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Midievalfantasy's experience ( All 0 )

Midievalfantasy's answer ( All 4 )

I am an openly bisexual cisgendered female. I am not only proud to be a part of the LGBTQI community, but also proud of anyone who else who supports the LGBTQI community (be they a part of it or not). The world needs more love and less hate.   3 reply
06 02,2018
For me, I was the loner kid in class who never spoke to anyone. Elementary school, middle school, high school, even university...I always preferred books over people. I did my classwork, then spent the rest of the class time/free time/etc...just reading and avoiding people as best I could whenever the situation didn't force me to be sociable or a t......   reply
05 02,2018
Mt first (anime) crush I think was Ryuuko Matoi from Kill la Kill. Other crushes I have are: Maou (maoyuu maou yuusha), Hachiman Hikigaya (My youth romance is wrong as I expected), Erika Karisawa (Durarara!!), Nezumi (No. 6), Izumi Morimiya (Horimiya), and Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail) - just to name a few (that doesn't include manga).   reply
17 06,2017
I'd say I was first exposed to this genre from watching the anime No. 6. Actually, that's what got me into manga in the first place. After watching that anime, I just had to read the manga (and light novels). I was so touched by it and found out about Shounen-ai and yaoi through that. Once I read No. 6, I somehow ended up reading Koisuru Boukun and......   1 reply
16 06,2017

Midievalfantasy's question ( All 0 )