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Lordeo created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

But I'm kind of tired of sex scenes....I hope author does a skip for it. We don't need see more for the story to progress.


The premise was great. A touch of horror/fantasy was interesting...but then it got unbelievably messy.

Contrary to how this has been received by some, it's pretty good compared some of the villainous stuff being pumped out right now.

It's enough to make me shed tears. I want her to raze the world with her sword. The curse of being the "nice girl".....she's got so much love.
The sister and ex guy are absolutely insufferable.I would have ditched the family the moment they told me to sacrifice myself. You guys are on your own!

This was so fast, the aftershock was extremely late

Lordeo created a topic of Dead man Switch

For the first time ever, I want to know more about the plot than the light sabers. The snu snu is kind of odd in this story, but I suppose it's a means to show how unhinged Youngwon is.

Lordeo created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

Bullying your siblings when you're that old ain't cool sis. I get that he's timid after all those years of abuse, but he could totally club her.

Lordeo created a topic of The Prince of Myolyeong

Sweaty eyeballs

Lordeo created a topic of Profundis

What was that card? Did I miss something?
How did they figure he was leaving so fast when he only had the flashbacks in the shower. help a sister out

Lordeo created a topic of Silent Lover

For the MC, I hope he actually dies instead or disappears forever from the ML. Mc goes through so much suffering, that while reading I felt like he could have died at any moment because of his feeblness. It was injury after injury.

Lordeo created a topic of Men of The Harem

I wondered why I stopped reading this, so I took a look at some chapters. I felt so sad for the harem. She's literally stringing them along without sincerity. After 134 chapters you'd think she'd learn a thing or two. This story is just ok. The drawings are superb tho.

Ngl, it's been such a long time since I got butterflies reading a romance Manhwa. I freakin' squealed! Yassssss ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Lordeo created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Not a fan of the blondie's crazy, but his mother's killer being kept secret makes me feel for him. I can see why he goes bat shit

Lordeo created a topic of Savage Forest

Why the low rating? The story isn't bad even if it's generic. And remember, it's fantasy. Logic is inapplicable in a world created by someone else.


I really like this story. However the pacing is horrible. Nothing is really getting done, and it feels dragged. My frustration is through the roof. She's such a capable girl; having experienced the modern century. She could ditch all these bastards.

The premise was great, but then her damsel in distress syndrome got in the way. Her skill in swordsmanship is only available sometimes. And the way she blatantly hangs out with other men in front of her fiance pisses me off so much. He deserves better and her justified messy character is trash. It's giving green tea vibes, like if a vilainess novel was made and she was the OG goody mc, in THAT story she'd be the one going up against the villain.

Lordeo created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

When I was young I knew a dude like Petro. Never knew why I didn't like him, but this manhwa put my feelings into words.

We all know when we click these, it's gonna be toxic af.
I'm here for the cliche, gimme gimme.