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Kay June 9, 2020 10:54 am

Geez, I’m honestly getting sick & tired of seeing this. This is why theres so much highly rated fluff & sex, yet if it has any uncomfortable trauma it like loses 2 stars. Which makes it really hard for someone looking for a good story instead of a popular story, as they mostly get fluff or sex. Sexy & happy are not the only kinds of stories that can be good.
It says: How do you RATE this manga” NOT “How much did you personally enjoy this Manga”. Rating it low & bad mouthing it because you didnt like the genres, either means that your too stupid to judge what you yourself might like or dislike OR your punishing the writer for a mistake of the uploader or person that wrote the summary - its not really fair to give the author a low rating for something they don't control. If you are one of these people - you should probably steer clear of the following: Yaoi, Yuri, Seinen, Josei, Smut, Adult & Mature, as they'll only upset you.
So, in case your wondering why I care - I have autism - & I think its unjust & wrong to let your emotions cloud your reasoning to the detriment of another. AND I’m a person who has been through a lot of ‘uncomfortable trauma’ myself & it makes me feel better to read about how my experiences are shared by others.
Oh, & before I’m stuck with another smart ass saying how the characters aren’t real people, with some of them, the stuff written of their thoughts & feelings are sometimes so accurate that they had to be written by someone who’ve experienced it or done a hell of a lot of research on people who had. I’ve even read the inner monologue of one character to my mum, so she can better understand how I have felt (I’m not great at voicing/understanding my own feelings cos of the autism)
Oops - I kinda ranted on a long time, sorry about that. Well, at least I feel better now it’s out.

Kay May 28, 2020 4:26 am

Firstly, so you know why I'm asking, I have autism (so I have trouble understanding behaviour which I see as illogical), I also have dyslexia ([common in autism] so it takes effort for me do it right) & I’m disabled & in pain all the time (so I can’t be bothered a lot). So I do get it when someone makes mistakes in posts.
Now, what is with the bogus punctuation people are using in the summaries, like “?!” & “...”. I mean their use is even described by their names: QUESTION mark, EXCLAMATION point. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, the only reason might be that we read manga where these are used often (to enhance the readers experience), so maybe people think it will enhance their summary if they use them at the end of every sentence.
Is there anyone who does this? Is that the reason why, or is it something else?

For the first 3 repliers - below can also be considered an example as well, I’ll INCORRECTLY use the punctuation like I’ve seen in so many summaries (most people probably subconsciously ignore it, but I have to fix & edit the summaries for my lists):

I know how to use these punctuations properly (Im not stupid, i just have autism), but when you use one or the other at the end of every sentence - regardless of what the sentence is about - it’s too much... I have been to Uni & I was often asked/payed to proofread a lot of essays!? Im asking why people would spend the extra time to use punctuation that should not be used &... not why people use punctuation in general smart-ass!? (I’m kinda feeling like it was a mistake to say why i was asking, because it seems when people hear/read autism and dyslexia they often assume stupid!?)... You can be very intelligent, even if you have these, it just means you have to work a lot harder to get there.

    Mintix May 28, 2020 4:01 am

    Alright, I guess I'll be your first reply.
    When people use "?!" or "..." it's like giving emotion to an emotionless text. I personally use "?!" for reactions like: major surprise, a lot of confusion with some shock, sometimes to accentuate a "are you serious/kidding me?!" more.
    I don't use them at the end of every sentence like others, so I can't speak for them. But for me, it is to enhance feelings in my comments/texts.
    I hope this made some sort of sense, if it didn't, I apologize.

    LadyLag May 28, 2020 4:04 am

    When using "?!" They are probably trying to convey that, whatever is in the sentence, is impressive and weird for them. For "..." Is usually a resource used to create suspense.
    Regarding the use of "QUESTION mark" instead of "?" Is probably a joke but it would help me if you could indicate me where I can find an example so I can verify my theory and tell you.
    Hope my response is helpful to you.

    Slim Shady May 28, 2020 4:04 am

    I don’t understand what you’re asking. You’re wondering why people use ellipses and the interrobang in writing? The forms of punctuation that have been around since the 15th century?

    Dadu May 28, 2020 4:12 am

    I dont actually know but for me it adds like a feeling to it, for someone who used to make wattpad stories i usually use the "!?" And "..." to add more reading feels and for my readers to know the exact tone and reaction the characters have in the summaray or even in the story,
    Heres an example.

    "In a small town near the open sea, a highschool student named Thea is head over heels in-love with a boy named Maru, however, it is mentioned before that there are also other girls besides her that is chasing after him...
    but not just one..., but Nine of them?! that's not all, these rivals of hers are actually on the list of the boy's Top ten Babe list, listing 10 of the most Appealing Girls in J High!"

    I know, its not my best summary, but the point is, it kinda adds that dramatic suspense effect that sometimes lures readers in, its actually a good use for suspense filled manga/stories, like murder mystery etc etc

    Dadu May 28, 2020 4:40 am

    I was the 4th replier pretty sure you didnt read/see my comment tho anyways, i understand what you mean, its annoying when like in every summary you can see that overuse of punctuations, it adds that dramatic suspence effect whenever you read it but overusing it is wayy too much and it becomes like a soap opera.

    Ive actually overused puntuations before, mostly are the three dots, mainly the reason why i do is to add like a gloomy vibe/ sad vibe

    LadyLag May 28, 2020 5:07 am

    I'm sorry if my response offended you in some way. I couldn't understand that you where asking about the over use of those particular punctuations. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    To respond to your initial question: Guess it's because, unlike you, they haven't had a proper lesson over how to use them. But affirming it categorically would be unfair. Maybe they just wanted to make their summaries more appealing. Who knows...
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    Is it annoying? it is
    Can we do something about it? Not really.

    Misha May 28, 2020 5:58 am

    yes, summaries are very often extremely poorly written for some reason. my best guess would be that they're mostly manga or fanfic readers, and those types of punctuation like ellipses and !? are very common in manga and fanfic so they're just copying that? the only other explanation i can think of is they're not native English speakers so they don't know that that's not normal even though it's common in manga. idk, i've read a lot of summaries that are almost impossible to understand because the grammar and punctuation is so poor so i get what you mean lol

    Kay July 20, 2020 2:19 am
    I dont actually know but for me it adds like a feeling to it, for someone who used to make wattpad stories i usually use the "!?" And "..." to add more reading feels and for my readers to know the exact tone an... Dadu

    So sorry my reply is so late.
    I understand using these types of punctuation to provide feeling in stories. They can be used to great effect to convey a characters feelings (just like using capitols or making words bold.
    But reviews, though about a fictional story, should be written differently (look at the back of a book for a perfect example): IF you use these (though I've never seen a “!?” or “...” in a professionals review), they should be used sparingly AND PROPERLY.

    When it comes to your own stories, the review is like your intro & readers will use it to decide if your work is worth reading. If people are confused by your review, they wont read the story. I find a good rule of thumb is: if you don't understand it, don’t use it.

    I’m not meaning any of this in offence or in a bitchy way (more of a neutral way), I’m just trying to write in as succinct a way as possible and, due to autism, I'm not great at sparing feelings: I’m told that because i usually write with only logic & without feeling, I can sometimes expect others to read what i write in the same way. Sorry if i did this with you. ٩(ŏ﹏ŏ、)۶

    Also, I’m happy to tell you how that review could be improved, if you want me to. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Again, I’m not wanting to put it down - at least yours isn't near as confusing as some of the others, because at least I get what your story is about - but I cant help but see where it could be better (must by all that experience with fixing bad essays).

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