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JustAYaoiFangirl April 22, 2018 10:49 pm

I'm running out of yaoi to read and I do think yuri can be fun. Does anyone have anything to recommend?

    Trollodyte April 22, 2018 10:52 pm

    Tamen de Gushi. A lot of fujoshi seem to be into it.

    sorein April 22, 2018 10:53 pm

    I really like Citrus.

    ermar April 22, 2018 10:55 pm
    Tamen de Gushi. A lot of fujoshi seem to be into it. Trollodyte

    there r 165 chapters, i would kill myself

    pigglypoof April 22, 2018 10:57 pm

    Here's a rec. It's not yaoi or yuri and doesn't focus on romance, but it has a great storyline and the main character is a type that's rarely seen in female characters.

    JustAYaoiFangirl April 22, 2018 11:03 pm
    I really like Citrus. sorein

    Yeah I rember that one

    Trollodyte April 22, 2018 11:03 pm
    there r 165 chapters, i would kill myself ermar

    Chapters are pretty short though, as far as I remember ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    sorein April 22, 2018 11:09 pm
    Chapters are pretty short though, as far as I remember ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Trollodyte

    They are pretty short but it’s not really like yuri, more like shoujo ai. It’s a very pure relationship from what I remember. The chapters are like little snapshots of their lives like 19 days.

    pigglypoof April 22, 2018 11:09 pm
    Here's a rec. It's not yaoi or yuri and doesn't focus on romance, but it has a great storyline and the main character is a type that's rarely seen in female characters. pigglypoof

    Hahaha whoops didn't read your title. Sorry you can ignore my rec ( ̄∇ ̄")

    JustAYaoiFangirl April 22, 2018 11:19 pm
    Hahaha whoops didn't read your title. Sorry you can ignore my rec ( ̄∇ ̄") pigglypoof

    I don't mind and thanks for the help anyway (●'◡'●)

JustAYaoiFangirl April 15, 2018 5:58 pm

Do any of you know any manga where one character admires another who so happens to hate them?

It can be yaoi, yuri, anything. And thank you to any of those who give me any suggestions :)

JustAYaoiFangirl April 4, 2018 2:10 pm

I love this website too much but I got coursework due to tomorrow. Please help. Can someone just troll me so I don't feel like going on this website for a while or something? Or is there like any way to block this website and/or any website for a set amount of time.

JustAYaoiFangirl March 31, 2018 2:09 pm

So here is the deal, I wanted to get involved in translating manga. But all I only know polish and English so I decided to try and lend a hand to some polish translation group. But...

-The only decent yaoi site I could find got taken down a few years ago.
-I can't find any website.

Does this mean that I now have to create a decent polish manga site or is there one that works well? I wouldn't mind since I do have some experience with designing websites but that would take a lot of work and make the website would take a lot of work too.
Are there any existing polish manga sides or any manga sides that I could use as references?

    Mayumi March 31, 2018 2:21 pm

    Yea that's going to be a pain. Maintaining a site costs money and effort zz but have fun and seriously think it throuh

    Mayumi March 31, 2018 2:21 pm
    Yea that's going to be a pain. Maintaining a site costs money and effort zz but have fun and seriously think it throuh Mayumi


    JustAYaoiFangirl March 31, 2018 2:44 pm
    Yea that's going to be a pain. Maintaining a site costs money and effort zz but have fun and seriously think it throuh Mayumi

    Yeah I will. I will probably start designing it while doing my exams and then start making it during the summer holiday.

    JustAYaoiFangirl March 31, 2018 2:45 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    Hmmm I will check that out although I don't even use Tumblr.

JustAYaoiFangirl March 4, 2018 7:12 pm

The uke realises that they love the seme so they start avoiding him.But no matter how much the uke tries to run away, the seme doesn't let them get away. In the end seme figures out the reason and confesses to the uke.

Anything along this lines is find.

JustAYaoiFangirl February 13, 2018 9:33 pm

I read this years ago so I might get some details wrong. From what I remember, it's a story about an ugly creepy-looking guy who stalks the family of a woman who he has a crush on/used to have a crush on. Her daughter gets kidnapped but since he is watching her through cameras or something like that he can see everything. Everyone ends up thinking that he is the kidnapper in the end because he saved the little girl. However, somehow he redeems himself and the truth that he isn't the kidnapper comes out. During the thing he even gets himself hurt while protecting the girl, and oh yeah, her (child) finger gets cut off by the kidnapper.

