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Chocolate cookies May 26, 2024 11:29 am

I’m at chp 29 rn and am I the only one super annoyed of how the system is threatening her life to do the most basic things as getting close to her brother? Like it’s really not that serious and it’s so unnecessary. I feel like even if there’s a system and quests and stuff, the penalty doesn’t have to be death

    Layla May 27, 2024 4:43 pm

    Omg! U hit the nail right on! My irritation with the system, like at this point idk why the system even exists. She would’ve done fabulously all on her in this manga

    dandelion May 29, 2024 10:55 pm

    I under the frustration of both of you but I think the system had to rush her to do it or there was a 90% chance she would've misunderstood the elder brother as actually thinking of her as his family
    Or give up on the younger brother

    dandelion May 29, 2024 10:56 pm

    I under the frustration of both of you but I think the system had to rush her to do it or there was a 90% chance she would've misunderstood the elder brother as actually thinking of her as his family
    Or give up on the younger brother of how bratty has

    She is an adult in mind she knows how to take decisions that are easier if not forced

    Chocolate cookies May 30, 2024 5:19 am
    I under the frustration of both of you but I think the system had to rush her to do it or there was a 90% chance she would've misunderstood the elder brother as actually thinking of her as his family Or give up... dandelion

    I get what you’re saying but I’m not saying that the quest itself was wrong, I’m saying that the penalty for it was unnecessary severe. Like, the penalty would have been a minor inconvenience like making her do baby talk (which I think she hates) or something like that, it didn’t need to just be a whole death threat . Plus I think she likes the quests so she would have done it eventually tbh.

    It’s just sooo unfair that she lived an unhappy first life and now she has a second chance, she can’t even live freely.

    dandelion May 30, 2024 8:28 am
    I get what you’re saying but I’m not saying that the quest itself was wrong, I’m saying that the penalty for it was unnecessary severe. Like, the penalty would have been a minor inconvenience like making ... Chocolate cookies

    There is so true but isn't the system made from that devilish angle which means he probably didn't even mean it right or is it copium

Chocolate cookies May 15, 2024 2:40 pm

Am I the only one who finds it weird when children characters call adult men “master” in anime, manga, manhwa….etc? Cause if I was the main character and I found out that bruneheart is a little girl, I’d immediately tell her to start call me by my name

    Zaya May 19, 2024 9:22 pm

    It comes from strict hierarchy in the author's countries. At least this is what i think. We are just raised differently, but for them the hierarchy (for example - at work) is really fucken important.

Chocolate cookies April 17, 2024 1:22 pm

I was trying to remember who the ml reminded me of but the moment he wore the gloves it clocked! He reminds of Myung-Dae KIM from BJ Alex! Like idk how to explain it but he especially looks like him in that panel ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Kestrel April 24, 2024 3:19 pm

    No no I can definitely see it

    smil3ybuniie April 27, 2024 5:50 am

    His kind downturned eyes and his smile is what resembles Myung-Dae the mosy honestly
    I just love fictional men with those festures

    Chocolate cookies April 27, 2024 3:42 pm
    His kind downturned eyes and his smile is what resembles Myung-Dae the mosy honestlyI just love fictional men with those festures smil3ybuniie

    Me too They’re just too fine! Downturned eyes supremacy!!

Chocolate cookies April 5, 2024 3:59 pm

Not them basically having domain expansion as a power in the game world I guess someone is a jjk fan! Also how does a knight fight in a micro mini gown? The costume for female characters in shonen are making less and less sense fr

Chocolate cookies April 4, 2024 11:21 am

Now THIS!! This is well executed romance in shonen (≧∀≦) and the fact that she’s brown skinned is so precious!!! He wants a world where she and her people (and the other races) won’t be slaves anymore and he’s doing it mostly for her!!! Kinda hope this time he creates a place where he doesn’t rule over them but instead they get a say on how they want to rule themselves cause that will be fire!!!!

I’d also say although I like the way the dark themes in the story are portrayed especially with elves but I’d like if the artist drew them less sexualized (I get that they ARE supposed to be really pretty though) just to be more respectful towards their situation cause even in real life, women and little girls are human trafficked and put through the same thing.
Idk it’s just my thoughts about that but I can’t wait to see more of the story and stuff ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Chocolate cookies April 2, 2024 1:23 pm

I feel like the sex was so unnecessary in this particular situation, I just had to skip past it to the next chapter cause like the seme would have tried to calm the uke down and have a proper convo if he truly loved him.

