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Qxeen_zxy April 4, 2024 2:21 pm

Chapter 30

Qxeen_zxy April 2, 2024 11:32 pm

Murk him? Bump him off? Send him to his maker? Let him cross the Han river? Why is this man still roaming the streets?

Qxeen_zxy March 31, 2024 9:09 am

I think I read like 2 chapters but when they continued to have sex and just told their kids “why are you awake? Go back to sleep.” I can’t. Parents are meant to hide that part of life away from children and teens and these two are going at it IN FRONT OF INNOCENT TODDLERS! Also whenever uploaded this, please please please never upload all the chapters in one go. It makes everything really confusing and it’s honestly so much harder to read this way.

Qxeen_zxy March 28, 2024 3:09 pm


Qxeen_zxy March 28, 2024 3:01 pm

I think it’s weird af for a father figure to sit on their child’s lap but also.. this was a situation where the car is small since he’s just too goddamn huge and wren needed quick access to the wounds to clean them up and do a quick patch up job. I’ve had my mum sit on me for less. She was tired of standing and walking around all day and I was sitting in the only available seat but instead of telling me to get up, she just sat down so we could both be sitting. I think it’s a little less weird being that wren still seems to view him as a small child he must protect. If you look at how he holds his babies head in his arms and almost cradles him, you can see only paternal love there. I don’t blame him for it but I can also see why it would look so wrong and how assumptions were made about their positioning. I just think wren is happy to finally be reunited with his child and isn’t really thinking much beyond that. He’s happy he’s alive and relatively safe and is sad and stressed about the fact that his safety is being threatened. That parental love is a really really sweet thing even if it’s shown a little weirdly here (especially since wren lowkey looks like a hooker or an idol)

Qxeen_zxy March 25, 2024 9:07 am


Qxeen_zxy March 24, 2024 1:35 pm

“Teachers” who whip children should be whipped and flogged themselves until they are a blood mess and need to be carted off on a hospital bed. Hopefully then they will understand that hitting someone isn’t the same as correcting bad behaviour, it’s simply a horrible and outdated punishment. Besides it was originally for thieves and criminals so whoever started doing it to children is the real villain but those who carried it on bear the same sin. Children are either too young to understand why they are being hit and therefore shouldn’t be hit or they are too old and are capable of understanding concepts taught and therefore should once again not be hit since you can gently teach them! Corporal punishment is for criminals and disobedient soldiers where mistakes = death. It shouldn’t be brought outside of those sectors. I’m saying this as a child who was hit and beat my whole life. The only thing it did was put me into survival mode my entire existence and that forced my reproductive organs to push me into an early puberty since it didn’t believe I’d live as long as I have. There’s scientific evidence that backs that up. Hitting children does nothing but make them become adults far too early and possibly introduce them to a world of kinks and fetishes that they otherwise wouldn’t have. I get this is a book but I HATE people who hurt children. Even if they are “monsters”, they are still children.

Qxeen_zxy March 8, 2024 12:16 am

I know that almost dying and literally being comatose can mess with your brain and the fact he was bleeding out and haemorrhaging just means that his brain didn’t get enough oxygen and therefore parts of his brain is dead. I get all of that. Scientifically, it makes sense. Romantically, it’s heartbreaking and we get to see a redo of their love story. BUT I STILL HATE IT! Every single yaoi romance author either uses amnesia, SA, controlling and abusive ex’s, power harassment and imbalances at work or homophobia and I’m so tired of it. Even miscommunication is overused but that’s not only just yaoi authors that do that one. I just want one book where shit happens and they realise “damn… the last thing I thought about before my ‘death’ was my lover and I can’t imagine living or dying without them by my side, holding my hand” and they live happily ever after and have extra chapters to prove it. That’s all I want. It’s not a big ask. All you have to do is chop out the 20 chapters of bullshit tropes you’ll normally use and just replace them with love and joy. That’s it. It’s just that simple. Please authors, please just give us a little something more to be happy about.

Qxeen_zxy March 3, 2024 4:08 am

I know he’s a human but being surrounded by cute animals (humans count as animals technically) or fluffy animals is such a great way to destress. I personally prefer my cats to be of the fur variety because I like fluffy things but I mean a human is just a really really big and less wrinkly sphynx cat so there’s no judgment from me! Tbh, there’s such a thing as cuddle therapy too and that’s apparently super helpful even from strangers that you call up like a call boy/girl! I just hope this doesn’t give him an identity crisis cause honestly it does worry me that constantly being called one thing might get you a little confused after a while. This is still one of the cutest things tho! Weird to fuck your cat tho so maybe just give loving kisses to the forehead and cheek or just call him kitten as a kink and not cat as a real pet…

Qxeen_zxy February 17, 2024 11:35 pm

They threatened a person, tried to blackmail them, attempted assault and attempted forced drug use all because one person cried a little? That means they were already prepared to do crimes and just wanted an excuse to do it. Movie scene reenactment or not, it was in their minds to do it. I’ve watched tons of graphic and gruesome movies, tv shows and crime documentaries but if I wanted to scare someone, I’d probably have a mind blank and just jump out from behind a bush or something. Also I don’t believe that a famous actor can rush into a hotel and not have paparazzi take pics of that and write a story about the whole event. It just feels like it wasn’t enough of a punishment for the actor and his friends. Being beaten up isn’t nearly as bad as what I wish happened to them. I’d personally want them to be castrated for their attempted crime and to have it publicly broadcasted that these are people who are willing to hurt innocent people over the jealousy of a friend. I would die for my bestie but I’d never kidnap and pretend to drug someone and assault them for her! I’m just so mad cause if ten’s situation wasn’t sorted out and if that was actually drugs or if our man wasn’t strong enough to handle himself or even if he just froze up in fear for a few seconds, something horrific could have happened and it would be the actors fault 1000% yet all he got was a “yeah it is your fault” and a “he’s mine”.

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