I think it was coloured.

    Sara February 13, 2018 9:40 pm

    I think it was just called "Stalker" vv??

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 13, 2018 10:26 pm
    I think it was just called "Stalker" vv?? @Sara

    Thank you so much, I'm so happy that I could kiss you.

    wawa February 14, 2018 1:23 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Random Stories

    Oh my gosh imagine a Yuri with two fujoshis who fall in love over a Yaoi recommendation I'm dyingahsgjskdv

JustAYaoiFangirl February 9, 2018 1:42 am

I have a crush on a girl but from what I know she is asexual. It so happens that I have a crush on her. I'm not sure how she would feel if I confessed - it might be silent and awkward.

Is there any way to tell if she likes me? She does give me a lot of attention/notices me, sometimes puts her arm around me, calls out to me and tries to talk to me. I'm extremely shy and can't really talk to her well. Maybe she just wants to be friends with me. I don't have any idea about how she might feel about me. Are there any things people do when they like you back or any things people do when they just want to be friends?

    Otaku nerd February 9, 2018 1:50 am

    I'm a girl , and asexual (but romantic emotions towards guys)
    I don't know for sure , but I do the same around the ppl I'm comfortable with , as friends , I (as for myself ) ignore ppl I like...
    Do u know what type she is emotionally involved with ?
    If u guys are close friends , u can laugh it off by confessing sarcastically but u r shy (▰˘◡˘▰)

    I hope she likes u back , and u don't get hurt , be careful , she may like u as a friend and nothing more , and she may pay extra attention to u cuz she is interested
    If she treats u specifically special , I think u can consider it
    But be careful famm
    wish u luck!!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Just an Ace February 9, 2018 1:53 am

    I am an ace myself, but each ace is different. I personally tend to flirt unknowingly but at the same time am very oblivious to people who may like me. I also find if the attraction comes from someone I don't know well it scares me off, I have to know them well. But like I said each person is different, talk to her, or if you can't do it verbally try writing a letter, you need to know what her comfort zones are, is she just asexual or is she also aromantic? (I am asexual and demiromantic).

    QueenBullshit February 9, 2018 1:54 am

    I think asexual people can still have relationships but just don't have an physical intimacy such as sex or kisses

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 9, 2018 2:04 am
    I'm a girl , and asexual (but romantic emotions towards guys) I don't know for sure , but I do the same around the ppl I'm comfortable with , as friends , I (as for myself ) ignore ppl I like...Do u know what t... @Otaku nerd

    -Yeah, at first I thought that I just liked her as a friend but I can't get her out of my head, she is always the first person I notice and I pretty much fangirl on the inside when I'm around her. Well, the people she hangs out, for the most part, are people who are cool with lgbt people and are mostly left winged. They all seem to be into geeky stuff such as games, harry potter, memes. Overall, from seeing who she likes to hang out around I think that we would get along, but it so happens that she doesn't really know thar we have quite a few similar interests. We really aren't that close, she pretty much just gives me attention for no reason.

    Yeah, I will try to be careful. I'm still glad that she gives me attention even if she just likes me as a friend. I hope it goes well. Btw do you have any ideas on how I could confess?

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 9, 2018 2:08 am
    I am an ace myself, but each ace is different. I personally tend to flirt unknowingly but at the same time am very oblivious to people who may like me. I also find if the attraction comes from someone I don't k... @Just an Ace

    I have been thinking about talking to her for a while by now but don't know how to bring it up. To tell the truth, it's kinda complicated with us because we don't talk much but she did once tell me something about her past that you wouldn't tell most people so I think she is comfortable around me. I will try to bring it up if I get to talk to her. In three months we might never see each other.

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 9, 2018 2:09 am
    I think asexual people can still have relationships but just don't have an physical intimacy such as sex or kisses QueenBullshit

    That's true. I wouldn't mind anything as long as I just got to be with her.

