dark alleyway, what u doin?

Yuri created a topic of Gig of the Day

top's game is actual ass - only reason he gets sex is probably bc he's decent looking bc how does he only ever say 'oh really' in a convo