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OmegaChan November 10, 2023 3:38 pm


OmegaChan November 8, 2023 3:22 pm

Every single one in this building is so fucked up lmao I love where this batshit crazy story is going haha it#s so absurdly intriguing

OmegaChan November 8, 2023 12:34 am

Please can we stop with the reencounter, childhood acquaintance kinda plots please. The story was so good even without this kind of plot point. It‘s overused at this point (same with reincarnation in historical webtoons ugh)

    Iminsane November 8, 2023 10:22 am

    What do you want then

    OmegaChan November 8, 2023 2:14 pm
    What do you want then Iminsane

    Like for characters in a historical webtoon to just be from that era and world. Lie, there are some good stories where the reincarnation is a key plot point and it Centers around the character having migrated into that universe (these stories are constructed in a way that it incorporates that fact well: the character has to learn about the world, might not even understand the language etc.) and those stories are great! BUT many times these past few months I‘ve read popular historical webtoons which had a great engaging storyline (which btw worked fine completely without the reincarnation plot), and all of a sudden 20-30 chapters in the MC be like „btw I reincarnated into this world that I read about in a novel in my own world 10 years ago)………. Like who cares? Why even bring it up if it was of no importance from the beginning and is of no importance from now on. The story would work just fine without this reincarnation. I just feel like some authors these days forcefully try to get these popular plot points in so they can put the „reincarnation“ or „childhood acquaintance“ Tag on their works to garner more views when in fact they had a wonderful original story right there which was engaging and did not need any boost with some unnecessary concept.

    Don’t get me wrong. I still really lie, this story and I don’t yet know how the author is gonna work this out but I‘ve seen too many examples by now where the authors started out with a fantastic idea and then went super cliché in the middle and kinda „ruining“ the flow of the plot in my opinion by introducing some unfounded information, with no lead up on anything. Like in this story they were perfectly fine, and it would have been so I gefestigt seeing these two strangers warm up to each other and it was so cute seeing them get to know each other and working out their relationship and all of a sudden he be like: OMG aren’t you that one kid from like 15 years ago that I only have one glimpse of in the back of my mind but how I‘m gonna get super emotional about it even tho I did not have any thoughts about it ever before“……

    I just want a well structured plot, with an engaging storyline, authentic characters and lead ups to big plot points. Don’t just spring them on me in a split section without having built the foundation first.

    MangaSanctuary November 9, 2023 10:58 am
    Like for characters in a historical webtoon to just be from that era and world. Lie, there are some good stories where the reincarnation is a key plot point and it Centers around the character having migrated i... OmegaChan

    I'm not so bothered by the re-encounter trope but I agree with you. The story was fine and would've been better without it.

    Ambrosia November 12, 2023 12:50 am

    we're already getting the rich x poor and big x small tropes, why not throw in re-encounter to round out the cliche trifecta? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    I agree with you in that I'm tired of the "they were actually childhood acquaintances" trope, I've been put off of so many stories bc they like to just throw that in somewhere in the middle when it's totally unnecessary to the plot. This one I think is slightly helped by that it explains a bit why the ML was drawn to the MC in the beginning and treated him differently. And they're introducing it early enough for it to be incorporated into the plot instead of thrown in randomly later.

OmegaChan October 9, 2023 5:35 pm


OmegaChan October 7, 2023 6:46 pm

Love it! It’s so fucked up it‘s giving slight Harada vibes and I love it for that lmao. Let’s how far this wild ride will take us

    Min November 5, 2023 7:27 pm

    Don't compare thid shit with Harada lmao It urts that I accidently liked your comment