    Otaku nerd February 9, 2018 2:16 am
    -Yeah, at first I thought that I just liked her as a friend but I can't get her out of my head, she is always the first person I notice and I pretty much fangirl on the inside when I'm around her. Well, the peo... JustAYaoiFangirl

    I don't know ur personality tbh , or how u usually interact with her
    But if it were me , here is an idea ...
    In the middle of conversation (don't say it seriously ) u r only saying it to see how she will react , like u guys talked about something then bring it up as a joke , or maybe if she was to laugh about herself like "I'm so stupid , why do u even hang around me " ..." Shut up , u know I like u"

    U see I always tell my friends , and play a love scenario with them like "nooo , don't leave me , I can't live without u my love " although we r only friends and I don't swing that way(I'm straight BTW )

    Another idea , bring the LGBT matter , as a joke too ! , 'l ike damm , even I would fall for that girl "
    , if u guys are talking about a specific similar famous crush (like kpop idols ...etc)

    I honestly wouldn't recommend confessing until u feel more comfortable around her , to talk freely , let her like u first as a friend , I mean Like u as a person generally , and leave it to there

    I only said what I would do , I don't know ur personality or how ur relationship goes , I hope it goes well
    Fighting !

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 9, 2018 2:44 am

    Well, that isn't really possible because we only spoke a few times and I'm too scared to talk to her. She tries but unless we are left alone with no choice, I won't be able to say anything to her. I'm a very awkward, weird, shy person.

    I will try to become friends with her first so I confess later. I will start it off with little steps. Thanks. I will try my best.

JustAYaoiFangirl January 28, 2018 11:56 pm

So many people don't seem to get it. Anyone got any ideas why?

    Stop It. Get Some Help. January 29, 2018 12:11 am

    For me, I really don't support it in real life.
    And in manga, it's not really a big deal to me cuz it's fictional. It's not real person, right? That's why I feel funny when someone say this is rape etc, like can y'all read the goddamn tag first before say that? If it's trigger you, then don't.

    But, somehow, I really don't like it if manga with the character is an old man who the rapist. Like y'know my point is? There no plot at all. So meh.

    justme January 29, 2018 12:12 am

    what you mean. elaborate prease.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 29, 2018 12:20 am
    what you mean. elaborate prease. justme

    Well, have you ever entered a comment section to see someone saying "it's not rape because he likes it" or something along those lines? This is the type of stuff that I'm talking about. It's usually even tagged as rape.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 29, 2018 12:20 am
    For me, I really don't support it in real life.And in manga, it's not really a big deal to me cuz it's fictional. It's not real person, right? That's why I feel funny when someone say this is rape etc, like can... Stop It. Get Some Help.

    I get the first part but not the second one.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 29, 2018 12:21 am

    Also, what the hell is up with the dislikes? It's confusing.

    justme January 29, 2018 12:33 am
    Well, have you ever entered a comment section to see someone saying "it's not rape because he likes it" or something along those lines? This is the type of stuff that I'm talking about. It's usually even tagged... JustAYaoiFangirl

    ahh no, I haven't seen any comment like that myself but I get what you mean.

    yaoinoobster January 29, 2018 12:44 am

    yeah, I heard the same “oh it’s not rape bc he liked it” with the killing stalking finale. like no that was rape, bum said no clearly yet sangwoo continued, and it doesn’t make it consensual bc bum had a natural, physical reaction. i dont know maybe its a way for the reader to not feel bad about liking it..

    ダイキさん January 29, 2018 1:03 am

    Ugh yeah... it's so annoying and everyone is just heads over heels for scenes they don't know--or rather deny--is rape.
    Tbh i think it's just cause they aren't really educated in that shit. I guess we should just do our part in the community and point out problematic behaviors like that. I sound like a mom lol, but you get me right?

    Luca January 29, 2018 2:14 am
    For me, I really don't support it in real life.And in manga, it's not really a big deal to me cuz it's fictional. It's not real person, right? That's why I feel funny when someone say this is rape etc, like can... Stop It. Get Some Help.

