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Sofia created a topic of Shutline

It this author a fairy?How can every of her work be absolutely mesmerizing?The story?Always gripping while being simple,the pacing is always right,I don't feel like it's rushing even if she has only 4 chapters to string along an entire storyline.Her characters are always so endearing and relatable.You can feel such depth in their characters,in their struggles and insecurities,they feel human and not 2 dimensional.The love is always so cute I just wanna wrap myself in a blanket and squeal.And the just so pretty.And I'm honestly so weak fro pretty things,Seo-an,I totally get you in short,in a comment not so short,I just wanted to vent about how much I LOVE everything that comes out of this woman's hands.Or maybe it's a man..but I honestly feel like it's a woman cause the men in her stories are too perfect to be real

Sofia created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

LMAOOOO There's actually people complaining for the fact that the author decided to add a little backstory to her characters?Like,what do you want,void people with no explanation whatsoever to how they became that way?If you're in it just for the sex go watch a porn.There's a lot of yaoi out there with sex and little to no plot,go read that.Cant believe people are unsatisfied cause a gangster themed story actually has a plot.Proof that you can never satisfy everyone, someone's always gotta complain

Sofia created a topic of Our Sunny Days

OH MY GOSH I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS AUTHOR STORIES!The love stories are always so fluffy, it's a delight reading them

Sofia created a topic of Weak Hero
Sofia created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Oh my god, I'm so mad.WHY AM I SO MAD.Those freaking relatives of his.I pretend to see a revenge arc

Sofia created a topic of Rix Vanus

I love this story but why is it dragging so much...