OmegaChan September 25, 2023 8:25 am

it‘s so funny to me reading the Jinx comment section all the time and everyone is just talking about how people can find him hot with his personality…. But that‘s the whole point of the story lmao. That he is freaking hot and super dominant and that he just takes what he wants without regards to anything, be it consequences or the other person‘s feelings…. And I find it funny how people on here seem to always believe these stories portray reality when they are fiction. Like they can’t seem to differentiate between these two and always take the characters as real people and hate on every little thing. It‘s so nerve-wrecking lmao. I love Jaekyung and I find him incredibly hot. In my opinion he is one of the hottest drawn ML ever with every panel being perfection and I love his dominant trait very much lol. Can‘t wait to see where the story will go from here and how Dan will react. Honestly I don’t even want a whole redemption arc for Jeakyung because that would not fit his personality. More like him just changing the way he asserts his dominance over Dan once he realises how precious Dan is to him because let’s be real. Characters like Jaekyung are the epitome of dominance and control. They can’t just stop being like that or their entire persona would crumble. So I want to see what the author comes up with to explain him going just a tad softer on Dan in the future and how Dan is gonna react.

    toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 8:31 am

     "he is freaking hot and super dominant" You have read way to many omegaverse stories please get a grip bro wtf do u mean

    toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 8:32 am

    someone call an ambulance we have a patient here

    Tsunmimi September 25, 2023 8:33 am
     "he is freaking hot and super dominant" You have read way to many omegaverse stories please get a grip bro wtf do u mean toilet terrorist

    @toilet terrorist you are Defs my hero, I see your comments all the time bruhhhh, hiiiiiiii

    Jae September 25, 2023 8:39 am

    Put the phone DOWN

    Ur_bisexual_bi*ch September 25, 2023 8:40 am
     "he is freaking hot and super dominant" You have read way to many omegaverse stories please get a grip bro wtf do u mean toilet terrorist

    That's the consequences of reading too much bullcrap instead of actually good manhwas on this platform
    It's caused brainrot of the highest order

    Tsunmimi September 25, 2023 8:42 am

    I feel embarrassed for you. To think you as a real person think characters like jk don’t exist in this world and as such would condone a shitty toxic relationship, our world is doomed you should be friends with another citizen of the delulu congress that says he’s “possessively faithful”. So congratulations you’ve been nominated as President of the delulu congress.
    Here’s your mascot:

    erehswings September 25, 2023 8:42 am
    someone call an ambulance we have a patient here toilet terrorist

    it’s okay, bro is a sub who needs a master real quick. it’s totally okay, don’t need an ambulance (:

    and i can understand their point. i still feel weird with the way jaekyung « assert his dominance over » dan, i don’t really want this to keep going like that BUT i can’t deny that jaekyung is one of the hottest semes out there. i don’t know if its dominance is hot but at least bro has some pretty privileges.

    and i must say, jaekyung can still be « hot and dominant » in bed, with dan’s consent beforehand and treats him like a prince outside of the bedroom… that would be the hottest relationship ever, i personally think.

    toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 8:43 am
    @toilet terrorist you are Defs my hero, I see your comments all the time bruhhhh, hiiiiiiii Tsunmimi

    Hello i have no idea who you are but thank you

    toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 8:43 am
    That's the consequences of reading too much bullcrap instead of actually good manhwas on this platformIt's caused brainrot of the highest order Ur_bisexual_bi*ch

    Oh shit i shouldnt have laughed as hard as i did

    BelovedRose September 25, 2023 8:52 am

    You are going to have to start blocking the haters.

    Tsunmimi September 25, 2023 8:54 am
    it’s okay, bro is a sub who needs a master real quick. it’s totally okay, don’t need an ambulance (: and i can understand their point. i still feel weird with the way jaekyung « assert his dominance over... erehswings

    This!!!!!!!!!! Is how people should comment, , not condoning shit but putting into perspective what is right and should be done right.

    toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 9:00 am
    it’s okay, bro is a sub who needs a master real quick. it’s totally okay, don’t need an ambulance (: and i can understand their point. i still feel weird with the way jaekyung « assert his dominance over... erehswings

    if OP said it like this nobody would have a problem

    noot noot September 25, 2023 9:00 am
    it’s okay, bro is a sub who needs a master real quick. it’s totally okay, don’t need an ambulance (: and i can understand their point. i still feel weird with the way jaekyung « assert his dominance over... erehswings

    clock it ! get em for me!!!

