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blue_emu's experience ( All 0 )

blue_emu's answer ( All 10 )

A lot of people are making the argument that "the readers should understand the divide between fiction and reality", which is a valid argument, however, ultimately something out of the author's control. Most people here know that rape is not good in real life, however, some people might not - they may be too young, (I've seen 13 yr old here) or jus......   1 reply
22 02,2020
Ah right now I have one that is particularly ticking me off. I have exams coming up in a fortnight and for a few months I've been down in the dumps, so over the last few weeks, I've been trying to talk to people around me (especially because I'm in a few clubs and council's and we've been busy organising fundraising for things like the Aussie bushf......   reply
22 02,2020
22 02,2020
Oh god, please don't romantise stalkers. I have read some of this sort of plot in yaoi before and I personally find it deeply disturbing. Stalking is not good behaviour, even if the stalker is 10/10 hot. Stalking is an invasion of space, of privacy, and just shows that that person does not respect you at all, especially if they get into your house.......   1 reply
22 02,2020
Depends on what you think true love is. Personally, I think love is more about 'mutual understanding and respect' so for me true love doesn't necessarily last forever, or have to be something like soulmates. So the 'true love' I might have when I'm 18 might not be my 'true love' when I'm 27, although it might have been genuine at the time. I think ......   reply
22 02,2020
22 02,2020
Hmmm... Well my eldest sister sometimes checks my phone since she's a busy body and I caused some trouble 5 years ago (jigging nearly a collective 100 days of the last two years of elementary school lol)? So I fucked around with my waay back a few years ago to create a secondary desktop (essentially a second phone within my phone is the best way to......   reply
22 02,2020

blue_emu's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do survived suicide

sick of people

8 hours
did survived suicide

crazy experience

13 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

17 hours