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GreenTea created a topic of Kidnapped Bride

Wrong comic. That is in fact a different webtoon about a "kidnapped" princess having a child with a dragon prince. I can understand the confusion tho

the servants were really like "omg, we get to serve a pretty princess and not your boring, bum ass anymore? WOOHOO!!!!"

Also looks like the cake triggered some trauma, hopefully it turns out alright

GreenTea created a topic of Backlight

What is going on

GreenTea created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I need a spiritual shaman to read me like this. I'd fucking thrive

GreenTea created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

No hate to the new artist and I hope the previous artist is okay but.... WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE Its so hard to adjust

I hope those 2 higher a family styler/dresser cause if not, they're fucked lol

I think that guy is the one on the cover? Probably gonna be her gaurd I assume

It's just not exciting to read right now

AND I'M HERE FOR IT !!!! usually manhwa's start getting a bit stale and feel like they're dragging. Not this one. This is WRITING.
We are a couple of slaps away from this becoming a telenovela

I think its to purposely antagonize the Duke to go mad looking for her? Like if people see how determined he is to find her, they won't question their relationship anymore ig

I think it would be really fun if we all just acted like this a BL from now on and then just pretend to be shocked when the truth is revealed lmao
Like "OMG, A WOMEN?????? NOO MY BL"

GreenTea created a topic of Yours to Claim

This is one of the worst experiences ever

GreenTea created a topic of His Royal Appetite

Blonde needs to get over herself

Remember his dead twin brother? From my memory (cause i don't wanna look back at chapters lol), there was an attack on his family that led to the twin dying. When they found out which family was behind ut, in rage the young duke burned down the mansion of the family responsible.

There was only one survivor, i think the blonde heir, and he's been plotting his revenge since then, targeting Theo and generally the duke's happiness.

The planned this engagement party as a trap to bring out the perpetrator. A big display of "happiness" will surely bring out an attack to ruin that

GreenTea created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Hate to say this and i hope i don't sound ridiculous but i don't know who this man is.
He could be walking down the street and I wouldn't know a thing.
Sorry to this man


This story is slowly becoming dissapointing with how these men are written. Literally wolf knight is our only hope of anything

There really isn't a single redemptional person in the royal family

GreenTea created a topic of Secretary to Stage

First, how tf did he go from being weirded out at the thought of them having sex to eating him out on their first night???????? Like he's craving it?????????
Second, who approved of this dick?????? ITS ALMOST THE LENGTH OF UKE'S CHEST??? IT SHOULD ACTUALLY KILL HIM??????
This is so insane to me