    Yeseo September 25, 2023 10:06 am
    That's the consequences of reading too much bullcrap instead of actually good manhwas on this platformIt's caused brainrot of the highest order Ur_bisexual_bi*ch

    You're right, this is why there is so many violence aroud the world bcs someone like them think like that. it can actually brainwash people and would always tolerate such a bahavior like that

    LayLights September 25, 2023 10:12 am

    Don't even try commenting stuff like this in Jinx's Topics. As you can see, you end up getting made fun of, judged, or just plain ridiculed. It's exhausting reading the topic section sometimes for this exact reason (though I have a problem with being a bit too curious and somewhat addicted to drama and always come back without fail each new chapter).

    It's sad that people have to sugar coat their enjoyment of fictional, problematic romance in some way or another. Or have to be really delicate and shame-faced when saying that anything about this manga is "hot" without also condemning it afterwards. If someone were to make a topic saying something like, "Fuck, this chapter was sooo FUCKING hot!

    LayLights September 25, 2023 10:18 am
    Don't even try commenting stuff like this in Jinx's Topics. As you can see, you end up getting made fun of, judged, or just plain ridiculed. It's exhausting reading the topic section sometimes for this exact re... LayLights

    Something happened to the rest of my reply (it was the emoji's, I think) so I'mma just repost this with the full reply (since you can't delete replies).

    Don't even try commenting stuff like this in Jinx's Topics. As you can see, you end up getting made fun of, judged, or just plain ridiculed. It's exhausting reading the topic section sometimes for this exact reason (though I have a problem with being a bit too curious and somewhat addicted to drama and always come back without fail each new chapter).

    It's sad that people have to sugar coat their enjoyment of fictional, problematic romance in some way or another. Or have to be really delicate and shame-faced when saying that anything about this manga is "hot" without also condemning it afterwards. If someone were to make a topic saying something like, "Fuck, this chapter was sooo FUCKING hot!", there's a possibility of them getting some sort of judgmental comment. It's just impossible for these people to at all comprehend that this is so far removed from reality, that the intended audience don't compare this with a real life situation of couples or as relationships standards to idolize. (For most of them, I should say.)

    Or, at least, just don't let their comments get to you. I also recommend not condemning people for their opinions (no matter how repetitive or negative they can be) in the same topic that you praise or show a likeness towards the unhealthy dynamics. It's obviously gonna strike a cord and get these people to reply/comment the way they did. Ya do one or the other. If ya wanna avoid these comments, ya simply can't do both. Gives them a reason to invalid any arguments or even any good points you bring up.

    FujoOnna September 25, 2023 11:19 am
    Something happened to the rest of my reply (it was the emoji's, I think) so I'mma just repost this with the full reply (since you can't delete replies).Don't even try commenting stuff like this in Jinx's Topics... LayLights

    Exactly! It’s a fictional story/character invented by the imagination of the author.

    toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 11:26 am
    You're right, this is why there is so many violence aroud the world bcs someone like them think like that. it can actually brainwash people and would always tolerate such a bahavior like that Yeseo

    Okay bro that is not true whatsoever, finding abusive traits attractive doesnt mean you're gonna commit them. If anything theyre just more likely to become a victim, that doesnt mean they cause more violence or anything because perpetrators will be perpetrators no matter what. They'll just find someone else to abuse if you dont tolerate their behaviour.

    MangaSanctuary September 25, 2023 12:53 pm

    Yes, it's fictional, I think we all get that's the case.

    You find him hot whatever he does, but you can't force others to think the same and call them dumb if they don't find him as hot as you do.
    Yes, he's handsome, we have eyes, but his arrogance and overall immature behavior is a total turn off. He has good looks but is an immense scumbag, and like I said any changes in him or character development will look so fake. So he'll stay a scumbag with a bit more of gentleness to make him acceptable and that's it. This plot is so previsible it's boring.
    The same way I dislike this ml, I find the smut scenes terrible and not even sexy. He acts like a horny dog and the "jinx" is just a prétext to all that boring smut. I also like smutty yaois but perso I always skip the smut here because the attitude of JK is a total turn off to me. I understand that you like this kind of fiction with forced sex etc, but understand also that it's not in the taste of everyone. Btw I don't find him "dominant", he's just a big egotistical asshole. Fiction doesn't justify that you have to eat anything yaoi.