    Oh lmao I get that! I don't really care about the rape as long as the seme is hot, sexy and handsome (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anonymous January 29, 2018 3:58 am

    there is a double standard when it concerns male rape, sadly. if someone isn't narrating "oh no I'm being raped by this man!" they just wave it off. But 70% or more yaoi features sexual assault in one way or another. just because the uke goes from "stop!" to wanting the seme doesn't mean it wasn't sexual assault while the seme was being told to stop it. they think if the uke eventually likes it that it wasn't ever assault/rape. I think in part with the high % of sexual assault in yaoi it is normalized to a degree that readers, especially young ones, don't understand when something is wrong within the story they're reading.

    Anonymous January 29, 2018 4:01 am
    Also, what the hell is up with the dislikes? It's confusing. JustAYaoiFangirl

    They can't face themselves. I think too many can't face the fact that they might have fictional rape fetish (which is fine if they can separate reality and fiction) so it's easier to just say "it's not rape!" so they can enjoy it without the guilt.

    Anonymous January 29, 2018 4:06 am
    For me, I really don't support it in real life.And in manga, it's not really a big deal to me cuz it's fictional. It's not real person, right? That's why I feel funny when someone say this is rape etc, like can... Stop It. Get Some Help.

    just because it's a fictional characters in a made up story doesn't mean it's not rape. what sort of mental gymnastics is that???

    Anonymous January 29, 2018 4:13 am
    Ugh yeah... it's so annoying and everyone is just heads over heels for scenes they don't know--or rather deny--is rape. Tbh i think it's just cause they aren't really educated in that shit. I guess we should ju... ダイキさん

    for real, and it's not like these people can't stop reading/liking stories and characters, like there are fetishes enjoyed in fiction that people would never touch in real life, but it's a disservice to ignore that in these stories and fictional situations a character is being raped and readers should know the signs instead of getting defensive over the sexual assault of men (that is under reported) in stories. if they get this way over a fake story what's to say they wouldn't react the same over the real life person's trauma because they're that ignorant?

    Anonymous January 29, 2018 4:16 am
    I get the first part but not the second one. JustAYaoiFangirl

    I'll translate it for you.

    In short terms they're saying as long as the seme is hot and young the fictional rape is enjoyed by them. But when they see a fat old man being a rapist then suddenly it's not hot anymore. A dangerous double standard.

    Stop It. Get Some Help. January 29, 2018 7:33 am
    just because it's a fictional characters in a made up story doesn't mean it's not rape. what sort of mental gymnastics is that??? @Anonymous

    Wtf are talking about? It's fictional? Not live. No soul, nobody hurts. Are you out your mind? Triggered much, sweet heart?

    Stop It. Get Some Help. January 29, 2018 7:41 am
    They can't face themselves. I think too many can't face the fact that they might have fictional rape fetish (which is fine if they can separate reality and fiction) so it's easier to just say "it's not rape!" s... @Anonymous

    Maybe some people like that, but remember, not all of them like that.
    I don't give a shit about the rape thing. So, if there's a manga that have rape tag and the plot is trash, I'm not gonna like it and read it. But, if there's a manga that have rape tag but have a good plot, why the fuck not I enjoy reading that?

    So you see, it's not about rape thing, I don't give a damn about the rape thing.

    Stop It. Get Some Help. January 29, 2018 7:43 am
    Oh lmao I get that! I don't really care about the rape as long as the seme is hot, sexy and handsome (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Luca

    This is what I called is chill people. People nowsdays always such a critics about what people like when they disagree.

    heck January 29, 2018 8:06 am

    the thing is manga, especially yaoi tends to romanticize and justify rape and sexual assault because "its hot" and younger readers tend to not recognize the problem.
    i don't think including rape in fiction is a bad thing, its fiction, it can be part of a well written story! however it needs to be addressed properly, no sugar coating and no justification, because all that does is create a harmful mindset

