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kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
OK BUT HEAR ME OUT I would genuinely love to see a story that’s Beta x Beta set in an ABO universe. And the whole time they just shit on ABO stereotypes and form a bond over it.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
Because it’s cathartic! Ik a ton of people have said it already, but having a good cry in a controlled environment can be really great for relieving stress and pent up emotions from your life. The nice thing about crying over a good story, is that when you’re done you can return to the real world and leave behind all those raw emotions.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about being black sheep of mggo
Honestly? It doesn’t sound worth it. Unless they have plans on apologizing to you or whatever, I wouldn’t bother. Twitter’s a cesspool anyways.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about being black sheep of mggo
ATP if I’m desperate enough to resort to “discord dating”…I think I rather just be a menace to the ai bots on Since yk Both are fake anyways. (I’m half joking.) But in all seriousness just be safe. What I leave you with is: is it really worth it? Loneliness is temporary. The crippling embarrassment of being someone’s discord......
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I mean as far as I can remember it’s not necessarily anything “new”…even in elementary school we had “fads” where there were certain phrases, words, or memes we’d all parrot back to each other. Though I will say it’s probably gotten more excessive now. It’s definitely due to a large decrease in attention spans and even possibly a......
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Secretary to Stage

The goofy ahhh anatomy has kinda grown on me. The story itself is already so goofy, so having the weirdly drawn dingalings….just fits. In a weird way. Ykwim?

It’s still visually shocking every time (I’m not sure what to expect), but I’ve grown to accept it.

kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
Wake up babe, your mid-afternoon rage bait just dropped.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about being black sheep of mggo
They threaten to ban it every year. I genuinely would not be surprised if it ends up not being banned. BUT it’s stupid that they even want to ban it the first place. All it is, is the government trying to push more anti-China propaganda, and censor a large outlet of free-speech. I don’t use TikTok personally, but I really don’t like that t......
kim_dokjas_ass add manga to list Art inspo

"Min-chan has to survive by hunting ghosts due to a curse he has suffered since childhood. One ...

  • Author: ANA,LAPIS,Puput
  • Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Supernatural / Yaoi
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Ok but when the CEO looks like a kicked puppy it just makes me want to bully him more (affectionately).

Anyways. I’m so used to the “perfect” emotionless and cold CEO top characters, that CEO Gang is kind of refreshing. I can’t get enough of his aloof personality. He’s so adorable.

kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Dirty High

I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing, bias, or just immaturity speaking…but it’s wild how some of y’all be slut shaming Angel?? Like tons of other comments have said before me, Josh and Angel aren’t in a committed relationship. How they met was that they had a ONE NIGHT STAND. Neither of them have communicated they want to be in an exclusive relationship either, so it’s not like what Angel is doing is really immoral? Come on yall, it’s 2024. Stop acting like you’re a grandma clutching her pearls.

kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Afterglow

Nah the aneurysm operation hits wayyy too close to home. It’s definitely not the surgeon’s fault in this case…I’ve lost a few family members to the same thing because of the emergency surgeries. They can be precarious, especially when the patient is older.

kim_dokjas_ass asked a question

This happens occasionally. It's possible there was maintenance or something and the site needed to be shutdown while it was fixed.

It's not the first time MGG website wasn't working and it definitely won't be the last.

kim_dokjas_ass answered question about character obsession
Like someone else said, if I absolutely need to go out while I’m sick, I’ll wear a mask. When I shared a dorm room with someone, we would both wear masks out of respect to each other if one of us got sick. And if there’s an outbreak in C19 or flu or something, you know I’m not leaving the house without a mask.
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Nerd Project

The reason this KEEPS updating is bc the bots are just filling in the chapters after they get deleted each time.

Just saying, placeholder chapters easily fix this problem.

kim_dokjas_ass like the experience about drawing
remember ? well i did 3 but i'm not finished, i'll do the other ones when i got time whoops here u go! from @Nye from @kim_dokjas_ass lastly from @balls inspector
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of 1 to 10

Honestly, props to ML for telling MC who each person was.

kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I always feel like a pervert or something even though I didn’t do anything to be ashamed of.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I am a boobie lover. I love all types of boobs. On men, women, people, big ol hooters, itty bitty tiddies…all boobies are beautiful boobies, say it with me.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
New Jeans kinda overrated imo ️