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The_Devils_Advocate June 19, 2021 3:19 am

Another manga were the main protagonist has an "unrequited love" towards his best friends. But instead of telling him that, he remains quiet and gives the other part the fault for him being miserable. Then another young hotty, which resembles main chara first love, comes in, and it is LOVE at first sight. Those people don't know what love truly is...
Not to mention the sexual harassment and almost rape part, from the younger hotty.
main chara also has Stockholm syndrome. The reaction of the younger one in the last chapter? extremely exaggerated . that is why I don't read much yaoi anymore.
better switch to shounen ai, or something else which has nothing to do with romance.

    HuaHua June 19, 2021 3:37 am

    I think he did tell him but just got rejected cause his friend wanted to pursue his dreams as an artist. I think it said so in chapter 35 or 36. But I may be wrong ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    The_Devils_Advocate June 19, 2021 3:59 am
    I think he did tell him but just got rejected cause his friend wanted to pursue his dreams as an artist. I think it said so in chapter 35 or 36. But I may be wrong ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ HuaHua

    If you read it again, only the thoughts because it would be confusing otherwise, the main dude say that his first love abandoned him, but at the end he also says that he wasn't even aware of it. Which means, he never confessed but still felt abandoned by him.
    Narcissist trait.

The_Devils_Advocate June 16, 2021 6:34 am

someone kill that bastard very quick!

The_Devils_Advocate November 23, 2020 2:52 pm

... you want to make babies, right? ^//^

    Qwer November 23, 2020 2:56 pm


The_Devils_Advocate October 30, 2020 3:21 pm

I saw in the comments, much confusion and misunderstanding about this.
I will try to explain how I see it.
First: Shizu didn't misunderstand anything. He is in fact talking about the PAST, and not the present. He is telling Hiragi, how he also felt being left out, when Yuki and Mafuyu came together. Because he is always watching Hiragi, and is in love with him, he noticed the feelings Hiragi had for Yuki.
BUT, Shizu didn't say that Hiragi still is in love with Yuki.
Hiragi is NOW in love with Shizu, who probably hasn't realized it yet, or isn't saying anything because of other reasons.
The reason why we know that Hiragi was in love with Yuki, are the authors drawings.
Go look again, and see how Hiragi always behaved with Yuki when they were alone, or how he watched him when he was alone and with Mafuyu together.
Always a bit sad.
So yeah, for now it seems that Hiragi was pretty much in love with Yuki.

    The_Devils_Advocate October 30, 2020 3:25 pm

    Urgh... what kind of English is that?
    Sorry, I am tired af. Hope it was clearly enough X_X

The_Devils_Advocate August 16, 2020 10:49 am

How can you become buddy with the person, who let your boyfriend get gangraped, and traumatised him ?!?!?!?

The_Devils_Advocate July 31, 2020 11:01 pm

... I wanted some more adult like shoujo manga, wit a bit of "smut" in it, but this manga is for retarded and/or psychopaths... Where is the Rape tag? I am quitting this shit in the middle of chapter 2...

The_Devils_Advocate July 28, 2020 11:04 pm

I spent over a day reading this bullshit, to find out though the comments, what the hell happened at the end?
I understand that that ignorant guy married Hina, because he made a wow to her, and usually those things in mangas are used if the protagonists really end up together. Hina gave up her life for him. But like this? It was disgusting how he had a Kid with Rui, and the child but her aunt the ring on, as if Hina would be her real mother. Not only has Rui lost her man, but also her daughter somehow. That is why I hate shoujos... I was actually searching for adult and MATURE content but that bullshit isn't mature at all. That is some 13 yo old sick and twisted mind bullshit. I've read until chapter 158, and I was thinking of the manga DNA2 and Golden Boy for the whole time. A virgin "looser", who is horni as fuck, but is being looked down by women, but than somehow he helps them and they all foll for him. Same shit.

    chubbii_chii August 4, 2020 3:19 am

    I agree with your point but this isn't a shoujo manga it's shounen. It was released in a shounen magazine. So maybe seinen or josie manga might be more up your alley as far as adult and mature content goes.

The_Devils_Advocate July 20, 2020 2:21 pm

Cheating isn't just having sex with someone else. Cheating can be just a kiss, or even a date. It is just that people can handle a date, but not sex.
Also, the main couple was separated anyway, so even if Azu had slept with the guy, she wouldn't have cheated anyway, since like I already said, they weren't together anymore. It doesn't matter if they weren't divorced yet, marriage and divorce are just a "political" thing.