    Amorim January 29, 2018 8:36 am

    Sorry if this pisses people off but honestly I think a lot of people ignore this side of the argument because it's s lot easier to just say "I was raised learning that anything but a yes is a no" and I'm sorry that's way over simplifying the issue and every instance is different mmk? Also I'm reposting this so if I forgot to edit some irrelevant things I apologize.
    OK I'll give a brief warning here. This will be a very long rant. In fact this is the longest thing i think ive ever written jn my life. It will involve rape. It will involve many heated topics where people have strong opinions. Now let's goooooo.
    1. I will first and foremost, address some things about japanese culture. I have many japanese friends and even had an exchange student live with me for a few months. Rape is very real and ugly to them they think it is just as horrible as anyone else HOWEVER they use the word no with abundance, and it is far less serious than it is here. In bed, (fictional at least) saying no is often a come on. The tsundere trope is far more integrated than you guys may realize. It is cute to be contrary and to pretend you don't like things when you really do. Real life people are rarely like this however so something you may notice is that in the more unrealistic Mangas (sad to say it but those with lgbtq characters, fantasy, and shonen and seinen) you will find tsundere people, you will find characters who say no, and guess what? You will find what we interpret as rape to be more loving and just really romance to them. If you don't want this blurred line of what is and isn't rape, go for slice of life and realistic mangas. Guaranteed you will be far less confused. 
    2. Now, writing. Writing is confusing. Even a simple text you think is nothing more, people can take offense to. How about entire stories. People can misunderstand entire plots because we can't ask the authors what they meant. Far more often than not, what we think is rape, is a loving scene for the author. Especially due to the cultural differences listed above. If an author wants something to appear horrible and rapish. They will make it so. Believe me you can freaking tell when something is for real rape. I understand people get touchy about this. I have met people who have been raped. I Have Heard stories. I'm sorry but there's nothing remotely loving about it my dudes. If you have ever been sexual abused in anyway I deeply apologize and I can't even imagine, in fact, the tsundere trope is probably your worst enemy. 
    3. Rape. I have read just about every english yaoi Manga out there. Not even kidding. I have spent probably 10 years of my life reading Manga and I average about 5 hours a day. I'm an addict. I have read rape. Many Manga would fall under dubious consent, but not rape. Not the real scary kind anyway. The tsundere trope kind I can be convinced of certainly but for now, due to how the authosr portray sex scenes, I'm going with dubious consent.
    4. Stockholm syndrome. I'm not even really going to get into this. Look it up guys. It's an very specific syndrome and a lot of what people say is, usually isnt.
    5. Does it look like the uke is trying hard to get rid of the seme? Or the other way around? Usually the answer is no. No he didnt. He just kinda layed back and comically delt with it along with the flow of the manga. Is that how you, or anyone would react with meeting their rapist? No. You bring me one real life case where the victim had no (pre-existing) mental issues and they love and go back to their rapist. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN BECAUSE IT IS NEVER PLEASANT. Sexually? Sure the body does what it does and likes it. But emotionally? Absolutely freaking not you don't like it. And please don't bring up denial because no. Just no. What the uke went through was distressing, but not unpleasant to a high degree. Again not because I said so, because the authors usually make it so. That's just the vibe they put out man.
    6. Omegaverse. Like I said earlier. The more ridiculous the story, the more ridiculous the characters and Omegaverse certainly fits the bill. Liberties that before could not be taken, can in Omegaverse because during the so called "heat" you lose your composure either partly or completely according to what the author wants. In most cases, I'd argue completely. So yes, in a situation where it would normally be rape, it is now two people so needy for sex that they can't control control what they're doing. This is usually exacerbated by whether they like the person or not. The author is allowed to do what he wants with Omegaverse so really you never know what you're going to get. Sorry if you hated this. My intention was to enlighten rather than insult so I hope that's what you got. Have a swell day and best wishes. Also please for the love of god look up Stockholm syndrome so you can never throw it around in yaoi Manga again. The shoe doth not fit!!

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 28, 2018 12:15 am
    Sorry if this pisses people off but honestly I think a lot of people ignore this side of the argument because it's s lot easier to just say "I was raised learning that anything but a yes is a no" and I'm sorry ... Amorim

    I only looked over this and read the ending. Frankly, I heard all of those arguments before so sorry but that's nothing new to me. On the other hand, some of the other commenters on here might not have heard of those things before so either way, there is a high chance someone will find out something new :).

    Could you tell me who you were talking to? The "Stockholm syndrome" part? You did not address the person you were referring to and I did not mention Stockholm syndrome at all in this comment section so I assume that it is not be.

    Btw, you kinda sound like ass or someone who takes themselves too seriously.

