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♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫'s experience ( All 0 )

♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫'s answer ( All 1 )

You can try reload the page. You are using phone, right? If you can't see the reload button, you can keep scrolling upwards until you reach the top of the page , drag your finger down the screen until you see the refresh symbol, then just release the finger. Your page will be refreshed. I don't have any idea how else I can help you, ^^   1 reply
09 04,2020

♫♕Nanao=Kuon'sQueen♛♫'s question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did school is stressful

literally finished making my study reviewer at 4 am in the morning because I chose to indulge myself in my free time

1 hours
want to do i cant study for fuck's sake

good god (I'm atheist) I'm ruining my own by opening the textbook but that doesn't stop me from being on this website
kms tonight

4 hours
did online classes

they suck ngl

4 hours