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Sazz did

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And i came to the conclusion that life is naturally meaningless unless we choose to give it meaning. We create our perception of the world.

Sazz answered question about question
Sazz created a topic of Dreadful Night

It was always suspicious how easy it was for him to kill and Bada didn't pay much attention to it because he was desensitized to death after dying and seeing others get murdered so many times. Doha's most likely a 'player' that knew everything from the start. He may even know what the 'escape' is and may be keeping it from Bada so that he can have him. Another possibility is that he may not even be a player but the 'creator' of the game, hence his interest on Bada's knowledge about horror games. Although that's way less likely, considering he was going around playing the game himself as fast as possible when he took out that villager and Bada saw him from the window. He only started stalling after he found out that Bada remembers each session and is a player as well.

Sazz answered question about question
I hate age gaps. And in general i prefer people close to my age. I would never date someone younger than 20 or older than 26. I'm 22.
Sazz created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I see i see, i presume buying him a bed is just another extension of your cunningly executed plans for revenge.

Sazz answered question about i'm looking for friends
This guy right here IS my dream man.
Sazz answered question about question
Howl from Howl's moving castle. (honorable mention: Tom Riddle. I still love his actor to this day)
Sazz answered question about question
2020: Generally alright, just a bit anxious. In fact i was thrilled i had an excuse to stay inside and read my favorite books 2021: Mental Illness literally ruined me, it was very VERY sudden. My brain suddenly stopped braining and was making up some pretty messed up scenarios. It was really severe obsessive compulsive disorder. I was only 19. I c......
Sazz answered question about first love
Sazz created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

New art is like it turned into a Chinese webtoon and it kinda sucks

Sazz answered question about first love
Sazz answered question about first love
Sazz want to do

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I want to but I don't think i could handle it lol

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Opinions? 'Cuz y'all love drama.

28 01,2024
Sazz answered question about question
Tf is going on? I thought no one knew?
Sazz created a topic of Itonaga-kun no Koi no Ito

The uke needs therapy so that he can learn how to love himself instead of depending on the love of others. If he was a healthy person, he would recognize that there's no excuse about what that narcissistic piece of trash did to him.

Sazz created a topic of Savage Forest
Sazz created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

People who call her "weak" have failed to take into consideration the fact that women had limited power back then. If anything, she's an extremely strong person after the horrors she went through. If you want to hate someone, hate the duke. His love is not love but obsession, from the start he wanted to own her like she is a piece of furniture. They're not equals in their relationship. He was nothing but a master manipulator, would you be able to trust a person like him? Trust is everything in a relationship. The whole foundation of theirs is nothing but a cunning lie he made up. He manipulated her and with no fucking remorse. In every damn chapter her opinion is disregarded if it doesn't fit his. Damn i detest him and to be honest I'd rather she left him forever. But obviously this isn't going to happen.

The fact that he doesn't think of her as capable to express ideas through her own comprehension of the situation and he believes that she just parrots the words of the duke gets on my nerves. He automatically deems her incapable and weak just because she's a woman. Oh, I can't wait for the day she'll leave that worthless king. He's not fit to be an emperor, he only acts based on his impulses and emotions.

Sazz answered question about applying edging to your life
When they believe they're actually a genius and demean other people. Also when they're sexist and believe that somehow what's between their legs makes them superior. To all that I'll add bad hygiene.