    I hope that you also know to differenciate reality from fiction, because in real life people like JK (rich, handsome) are far from charming and generally, you quickly lose your illusions once you get to know their personality.

    HELLO? POLICE??? September 25, 2023 1:03 pm

    I expect nothing better from a human naming their username omegachan

    Chuuya's hoe September 25, 2023 5:25 pm
    Yes, it's fictional, I think we all get that's the case.You find him hot whatever he does, but you can't force others to think the same and call them dumb if they don't find him as hot as you do.Yes, he's hands... MangaSanctuary

    man this is the best comment ever SO REAL

    OmegaChan September 26, 2023 7:24 am
    Something happened to the rest of my reply (it was the emoji's, I think) so I'mma just repost this with the full reply (since you can't delete replies).Don't even try commenting stuff like this in Jinx's Topics... LayLights

    Thank you for this comment. Yeah I‘m usually someone who always tries to find fair ground with everyone but at some point I got sick of seeing all these negative comments about this story that is truly one-off my favourites for its plot and art…. So idk I just snapped, not caring for the hate I knew I would get for it. But thanks fort he advice

    OmegaChan September 26, 2023 7:30 am
    Yes, it's fictional, I think we all get that's the case.You find him hot whatever he does, but you can't force others to think the same and call them dumb if they don't find him as hot as you do.Yes, he's hands... MangaSanctuary

    Where did I ever say that others have to have the same opinion as I? Nowhere. Injustice wanted to state my opinion in the same way as everyone else does, only mine is different from the masses on here apparently. Also just one question; why do you even read the story when you hate literally everything about it? Because honestly there are people out there, like me , who really love this story and are excited for the new chapters but then they come to the comment section excited to talk about it and only read comments like this that totally banish their fave webtoon…. And honestly it really sucks. Like I mean do what you want, it’s a free world and you are free to voice your opinion like we all are, but just think about if you really want to continue reading this story when you actually just hate it… like I would not continue reading a story that I don’t find even a but good…….

    OmegaChan September 26, 2023 7:33 am
    I expect nothing better from a human naming their username omegachan HELLO? POLICE???

    Thank you very much :) I also like my username too! It perfectly represents who I am and what I stand for and I am glad you think so too! Glad you did not call the authorities on me yet haha…. Since we seem to make judgements now based on usernames and all.

    MangaSanctuary September 26, 2023 11:57 am
    man this is the best comment ever SO REAL Chuuya's hoe

    Oohh thanks :))

    HELLO? POLICE??? September 26, 2023 1:15 pm
    Thank you very much :) I also like my username too! It perfectly represents who I am and what I stand for and I am glad you think so too! Glad you did not call the authorities on me yet haha…. Since we seem t... OmegaChan

    "It represents who I am"..yeah get of that phone rn. The judgement is based on your comments rather your username. Username just points out a quarter of what your comment can be based on. And your welcome ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    saint September 26, 2023 1:51 pm

    Very evident you are on here chronically. You can bash a story even though it's fiction and no one "actually gets hurt". If the writing and plot are bad, people in turn complain. No one complaining will result in more trashy manwhas popping up since creators will assume it's a good format.

    You comment something on a controversial manwha, you open up the possibility of being judged.

    I can dispute the other part about differentiating reality from fiction but why bother.

    I cannot believe a simple concept like this has to be explained yet here we are.

    toilet terrorist September 26, 2023 1:54 pm
    Very evident you are on here chronically. You can bash a story even though it's fiction and no one "actually gets hurt". If the writing and plot are bad, people in turn complain. No one complaining will result ... saint


    HELLO? POLICE??? September 26, 2023 1:57 pm
    Very evident you are on here chronically. You can bash a story even though it's fiction and no one "actually gets hurt". If the writing and plot are bad, people in turn complain. No one complaining will result ... saint


    Ur_bisexual_bi*ch September 26, 2023 2:00 pm
    You're right, this is why there is so many violence aroud the world bcs someone like them think like that. it can actually brainwash people and would always tolerate such a bahavior like that Yeseo