    Chocolate cookies April 2, 2024 1:23 pm

    The uke was going through so many emotions at once and wasn’t even in his right mind when he made the proposal so the seme would have been the one to be rational so their relationship can progress well but the author said ‘nah this BL, sex fixes it all’

Chocolate cookies April 1, 2024 12:38 pm

Firstly, idk why the artist keeps changing the facial features of the female characters every panel. It’s like they forget how they looked like before. Also, their faces look like a completely different art style too

Secondly, Reyna‘s sudden romantic interest in the MC feels so forced, and don’t get me started with the kiss while he was drunk. Like noo bbg! ╥﹏╥

I love when there is romance in action but male authors are just so horrible at incorporating it into the story right. It always seems more like an unhealthy obsession to me. It’s like they themselves want every woman to fall madly in love with them without knowing shit about them which is so unrealistic.

Anyways, I really love the plot and the direction of the story but shonens really need to change their approach with the way they make their female characters. I’m talking of both their bodies and the characters themselves cause honestly, girls have different body shapes but only one type is ever portrayed (and sexualized) unlike that of men.

That’s it for my lil yap section, I want to hear others opinions so feel free to reply ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    nekok April 18, 2024 12:05 am

    I agree with you!

Chocolate cookies March 28, 2024 12:42 pm

I miss the old art

Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 12:10 pm

I feel like the romantic tension in this story takes way from the plot, instead of enjoying the story itself, the creator has the readers hoping that they are not a pedo self-inserting to the MC. It’s just so frustrating!!!!

Like what happened to stories with normal romance in Manhwa and Manga? Why are they trying so hard to normalize an adult and a child in a relationship and using the plot to justify it in some way? Why make her a child if she ends up the romantic partner of an adult? Like what’s the point if it’s not to normalize pedophilia?

Even though it’s fictional or whatever let’s not forget that it’s media coming from a place where sexual crimes against women, minors, and little girls are at its all time high. Let’s be cautious of media we choose to consume cause they DO have real life effects on people (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

P.s. thanks to all the normal people calling out shit like these in the comments ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 12:37 pm

    I just found out that they even have kids together in the future, seriously?

    This is beyond disgusting (︶︿︶)=凸

    wilson March 27, 2024 1:04 pm
    I just found out that they even have kids together in the future, seriously? This is beyond disgusting (︶︿︶)=凸 Chocolate cookies



    Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 1:08 pm

    Another one bites the dust ig, It doesn’t even surprise me anymore with stories like these, I’m just mentally exhausted that people aren’t calling stuff like this out more often

    wilson March 27, 2024 1:46 pm
    Another one bites the dust ig, It doesn’t even surprise me anymore with stories like these, I’m just mentally exhausted that people aren’t calling stuff like this out more often Chocolate cookies

    fr whenever I call out some of these there's always someone somewhere who rebukes it by saying stuff like they "Didn't feel like siblings to begin with" "Their time is in medieval times so the marriageable age is lower"

    But in this case Rurin is 300 years old, yes. But in dragon age that's definitely a baby
    So yeah same here as well haha so instead of trying to write a long azz thesis about it I just write hate comments instead

    Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 2:36 pm
    fr whenever I call out some of these there's always someone somewhere who rebukes it by saying stuff like they "Didn't feel like siblings to begin with" "Their time is in medieval times so the marriageable age... wilson

    Right?? People are just horrible tbh, they’re the reason incel men have the balls to be creating depraved ass shit like these. They know they’ll get support from dumbasses like some people in the comments saying they think it’s ’okay’ and then go ahead to give some stupid reason . They don’t realize that good or normal things don’t need to be justified lol

    non March 27, 2024 6:41 pm
    fr whenever I call out some of these there's always someone somewhere who rebukes it by saying stuff like they "Didn't feel like siblings to begin with" "Their time is in medieval times so the marriageable age... wilson

    Rurin is 799-800 years old. Most dragons only live to 3000-4000 I don’t think anyone will ever settle on the age difference, but there is a reason for the different maturity levels shown (how rurin lived for the entirety of her life). The manhwa doesnt show their relationship as well as the novel, so I understand why the relationship has a different dynamic towards most people here.

    Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 7:03 pm
    Rurin is 799-800 years old. Most dragons only live to 3000-4000 I don’t think anyone will ever settle on the age difference, but there is a reason for the different maturity levels shown (how rurin lived for... non

    I don’t think it has anything to do with the maturity levels depicted and I don’t know if y’all are purposely ignoring it when it’s so obvious but she in the form a CHILD and acts like a CHILD therefore if the creator put her in a romantic relationship with an adult it’s PEDOPHILIA!!! There is not one reason or justification for stuff like these to exist, what are y’all not getting? (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    It doesn’t matter if she’s a dragon, snake or even a cockroach, a child should NEVER be paired with an adult romantically, it’s disgusting ( ̄へ ̄)

    non March 27, 2024 7:48 pm
    I don’t think it has anything to do with the maturity levels depicted and I don’t know if y’all are purposely ignoring it when it’s so obvious but she in the form a CHILD and acts like a CHILD therefore... Chocolate cookies

    I do think maturity levels are a part of the reason people are iffed by the story. A person can be a full adult and still act immature if they’re completely ignorant of everything. But because this adaptation has built her character this way, the readers views are fixated on a certain idea. Her form is only in the manhwa, some readers see her as a kid and some don’t. If every character in the story sees them as a married couple, then it’s just the artstyle and/or character design itself.