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 28, 2018 12:15 am
    Wtf are talking about? It's fictional? Not live. No soul, nobody hurts. Are you out your mind? Triggered much, sweet heart? Stop It. Get Some Help.

    I agree with you but shut the fuck up cuz you're acting like a cunt.

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 28, 2018 12:16 am
    This is what I called is chill people. People nowsdays always such a critics about what people like when they disagree. Stop It. Get Some Help.

    Nah that's ignorant people.

    Amorim August 28, 2018 9:39 am
    I only looked over this and read the ending. Frankly, I heard all of those arguments before so sorry but that's nothing new to me. On the other hand, some of the other commenters on here might not have heard of... JustAYaoiFangirl

    Its 3 a.m. so i apologize in advance for... well anything really. My post wasn't addressed to anyone specifically because that would be a long list. If you look at a lot of comments where rape is invoved you'll find those that say "it's stockholm syndrome" Stockholm is an ugly twisted syndrome and though it can have similarities to love it most certainly is NOT. There's nothing romantic about it. Just thinking about it makes me sick. Also, you didn't have to insult me. If you didnt want to read the whole thing I wrote that's fine, but I'm a lawyer and I make good arguments and points. I'd stake my career on it (see what I did there?). I just happen to be argumentative, not serious. I'm sure you were just having a bad time when you wrote this so I'm not going to judge. Have a great day!

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 28, 2018 3:31 pm

    I don't care if you're a lawyer or not. You being in that position does not mean that you make good points or argument.

    I still agree with the "insult." Really, there is no need to type that much especially if it's not addressed at anyone. That takes effort and time. No one puts effort and time into something they aren't serious about.

    Feel free to judge. I'm an ass to people all year round ;)

    Have a great day too.

    Amorim August 28, 2018 6:26 pm
    I don't care if you're a lawyer or not. You being in that position does not mean that you make good points or argument. I still agree with the "insult." Really, there is no need to type that much especially if ... JustAYaoiFangirl

    I wouldn't be a lawyer if I didn't make good points or arguments. I wouldn't make money, no one would hire me, and I wouldn't have gotten through college. So when I said I stake my career on it, I meant that I wouldn't have one if I wasn't good. I am serious about the topic, I'm just not a serious person. I guess it was addressed to the people who use this site if that makes you feel better. And when I said you insulted me, I meant that you called me an ass for no reason. You can chose to be hurtful if you want, I can't stop you, but I won't take you up on that and I'll no longer reply to this thread as it's gotten long enough no? Best wishes

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 28, 2018 7:37 pm
    I wouldn't be a lawyer if I didn't make good points or arguments. I wouldn't make money, no one would hire me, and I wouldn't have gotten through college. So when I said I stake my career on it, I meant that I ... Amorim

    I was actually going to say bye so this is great :)

JustAYaoiFangirl January 28, 2018 2:23 am

I have been pretty much trolling a group of people for quiet a while by now. Don't worry, they deserved it. What happened was that I set up a trap and they fell into it. Pretty much getting incredibly offended over nothing. I have been dropping clues that I'm trolling them. Pretty much putting a whole paragraph of swear words and really dumb points, then stating that I'm messing around with them and that none of them will probably read this. I know that none of them read it because they still don't have a clue of what is going on. I have also inserted a incredible amount of spelling error and dropping clues around all over the place. Yet they still don't get it. It's still fun but I'm disappointed that none of them have figured it out. Along some point, someone who didn't realise that I was trolling those guys came in and basically asked why they are getting offended over nothing and they started attacking them. I sorted it out by talking to them privately so they don't waste their time and they seemed pretty chill.

I know that trolling might seem a bit weird but I had nothing to do and it was 3 am so why not? But still, I'm disappointed. It reminds me of when I was foolish enough to get trolled like an idiot.

I have also noticed that people get offended over nothing. Shortly ago I was giving advice to someone who got attacked by someone for simply stating that they don't ship a certain pair. The person did seem nice but they were also so unaware that the person attacking them was just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. It wasn't even trolling. It was just simply being mean to someone and accusing them of hating a character because they didn't ship something.

    ebjean January 28, 2018 5:26 am

    Lots of kids too young to be on here. That might be some of the gullible parties. Also lots of idiots.

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