    I don't think that's quite the case? One can certainly be desensitised to violence or acts of violence, or can even fail to differentiate between abuse and love in a relationship, but I don't think they're people who'll initiate violence
    That's way too far

    MangaSanctuary September 26, 2023 2:42 pm
    Where did I ever say that others have to have the same opinion as I? Nowhere. Injustice wanted to state my opinion in the same way as everyone else does, only mine is different from the masses on here apparentl... OmegaChan

    The point of your whole thread wasn't to persuade those who don't think like you, to finally stop complaining and for them to see Jinx your way?
    You didn't say it clearly, but this is what I understood. You told people "to chill", and wrote "it‘s so funny to me reading the Jinx comment section all the time and everyone is just talking about how people can find him hot with his personality….".
    Generally it is to convince people, but whatever it's not so important.
    Though... you can't brush people's opinion away just because it's fiction. Real life or fiction, a story is a story and people have their own opinion. They'll like it or not following their tastes, convictions and view on things etc... So just tell them to "chill" and asking them why they dislike this or that (cause it's fiction) is telling them how stupid they are for not understanding things the way you do because "it's not real".
    The same way goes for you: while you insist it's just fiction and "chill, guys", you speak about the ml with so much passion like if he was real, lol.
    In the end, it's just diffent POV: what's important for you is not the same as for others. You see Jinx throught the lense of your eyes, someone else is seeing it throught the lense of their heart and head.
    Explaining that he's being handsome and a dick IS the point of the story doesn't really change what they think.

    Though I perfectly understand why you find him attractive and why you like the story.
    It's easy to like beautiful people like Jaekyung because they're attractive and you find everything they do great and sexy, because... they're attractive. Pretty people have it more easy in life, they're also more successful whatever they do and people forgive them more.
    Now believe me, if a guy like JK were to speak TO YOU the way he does to Dan, you'll feel hurt and would want to kick his ass. If a normal or ugly guy were to speak TO YOU like Jaekyung does to Dan (with the same facial expressions, direspect...), you'd want to kill the guy. Why I'm giving you all these exemples? That's because I'd like for you to see things throught the lense of EMPATHY, too, and not just with your eyes. Put yourself in Dan's shoes. There are many Dan IRL.
    Beauty doesn't last for life and won't make your day. If beauty were enough, we would all marry a picture with a beautiful model in there, or a mannequin :D
    It's fine that you like Jinx, also fine that you like JK since, true, it's fiction, but considering the violent content, please understand also those who feel hurt and dislike Jinx because they feel empathic for Dan (or other reasons).

    Reasons why something like freedom to speak up is so important...
    We're living in this era where we can read and see horrific things happening EVERYDAY IN REAL LIFE around the world on social medias/News; things worse than we can ever imagine and they're tragically real. Jinx is fiction and is not easy to watch, but there are issues and tragedies worse IRL, I think you already know this.
    Is it ok to accept plots like Jinx cause real life can be 100 x cruel, and Jinx is just fiction? Or because Jinx/other dark story is fiction, does that make it more acceptable cause the brutality is not real?
    One is real, the other is fictive but people will have their opinion on both, with the difference that fiction doesn't have people suffering IRL.
    Seeing how culture and social medias can influence society and contribute to shape our futur and political decisions, it's important and necessary that people can speak up and call out something they think is wrong. Brushing everything away just because "it's fiction" is too easy.
    Imagine there is some author writing about the "love story" of an adult and a child, the book is visible for everyone to read, there are details, images... What will you do?
    "Well, that's just fiction"...? I'm asking you.
    We don't see such book sold in bookstores because it's against the law and people, parents are gonna protest against it.
    That's why, even though you dislike people coming to complain, there's nothing to do about that. Next time you'll be happy to complain about a story that you dislike but can't just drop.
    And like I told, people can't really drop this one cause THE ART IS WHAT KEEPING THEM. If you find it annoying that "haters" are taking over the comment section, why not expressing your love for Jinx, too? Nothing forbid you.

