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kim_dokjas_ass answered question about character obsession
Like someone else said, if I absolutely need to go out while I’m sick, I’ll wear a mask. When I shared a dorm room with someone, we would both wear masks out of respect to each other if one of us got sick. And if there’s an outbreak in C19 or flu or something, you know I’m not leaving the house without a mask.
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Nerd Project

The reason this KEEPS updating is bc the bots are just filling in the chapters after they get deleted each time.

Just saying, placeholder chapters easily fix this problem.

kim_dokjas_ass like the experience about drawing
remember ? well i did 3 but i'm not finished, i'll do the other ones when i got time whoops here u go! from @Nye from @kim_dokjas_ass lastly from @balls inspector
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of 1 to 10

Honestly, props to ML for telling MC who each person was.

kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I always feel like a pervert or something even though I didn’t do anything to be ashamed of.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I am a boobie lover. I love all types of boobs. On men, women, people, big ol hooters, itty bitty tiddies…all boobies are beautiful boobies, say it with me.
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
New Jeans kinda overrated imo ️
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Secretary to Stage

The CEO is so unserious, and I love him for that.

kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
Facade always throws me for a loop. I always wanna say “fa-kade” and not “fa-saad”
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I try not to feel guilty while I’m reading something. If I enjoy it, I enjoy it. It makes life so much easier. I think of it like watching a really bad movie so I can point and laugh at it. If it’s something I genuinely don’t like or I feel like I need to “force” myself to keep reading, I just put it down. Maybe I’ll come back to it l......
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about wrote a fanfic
I need to see Senku (Dr. STONE) and Dr. Ratio (Honkai: Star Rail) in the same room together
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
To be fair, I don’t think any country should be glorified. You can guarantee most countries have done their own heinous crimes. And I agree, people should learn about and acknowledge things like this because history is so important. We learn about these things so we don’t repeat them. But history also isn’t there to condemn someone foreve......
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about using mangago
All of my fellow KDJ profile pic brethren. Love ya’ll, muah
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I could take them both (Not in a fight)
kim_dokjas_ass like the answer
Yami smells like a corpse and Nanami is one sooo im not sure
kim_dokjas_ass answered question about eat ass
Plot twist: I become the seme instead and treat my 6’10 bbg right
kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I’m hoping everyone just forgives each other and become friends. Imagine how strong the four of them would be??? Would love to see that dynamic honestly.

kim_dokjas_ass answered question about question
I used to eat dog food out of our dog’s bowl if I was left unattended…and there’s a very specific reason why. You know how grocery stores always have candy at the checkout counters? And how sometimes there’s also gum-ball dispensers? To stop me and my brother from asking our mom for candy, she’d always tell us it was “dog food” and l......