    Frenzy July 20, 2020 6:05 pm

    For me as soon as feelings are involved, lets say your partner have feelings "like/love" with somebody else - that is what I call cheating. In this case Junpei still have feelings for Rina. Because how could you win over someone that have fall out of love from you?

    The_Devils_Advocate July 21, 2020 12:06 am
    For me as soon as feelings are involved, lets say your partner have feelings "like/love" with somebody else - that is what I call cheating. In this case Junpei still have feelings for Rina. Because how could yo... Frenzy

    I don't think like that. Feelings are (or should) come naturally, you can't decide them. Cheating is when you do something you shouldn't do, on purpose, while still in a relationship.

    Frenzy July 21, 2020 4:03 am

    Yes that is exactly the problem when you said feelinghsm should comes naturally, its just makes you lose the battle without the fight. When they are cheating because of action lets say they did it because they like other people's body ideal, status, personality, sex, kiss methods, etc: you still can win your partner back by: changing any of those things or changing any of those from your partner's part. But as soon as you involve cheating with emotion, that is when it goes to territory that I don't know how to fixed.

    In this manga Azu explain to Rina's husband essentially: you can win Rina back if you change the way your mental work, your behaviour, etc
    While for Rina: how could she go back to her abusive husband? She essentially already fall in love/albeit obssesed with Junpei who is a softy compare to her husband.
    For me I think that human emotion is so unpredictable and complicated, that when in relationship it is the most scary thing to have/steal/stolen in the relationship formulation?
    It sounds really roundabout, I don't know how to properly explain ^^;

    I got your point of view: cheating is similar to like the law of stealing, you know you should not do it, therefore if you consciously take this action, you need to be judge by trial and accept proper punishment.
    By the way these were ages ago, interviews conducted by Asianboss on youtube they were talking about cheating its intereseting and its from Japan so kinda related to the society that set on this manga. Have fun and take care~ (⌒▽⌒)

    Sara July 21, 2020 1:40 pm

    For me it is considered cheating when you start thinking about someone other than the one you are in a your feelings have already started to change...or maybe I am too much I don't know I am too scared to be in a relationship so maybe its because of that but I can't trust someone who won't be with me forever...this manga just scares me more like there's no guarantee that the man you love and marry won't cheat on you after marriage

    The_Devils_Advocate July 21, 2020 4:23 pm
    For me it is considered cheating when you start thinking about someone other than the one you are in a your feelings have already started to change...or maybe I am too much I don't know I am... Sara

    Unfortunately, there will never be a guarantee for that. the best you can do is to try to understand the person character very good, before taking the next step. It is not always possible I know, but what else can we do? The other thing is communication. Communication is the key, because when a couple speaks their mind out (with proper manner and all), the other can understand what is going on in your mind, and try to fix the things that aren't working anymore, which is causing problems in a relationship. Usually when someone starts thinking about someone else, it might be a sigh that something in the relationship isn't working anymore. If the person you are with, isn't a scum by nature I mean. Like I already wrote above, people can't do anything about feelings. Feelings aren't always permanent. Sometimes when you are an adult, many factors like stress at work or with the children, can make you go in to a crisis. Like the midlife crisis. Here too is the communication the key. Maybe a vacation or a little change in life, can help with the stress and all. The live of the adults is really hard, full of stress and burdens, which can make you go "crazy". As a married adult, this are the only advices I can give you. ╥﹏╥

    The_Devils_Advocate July 21, 2020 4:59 pm
    Yes that is exactly the problem when you said feelinghsm should comes naturally, its just makes you lose the battle without the fight. When they are cheating because of action lets say they did it because they ... Frenzy

    That is not true. You can still fight and win the battle. As an adult you have much stress and huge burdens to carry. Those thing contributes to wanting a change in life, like starting something anew, and these again contribute to new feelings which maybe you don't really feel your own. Communications is the here the key. You need to find the root of the problem, and by taking care of the source, those feelings can disappear. Maybe a wife feels frustrate because the husband is working too much, and spend less time with her. This will help devolving feeling towards other, which aren't really her feelings but much more of a projection of her desire WITH her husband, towards someone else. Living this apart, if you think that thinking about someone else is cheating, than everyone on this planet is a damn cheater. You too. Maybe not now, but sooner or later it will happen to you too, when maybe you get in a fight with your partner. The very definition of cheat is to do behave in a manner to archive your goals in a non ethical and moral way. If you start having some kind of feelings (not necessary love, but like or admiration too), you aren't behaving in a "against the law" way to reach your goals. Not as long you ignore those feelings. In a relationship aka marriage, is cheating when one or both have sex with a different person. Outside the court, is kissing also cheating. Everything intimate you can/should/do with a partner, when done with someone else is cheating. Otherwise would watching porn and reading hentai/yaoi manga also mean to cheat. Again, there is no one in this world who didn't think about someone else in their life. Something like a perfect relationship or partner doesn't exist. I do know the Japanese society very well, but a video of personal opinions won't help change reality and facts.