    My personal opinion on Jinx is neutral. I don't dislike it nor like it. If anything, I think this yaoi is just another cliché plot with the overused trope Rich x Poor, caricatural characters and the usual things... Migwa could've written something else, but they just chose what's easier and popular.
    Thanks for reading if you'd read till there.

    MangaSanctuary September 26, 2023 4:06 pm
    Very evident you are on here chronically. You can bash a story even though it's fiction and no one "actually gets hurt". If the writing and plot are bad, people in turn complain. No one complaining will result ... saint

    Yes, all these comments from readers is mainly because it's a violent and provocative content, controversial manhwa... It's clear like water.
    Korean authors are aware of it, and it's pretty certain they write stories like this knowing what they'll get. Most of the time such yaoi become popular even if the plot is trash because the art is good enough to keep people around. There are lots of BL manhwas here with pretty much the same trope/poorly written plot, but they're popular due to the art being too good for people to quit.
    Authors feed the community with the provocative content, great art, hot ml, lots of smut and toxic love, and in turn the yaoi fans, by their disputs, feed the machine etc... The recipe is pretty simple, that's why I believe these authors don't make much efforts to write original and rich storylines.

    TBH I don't have the courage to read these repetitive plots anymore, just look at the first chapters and scroll time to time through the comments to see what's going on...

    Yeseo September 28, 2023 4:58 pm
    Okay bro that is not true whatsoever, finding abusive traits attractive doesnt mean you're gonna commit them. If anything theyre just more likely to become a victim, that doesnt mean they cause more violence or... toilet terrorist

    oh im lying if i said i understand your point, i dont wanna interact w yall. my comment is just pointing out something else. i was abt to delete this comment days ago but i realize it cannot be deleted lmao but anyways just y'all chill

OmegaChan September 24, 2023 4:35 pm

Ngl that was so freaking hot rn….. like damn… pulling this stunt and calling him his possession…. Jaekyung really made it fucking clear that Dan is his and no one can touch him. So possessive, cold and dominant I love it.

    toilet terrorist September 24, 2023 5:03 pm

    yes officer, this post right here

    Sliver September 24, 2023 6:15 pm

    Bruh are you fucking frl right now. Its ppl like you that need therapy cause wtf calling him hot that man is far from it. He is a disgusting piece of a shit.

    Torakaze September 24, 2023 8:26 pm
    Bruh are you fucking frl right now. Its ppl like you that need therapy cause wtf calling him hot that man is far from it. He is a disgusting piece of a shit. Sliver

    Good advice for you. That is their opinion. If you can't handle someone's else opinion on something fictional....

    Torakaze September 24, 2023 8:26 pm

    It is not unpopular... just unpopular here.

    Torakaze September 24, 2023 8:31 pm
    yes officer, this post right here toilet terrorist

    Yours I can see as funny..... or at least trying to be... Silver's is not. If silver can spew toxic hate then why can people who love Jinx or JK be able to speak? People like Silver are silencing them. People should be able to express their opinions. All sides. Hate isn't criticism.

    OmegaChan September 25, 2023 8:19 am
    It is not unpopular... just unpopular here. Torakaze

OmegaChan September 18, 2023 9:54 pm

I really wanna see ML release his pheromones at full force once. Because we already saw once that he apparently finds the ex‘s pheromones to be weak (like lmao imagine what an alpha you gotta be to find a dominant alpha‘s pheromones weak lol). So I really wanna see what he‘s capable of once in a one-on-one with the ex.

    im not creative for nicknames September 20, 2023 11:53 pm

    O snap ure right, I never thought of that, I thought he called them weak as a bluff and they were in the same level, but he's prob stronger and stuff

    Allen September 21, 2023 12:13 am

    Uhm dunno of this counts but Tae will be overdosed by drugs removing all his pheromones to the point that even his fated pair wont smell him but like able to regain everything within just 2mons? Thats how crazy dominant Tae is.

OmegaChan September 11, 2023 12:37 am

Not me saving this in „want to read“ because the cover reminded me of Viktor and Yuuri from „Yuuri on Ice!!!“

OmegaChan September 9, 2023 9:02 am

Can we just talk about gyuwon looking like a five course meal with that hair style rn aaaghhhhhhhhhh

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