    No she’s not a child, but yes, she is young for a dragon. Just because shes young for a dragon, a species that can live 5000 years (if they’re lucky), it does not make her a child in human years. Humans and dragons growth are completely different because of the genre.

    I get why the pedo claims might be made, and i think its just an agree-disagree thing because neither parties will ever change. Its either you see her as a kid, or you don’t. Pedophilia is a heavy term and it shouldn’t be thrown around lightly, which is why im typing this.

    Yes, a child and adult should never be paired together. I think thats a statement everyone should agree on. I get disgusted when stories involve that pairing, I just think this situation is more dependent on the viewpoint of the reader.

    Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 8:49 pm
    I do think maturity levels are a part of the reason people are iffed by the story. A person can be a full adult and still act immature if they’re completely ignorant of everything. But because this adaptati... non

    Let’s not forget that every panel in manga, manhwa etc is intentional. It’s a lot of work drawing and writing stories like these so what we see is what the creators want us to see. There is no deeper meaning for readers to try and figure out. It’s not even that serious or groundbreaking to try and find deeper meaning for. It’s not the readers jobs.

    Well it’s whatever honestly, my point still stands that she is depicted as a child and acts like a child and making her pair with an adult is in fact pedo behavior, it’s not a word that should be thrown around but it’s THE word to describe a literal child whether dragon or not in a relationship with an adult human. Also, the creator would never allow the manhwa to put her in the form a child if that wasn’t their intent.

    Also let’s not try to blur the lines, it’s morally questionable to see a child ‘dragon’ grow into adulthood and then when she becomes an ‘adult’ in dragon years or whatever, you marry and impregnate her, like what? You basically raised her!!

    Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 8:53 pm
    I do think maturity levels are a part of the reason people are iffed by the story. A person can be a full adult and still act immature if they’re completely ignorant of everything. But because this adaptati... non

    Lastly, cause I’m over it, I just can’t personally stand for stuff like these that just make you question yourself when reading and some people in the comments trying to justify or give reasons to why it’s not wrong and blah blah blah. If the creator made her an adult in the first place, no one would question their intent or say they’re a pedo. We would all read this and smile and be happy, but they just had to go the hard route huh?┗( T﹏T )┛

    They made their bed, so it’s not my job to try to justify their behavior, I’ll question what I see.

    wilson March 28, 2024 3:59 am

    I was wrong. It's not a thesis but a whole debate

    Told ya there's someone somewhere who always replies with a rebuttal, choco

    I don't really like this loli baba cliche tbh makes them p word have more wiggle room to justify stuff. Makes me give the author/creators a Corporate brow too. (I'm not calling anyone a p word here ok? )

    As for me I see child and they act like a child... it's a child
    Rurin literally acts like a 14 year old in my eyes
    Ok end of my trespassing.
    Happy debate both of y'all~ if you're still gonna keep going ofc
    Gonna go leave a flurry of hate comments on some other manga without proper tags or poorly written charactersssss

    Chocolate cookies March 28, 2024 5:41 am
    I was wrong. It's not a thesis but a whole debate Told ya there's someone somewhere who always replies with a rebuttal, choco I don't really like this loli baba cliche tbh makes them p word have more wiggle ro... wilson

    Thanks so reminding me that some people won’t just accept what they see clearly in front of them. It just annoyed me that it’s so obvious but they try to still justify it . I literally also had 14 years old as an age for her so it’s so funny that some people would really made themselves believe she looks or act like an adult, like have you been around early teen before? (you probably shouldn’t though

    Chocolate cookies March 28, 2024 5:43 am
    Thanks so reminding me that some people won’t just accept what they see clearly in front of them. It just annoyed me that it’s so obvious but they try to still justify it . I literally also had 14 years old... Chocolate cookies

    Anyways, I’ve already dropped it and anyone that’s not sick in the head would do the same. Toodles ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Chocolate cookies March 25, 2024 10:14 am

This was so good!!! It’s totally a hidden gem since I’ve heard nothing about it even though I’ve been reading BL for about 5 years now ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

I was so scared at first that the female characters will only be used for sexual gratification by the creator but I’m glad some of them where given a vital or important roles in the story outside sex.

Totally 5 stars ヾ(☆▽☆)

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