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SilverDragon like the answer
I noticed that it’s on mrm, i already know this is gonna be a fucked up trip, Im not reading thatm but whoever does, i hope you have bleach, and the ones who read it and are prolly traumatized now, have some dogs
SilverDragon like the answer
】Who wakes up one day and be like "Oh! Since nobody has ever done this before, let's make a manga of a god who rapes two children and get them pregnant and make one give birth LITERALLY OUT OF HIS FUCKING DICK!"
SilverDragon like the answer
SilverDragon like the answer
I know this shit bait but its still kinda crazy that they came up with this shit and typed it out without maybe thinking "Hey, maybe i shouldnt"
SilverDragon like the answer
SilverDragon like the answer
God. That little bitch can't hide from me in the skies forever.
SilverDragon followed question about question

I have 600+ BLs read, but there are still popular BLs there that I haven't read yet. Tell me what to skip cuz it was boring, not worth it or a waste.

19 03,2024
SilverDragon followed question about confused bout my crush

Let's think of the life-long question that men and women everywhere ask. Which is better? Ass or Tits? The debate of the Ass vs Tits has been around for as long as many can remember. While many prefer tits, the majority prefer ass. A few opinions people have are: sum1rand0m on reddit says,, "Ass! Because you can grab and slap ass in ways you ca......

31 01,2024
SilverDragon like the experience about applying edging to your life
Ok so here me out. I assume most you guys already know what edging is but if you don't, it's basically when you're about to bust but you stop before you do and wait abit and then repeat the process til you have the ultragasm or whatever. I know this sounds like a very perverted post but i have a good point to make. If you think about it, edging is......
SilverDragon like the answer
I hate all influencers like get a real job with your bitchass, and why they always complaining talkmbout sum is hard to be an influencer OKAY THEN QUIT NGGA THE FUCK DON'T PMO
SilverDragon followed question about question

Ngl ain’t even a question I just wanna say I scroll thru each lil discussion and steal the memes

12 12,2023
SilverDragon like the answer
Nothing surpassed tiny Razor yet, my son it's too cute
SilverDragon like the experience about still a virgin
Pinterest boutta be the death of me frfr
SilverDragon followed question about have delusional thoughts

Weirdo crap like Love Stage, Junjou Romantica, Super lovers, Semantic error, and Hitorijime my hero getting flowers and whole ass animes with extra seasons while good manga with good plot, no P3dos or SA/harassment always gets pushed off to the side. With the exception of Given, No. 6, Banana Fish, and Sasaki to Miyano ofc, but we need to try and g......

13 11,2023
SilverDragon followed question about using mangago

What are your weirdest Manga screenshots you have in your camera roll? I’m curious because I have a lot lol

02 10,2023
SilverDragon like the answer