    The_Devils_Advocate July 21, 2020 5:00 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Atrisa777

    Nope. That might be the start what leads you to the actual act. But "thinking" is just thinking. Otherwise everyone would be accused of the worst things possible because of a mere "thinking" and not behaving.

    Frenzy July 21, 2020 5:43 pm

    I never said: thinking about someone else is cheating. I think you mistook it with someone else's reply.

    I said: as soon your partner starts to have feelings "fall in love/like-love" (on which you state that feelings come naturally) on someone else, that is considered cheating to me in my personal opinion.
    That is the biggest betrayal/cheating your other partner done to you. Not by action cheating sex, kissing, etc. For me, if my partner falls in love/like-love with someone else bigger than their feelings toward me is more hurtful than their cheating actions. Its similar to how words cut larger than action? Was that how the saying goes? I hope that makes sense.

    And you are absolutely correct with your approach of the solution, that is why I said that cheating because they are attracted to others due to their body image, sex methods, kissing, etc are still possible to win back with eye to eye talk.

    1) living this apart, if you think that thinking about someone else is cheating, then everyone on this planet is a damn cheater
    Ans: never said this, but I could understand my words can be depicted like that, in other words, you are talking about if your partner has an idol that they like it can be considered as cheating? no, that's not what I meant.

    2) Cheating as archive your goals in a non-ethical and moral way. If you start having some kind of feelings (not necessary love, but like or admiration too), you aren't behaving in a "against the law" way to reach your goals.
    Ans: here is the problem: what is non-ethical and moral in a relationship? I think that depends on each individual definition of what is right and what is wrong in a relationship. For you, that means physical affection (anything above kiss) is wrong to you which means it is against your own sense of law in a relationship. (your next paragraph clearly stated this and I understand your point of view)
    For me, cheating is when my partner fall in love/like-love willing to abandon me for someone else, I don't mind admiration, we can still like/have feelings/admire celebrity.

    3) Something like a perfect relationship or partner doesn't exist: true, that is why I still prefer to just stay single: marriage and having a partner is overrated anyway and to me its just how human do it because they want evolution (having their gene to their kids, survive natural selection from parents and society, etc)

    4) A video of personal opinions won't help change reality and facts.: it won't but it makes you think and understand their point of view, I guess to just how different people perceive reality and facts?

    Sara July 21, 2020 8:10 pm
    Unfortunately, there will never be a guarantee for that. the best you can do is to try to understand the person character very good, before taking the next step. It is not always possible I know, but what else ... The_Devils_Advocate

    Thanks so much...its still scary that the person you love might go away with someone else but your response kinda made me view it a positive sometimes it might be understandable

    The_Devils_Advocate July 21, 2020 11:17 pm
    Thanks so much...its still scary that the person you love might go away with someone else but your response kinda made me view it a positive sometimes it might be understandable Sara

    I am glad I could help a bit. I have my full share of bad experiences too, and I think that even if there are no such feeling anymore, as long as two talk to each other, without cheating or doing other horrible stuff, than both can move on, and later thinking about it as happy moment.

    Sara July 22, 2020 2:00 am
    I am glad I could help a bit. I have my full share of bad experiences too, and I think that even if there are no such feeling anymore, as long as two talk to each other, without cheating or doing other horrible... The_Devils_Advocate

    Yeah you're right...Thanks again

The_Devils_Advocate June 14, 2020 8:25 am

... made me feel really uncomfortable. For many reasons.

The_Devils_Advocate June 9, 2020 9:35 am

... things are becoming even worse. Just punch him in the guts man.
Time he learns how to speak and respect people.

    You're a dumbass August 28, 2020 5:18 pm

    Are you the type that likes to read yaoi and then complain about it hours on end? Especially when you know it's something that makes you uncomfortable? Wow you're such a dumbass :)

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