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the September 29, 2016 5:50 am

Uurg, I feel kinda panicked now....

Have any of you guys graduate?
I just graduated and not boasting here, my university is one of 5 biggest university in my country.
I feel really panickwd and ashamed, like what have I done.
Okay I was really depressed back then at uni, my gpa is only 2.86, I have really little friend.
But I think my portfolio is great??? I made architectural design, illustrations, book and t-shirt design, even I made movie, animation and movie editing. Gosh like what I should do now, I really try my best to cover for those depression time but deep deep deep inside, I feel afraid that what if even I tried my best that nothing is going to change. Goshhh, any calming word pleasee ╥﹏╥

    Anonymous September 29, 2016 6:06 am

    i would really suggest seeing a counsellor or a psychologist. together you could work out ways to help you get employed and also you could deal with your deeper issues.

    naau September 29, 2016 6:18 am

    Uuh, sorry i'm not great at comforting anyone but, my sister is just like that, she graduated in january and she didn't get a job imediately, she still looking for the job but the point is she still do anyhink she like so she didn't get depressed, in the end after months she got the job recomended by her friend wiht the same hobby. So i sugest you take it easy. Still you search for job but also you expand your circle of friend is think i learned from her. Or some of her friend make their own job/busines. Personaly i always admire architecture. I know it's not realy help but i can't help to coment. GAMBATE ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Hanne September 29, 2016 6:32 am

    Relax, it takes time to find a good job, try any lower level entry type jobs while you search for something better.

    Anonymous September 29, 2016 6:33 am

    Don't stress to much about it, sometimes it takes a while to get a job it has nothing to do with you. It took me 4 months to find a job after graduation with a gpa of 3.6. I know that it can be nerve racking searching for jobs but you just have to hang in there a job will come. Persistence is key

    Akari September 29, 2016 6:40 am

    I graduated four months ago, and just accepted a job yesterday. The two jobs I wanted most had the longest interview processes. I felt anxious, frustrated and depressed all the way up until I got the offer. The waiting is rough, but don't give up! Keep applying, and take time to do things you enjoy so that you're not always feeling the anxiety/pressure.

    the September 29, 2016 8:37 am

    Thankss guys, I know I shouldn't relieved, but I do feel so because reading other also has it hard to get a job make me less panicked... #sigh. I still feel bad though, I really hate it that every time I open my email, I see no new email..... i think I should do more than only looking for a job, perhaps I should try and MAKE ONE... I mean design is needed anywhere. Any way, I still got things to worry about but thank you, really, I'll feel like a failure if I ever have to talk about this to ppl in real life... it's much much easier to talk here and when I say thank you, I really appreciate it. Thanks guys!!

    the September 29, 2016 8:39 am
    Uuh, sorry i'm not great at comforting anyone but, my sister is just like that, she graduated in january and she didn't get a job imediately, she still looking for the job but the point is she still do anyhink ... naau

    Thaank you, I really appreciate it. Hey I'd like to ask, has yiur sister enroll for a short course or something? I'm thinking to join one in singapore, but I kinda hesitate : will the money worth the experience? I think short course is kinda similar with 'gaining experience' but yea I still hesitate. ...

    naau September 29, 2016 10:04 am
    Thaank you, I really appreciate it. Hey I'd like to ask, has yiur sister enroll for a short course or something? I'm thinking to join one in singapore, but I kinda hesitate : will the money worth the experience... the

    (=・ω・=)No, she didn't. Sorry not helping you. But hey, i think you should take it anyway. Experience is irreplaceable thing. Only my oppinion tho

the September 11, 2016 6:21 am

Can you give me any yaoi with the seme cum really fas thankyou!

the August 30, 2016 5:21 am

can you recommend me some yaoi with good story with 'old drawing style'? you know, where the hand is so big, the lips is so wide, the shoulder is so long you can build a bridge in it. it's usually really old yaoi, something like kiss blue. thank you in advance!

the August 19, 2016 6:36 am

Can you rell me a yaoi/shounen ai with twisted relationship? Maybe a lover who cheat on each other or a lover that keep his lover a hostage, constant physical/mental abuse, stuff like that? Thank you in advance! =D

    Well... August 19, 2016 6:47 am

    Nii-chan (Harada) is one that is kind of twisted. and just plain

    Ichigo August 19, 2016 7:31 am

    Ogawa Chise's mangas almost always deals with some kind of abuse. Ouji no Hakoniwa specifically deals with the uke being imprisoned by the seme. Harada is also another mang artist that does weird taboo stuff.

the July 13, 2016 4:32 am

Can you recommend me a non-typical shojo? I think those with handsome guys that is so smart that they can remember what they see falling in love with ordinary girl is typical... i like the one like last game, heroine shikaku, i give my first love to you, hana ni arashi, devil with flower and that recent shojo kuzumi-kun. Thank you for the response!

the July 9, 2016 2:41 am

Can you recommend me any yaoi with sadist moment without toys? I like soft abuse like showing dominance by making their partner kneel or a foot pushing his lover body or a little strangulation or a little punch. Lol idk if I explain it clearly but thank you so much in advance!

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