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michi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
michi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I understand Cirrus feelings. Of knowing someone who is just so perfect, and has been so obviously loved so you feel like they are stuck in a bubble and could never relate on a personal level to your miserable experiences or feelings. But it hurts to see him reject a friend who really cares about him. I wish Chan-Il just keeps pushing forward no matter what because Cirrus really needs more friends and loved ones. He’s too guarded and I fear that’ll be his doom. He can’t just obsess over one person (Skyler). He needs a more balanced set of relationships.

YOooooOo i knew he wasn’t dead! Also I would love to see episodes of Dietrich’s love story with his wife.

michi created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Hey does anyone have an inkling as to what the bodyguard meant when he said he didn’t want a kid? Didn’t the mom say that the dad forced her to have the kid? It’s weird the dad told the bodyguard of all people that he didn’t want him. It’s useless for the bodyguard to know and even more useless for the bodyguard to include that detail to MC. So I’m guessing it’s an important detail to the mom’s backstory

michi created a topic of Lover Boy

I’m tired of the constant slut shaming on Ukes but not Semes. Especially because uke and seme depict homosexuality in a heteronormative light (heteronormative tropes are applied to uke and seme). Most BL readers are women so this really saddens me. Also this isn’t really a BL…it doesn’t wholeheartedly fall into the BL universes’ tropes and agenda. It has more realistic and mature themes.

michi created a topic of Lover Boy

why do people hate Jaeha? This story was about him finding self love. He couldn’t accept other people’s love and affection because he had self loathing. That’s why he kept pushing everyone away. That’s why the seme had to struggle so much. Yes it was annoying but I think that was the whole point. The whole plot was angsty. The author would’ve failed their purpose of it didn’t cause us any distress.
Also when this was first coming out didn’t everyone love it? What’s up with this comments lol

michi created a topic of Lover Boy

People need to stop calling characters as sluts as a way to insult them. I mean, obviously people have sex. I don’t know why it’s such a terrible thing for an uke to not fall under the typical uke trope. Also yes he hurt people but he was upfront about his feelings and intentions. It’s sucks that he hurt people and I also hated him but overall I like him as a character. The author did a good job making a well fleshed out character.

michi created a topic of Sparkling Baby

I legit just finished rereading Loverboy 2 days ago. Perfect timing. I had been wishing this male lead did in fact get over Jaeha.

michi created a topic of Sparkling Baby

I totally skimmed over the detail of Male lead having only one double eyelid in Loverboy. How did I not notice!

michi created a topic of Sparkling Baby

it took me until they arrived at the atelier to realize that this was the same world as Loverboy! The authors style changed (in a good way) This makes me so excited! I can’t wait!

michi created a topic of Sparkling Baby

Goddamn Jaeha is sexy as always. Even in the authors evolved drawing style

Why is no one talking about the crown prince? I love their friendship it’s so playful and fun! Plus he clearly subconsciously likes Shushu which I find funny and a bit endearing

michi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I wouldn’t be upset if I found out he actually did murder someone (the teacher)

michi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I feel for Cirrus and am glad he’s finally able to speak up about this for the first time. Shows how our boys relationship is making a lot of progress. They’re opening up now.

I don’t understand how anyone can do such an evil thing. I hope the teacher didn’t find work near children after that.

During sex he makes no really effort to please his partner and only focuses on himself. I find this really interesting because it is another detail that shows he really is a psychopath.

It must be tough to be Hes. Having everyone immediately fall for you would be overwhelming at first but then just so tiring. Moreover, I’m sure she hates how shallow the love letters are, since the senders (of the letters) have never even spoken to Hes.

Ok I wasn’t rooting for Swan at all but I have to say that his backstory is the best! I definitely ship them so hard now. It would be too tragic is he isn’t the OG mail lead (apparently there are separate endings)

michi created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Ahhhh I love how strong MC is. I’m glad this story doesn’t give them bottom x top stereotypes!

michi created a topic of Guiding Hazard

this chapter was so sweet! He’s so considerate of the MC…he was clearly upset so he made sure to ask him if it was okay to touch him since he knows MC hates guides touching him as