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Sapphire :P October 4, 2023 5:24 am

I’m literally reading this after the jinx update and it’s literally healing my soul, I can’t ┗( T﹏T )┛

Sapphire :P June 28, 2021 4:20 am

Tbh I’m lowkey crying right now but I have a lot of respect for the author after reading this, it’s not easy to kill off a character…
( is he really dead tho??)

Sapphire :P's questions ( All 1 )

Sapphire_Stars17 June 28, 2019 4:32 am

Is it okay to like multiple people at the same time?

    Panda June 28, 2019 4:43 am

    Honestly I don’t see why it would be bad but it just becomes confusing for you. Just think of a scenario where both of them asked you out who would you say yess to after taking sometime to consider ( I don’t know if this is useful but it’s best to make up your mind sooner then late )

    I Had Time June 28, 2019 4:46 am

    Of course, it is ok to like multiple people at the same time. If you like someone then just let it be. No one can stop you from liking someone. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Eiz June 28, 2019 6:30 am

    Yes, it's okay. It's quite normal to like more than one person. Typically when you're still young, that is, pre-teen, teen to young adult, you'll be attracted to different people. As you mature (not talking about age here), you start noticing the ones that stand out that you're really, really attracted to.

    Heck, even if you are in a relationship you'll be attracted to, and find that you like certain people. There's nothing wrong with that. It's when you DO something to hurt the person that trusts and loves you, with those other people you like, is when it becomes a problem.

    Even after getting married, I still had crushes - and so did my better half. We didn't hide it from each other - we even used the knowledge of each other's crush to do some hilarious teasing.

    LoveBL June 28, 2019 6:38 am

    You don't like them. You're confusing their attractiveness for 'like'. If they were ugly, would you still like them? There's your answer.

    sinnaboi June 28, 2019 6:49 am

    yeah i think it's alright to like multiple people -w-

    act on it if you think you can (appropriate age, good chemistry, understanding of each other,etc.), but def 100% dont act on it if you're in a relationship. thats cheating and cheating is bad.

    also! liking someone isn't like a "oh wow they're cute" even though you just walked next to them and passed by them. get to know them a lil better if you can (etc, classmates or coworkers who you can meet regularly and can start convos with casually in a safe and comfy environment).

    a lot of factors go into dating but what i like to think about is if i can stand being roommates with them. those who you can't stand are typically more likely just liked as a friend while those you can live with can be picked out to be a potential partner. though most also turn out to just be more like a sibling type friendship but you can decide that yourself uwu

    moonbears June 28, 2019 8:26 am

    no, we aren't polygamous animals, if you truly like someone you only like that one person, you are just attracted

    Eiz June 30, 2019 1:09 am
    no, we aren't polygamous animals, if you truly like someone you only like that one person, you are just attracted moonbears

    I beg to differ. Although the two (like and love) seem to be the same, they are really not. liking someone can simply mean you're pleased being around them or happy to be with them, loving someone means having a deeper feeling of affection for them. You may like a friend, but the level of affection differs from your best friend. You may have a deeper like for your best friend, but a deeper feeling for the one you are in love with.

    It is almost certain that you like someone whom you love, but it is not necessarily true that you love someone whom you like.

    moonbears June 30, 2019 2:08 am
    I beg to differ. Although the two (like and love) seem to be the same, they are really not. liking someone can simply mean you're pleased being around them or happy to be with them, loving someone means having ... Eiz

    ahh sorry I guess love would've been more appropriate, I meant more romantic relationship wise, not like friendship, there's lots of people I like but one I love. But I know I'm biased, I can't stand cheaters and polygamous people, idk it just fills me with this angry sadness but idk ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Eiz June 30, 2019 4:11 am
    ahh sorry I guess love would've been more appropriate, I meant more romantic relationship wise, not like friendship, there's lots of people I like but one I love. But I know I'm biased, I can't stand cheaters a... moonbears

    No worries, no need to apologize. And I agree with your sentiment - I don't like cheaters either.

    Some ramblings from an old folk like me about this matter (please allow this ancient one) ~
    A certain maturity gained from real life experience will gain you the knowledge to know the difference. Yes, a lot of pain and frustration will be involved (arrgghhh, if only one could avoid those that stab so deeply) - but the key is understanding. Understand yourself, the emotions, and where those emotions are coming from.

    I've come to appreciate the fact my better half had crushes - but among those people he liked... my better half chose to love me. And vise versa.

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Tell me one thing about yourself 06-28 14:45

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