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GreenTea created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I agree its long and I get missing Ian, but the flashbacks are actually very well written. Despite it being kinda politics heavy, its pretty easy to understand if you read it lol. And its not like we're dealing with completely different characters, just different versions of them at a different time.

A lot of this flashback answers the questions Ian had been living with his whole life. We he has powers, why the priests treated him differently, why there's a divide between the lands. The author put a lot of thought into this lore and it wouldn't have the same impact in a few chapters or lore dump

Even good stories have a few flaws. And here it is, the amnesia plot
I love our collective disappointment with this hopefully this doesn't drag

GreenTea created a topic of Yours to Claim

Feels like one of the most underserved relationship developments I've ever seen
Like it may have been years for them but its only been weeks for us

GreenTea created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Finally I can read. Sure I missed out on some lore but I hate "raising your mate" tropes so I rather not see it


This lost the plot so quickly bro now its just barely consensual fucking

Actually actively ruining the story. It would be such a good slow burn without these stupid misunderstandings like what are you getting worked up about??? A photo???

I've never wanted to drink coffee so badly before

GreenTea created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Guys you don't get it.
OBVIOUSLY he wants seyoung to be nice and comfy for when he cries himself to sleep after the betrayal

GreenTea created a topic of Our Masquerade of Love

Can boobs grow that big when you're malnourished?

GreenTea add manga to list Erm yeah

[Batoto Scans] "Holy Gentleman" Director Ujihara-san is the boss while "Pure Virgin" Fuyutsuki-san i...

  • Author: Monaka toyama,Kazuichi
  • Genres: Josei / Smut
GreenTea created a topic of Yours to Claim

I feel like we all deserve financial compensation for reading this. The artist should personally pay for our collective therapy.
At this point I'm simply reading to see it end

GreenTea created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Honestly can't be mad like all he did to make him mad was just hang out with woojin. Still not good to like, play into your bf's jealousy, but he did worse in the main story so I can't be bothered with this. If anything I hope they just learn to trust each other more.
But yeah I need side story/second story with woojin STAT

GreenTea add manga to list Erm yeah


  • Author: Miyahama ryou
  • Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Smut
GreenTea created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Yeah yeah you she made a big mistake
Yeah yeah they don't have to forgive her
But **I** would love to see them reconcile, especially since I know Habibi and Haru still care for each other and would want to be family again

GreenTea created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo



GreenTea created a topic of Yours to Claim

Yawhi, kindly, KYS
But honestly, before the last like 20 or so chapters I would have still thought Yawhi was endgame, not cause I wanted it but thats how trashy BL usually ends.

With Jooin leaving them BOTH I thought maybe the author actually wanted to be sensible??? End it realistically??? Grow a brain???? BUT OBVIOUSLY THAT WAS A JABAIT FUCK THIS AUTHOR

What the FUCK you mean the Jooin fucking kisses his abuser after seeing him for the first time IN YEARS NO BUILD UP HOLY SHIT NOBODY HERE IS FUCKING REAL

and omg Yawhi's inner monologue made ME wanna die like oh BROTHER this guy FUCKING STINKS. After this I need a restraining order against the creater, I don't ever want to be wothinf 10 meters of them and any manhwa they ever make again

GreenTea created a topic of Under the Green Light

So you're saying if i accidentally down a shit ton of alcohol and then slapped that shit out of you, I shouldn't be criticized or at fault cause I was drunk?
Thats how dumb you sound!!!!
Yeah he's drugged and not in his mind. STILL he should be HELD. ACCOUNTABLE. Being drugged does not excuse the fact that he's commiting rape whether he knows it or meant to!!!!!!!!

GreenTea created a topic of Reunion

HEY if you're gonna talk about raws at LEAST put a spoiler tag ffs