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JustAYaoiFangirl December 26, 2017 3:17 pm

Not paying artists correctly? I was on twitter talking to someone about this great manga called "why can't men wear high heels" and they told me that they won't buy the last couple of chapters because there is some drama about artists not getting paid correctly.Is this true? I never heard of it before and it might be important considering the latest drama with manga-go.

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 26, 2017 3:18 pm

    I tried looking it up but found nothing so far...

    shitchelle December 26, 2017 3:39 pm

    Recently, many artists from that company complained that they were not payed correctly, plus they also were against some unfair policies. But they complained in korean, I knew about this because someone on Twitter wrote a resume.

    Anonymous December 26, 2017 4:01 pm

    It's true.

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 27, 2017 3:48 am
    Recently, many artists from that company complained that they were not payed correctly, plus they also were against some unfair policies. But they complained in korean, I knew about this because someone on Twit... shitchelle

    Thanks for the Info :)

JustAYaoiFangirl December 20, 2017 9:39 pm

Where a guy gets stuck with a baby that belongs to the girl he had a crush on when he was in high-school after meeting her in a bar and saying over at her place? She left him a note and disappeared. He ended up taking the be baby home and gets stuck taking care of it. Be goes to the shop to buy something and he ends up standing near a guy who he went to high-school with. He doesn't notice and they don't talk. Later on for some reason he end up coming to that guys house, telling him to take his baby away. However, he doesn't know that the baby doesn't belong to that guy and that guy was/is in love with him. It's kinda bl, but without action.

I also heard that there is a movie or a TV show for it.

Please help.

    justme December 20, 2017 10:06 pm


    Ducks are Nice December 20, 2017 10:40 pm


    Night December 20, 2017 11:17 pm

    Following (●'◡'●)ノ

    Mzz Mal December 21, 2017 12:29 am


    JustAYaoiFangirl December 21, 2017 1:07 am

    What's with the dislike? I'm just looking for a manga

    Night December 21, 2017 3:18 am
    What's with the dislike? I'm just looking for a manga JustAYaoiFangirl

    It's sometimes just a troll that comes through and will randomly dislike stuff. Also, it could be that someone meant to push the "like" button, but accidentally disliked instead. I believe a lot of people read on their phones so it is easy to do and not notice.

JustAYaoiFangirl December 16, 2017 7:28 pm

Where a guy gets stuck with a baby that belongs to the girl he had a crush on when he was in high-school after meeting her in a bar and saying over at her place? She left him a note and disappeared. He ended up taking the be baby home and gets stuck taking care of it. Be goes to the shop to buy something and he ends up standing near a guy who he went to high-school with. He doesn't notice and they don't talk. Later on for some reason he end up coming to that guys house, telling him to take his baby away. However, he doesn't know that the baby doesn't belong to that guy and that guy was/is in love with him. It's kinda bl, but without action.

I also heard that there is a movie or a TV show for it.

Please help.

JustAYaoiFangirl December 7, 2017 10:29 pm

They have some pretty good storied and are free :)
I recommend:
-Winter wood
-Hardcore Leveling warrior
-Boyfriend of the dead
-I love Yoo
-Silent Scremes
-Ghost Teller
-Daily life of a gay couple
-Let's play

Some of them might be your type so give them a try.

    ... December 7, 2017 11:13 pm

    “Toaster Dude” and “The Masked Henchman”, and “Carl” are a pretty good read too.

    astralsensei December 7, 2017 11:33 pm

    UnOrdinary is overrated, wouldn't honestly reccomend. But yes! I really reccomend Ghost teller it's amazing! I love the story lines so much. Bastard and Subtle Disaster are amazing. I love the art style so much. Toaster dude is the best man. Such a good comedy.

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 8, 2017 5:15 pm
    UnOrdinary is overrated, wouldn't honestly reccomend. But yes! I really reccomend Ghost teller it's amazing! I love the story lines so much. Bastard and Subtle Disaster are amazing. I love the art style so much... astralsensei

    How and why is it overrated?

    Anonymous December 8, 2017 5:24 pm

    "Weebtoons" I'm dying

    astralsensei December 9, 2017 2:26 am
    How and why is it overrated? JustAYaoiFangirl

    In my personal opinion, I just think so. I waited for nearly 40 chapters for some plot to happen but it was empty and dragging. The plot is not only dragging but not even that good. MC suddenly becomes op. You might say 'But it gets real good right now!' I will look at you and say if it takes more than 40 episodes to get to the good part then it's obviously a flawed webtoon. The characters are generic and average and a little cliché. I honestly think that in that amount of chapters it was just filler. The author did nothing in the story that helped improve the story. Probably added in some comedy but nothing worth remembering. The art style is good but the plot overall is lacking. It honestly is extremely generic and not really memorable. I've read long webtoons that were good but this one was just filler. Lookism is pretty long and kind of dragging but it has memorable characters that you love. Please just remember that this is just an opinion.

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 20, 2017 11:35 pm
    In my personal opinion, I just think so. I waited for nearly 40 chapters for some plot to happen but it was empty and dragging. The plot is not only dragging but not even that good. MC suddenly becomes op. You ... astralsensei

    Actually there has been a lot of plot going on but mostly it was just character introduction and development. The comic has a whole established words with characters whose personalities are showed clearly. We know quiet a lot about their system - a lot of aspects are hinted in the show about the system the characters they have and the characters. For example Arlo (the blond assholes guy) liked the old king despite the fact that from what we know he treated everyone equally and that he mostly feel as if being a king is job based around keeping everyone in place so there is order in the school. Those things contradict each other but do imply that there is more to him that just a spoiled powerful kid.

    Maybe the comic is just not for you, I feel like someone into politics, sci-fi and fantasy is more likely to enjoy it.

    I wouldn't call it a filler since it did establish character development and the words presented in the story. The story does seem to be complex and does show both positives and negatives to characters. Btw I think that the art style is ok, could be better.

    Also, yeah lookism does have good characters but the story doesn't establish much. I wouldn't be shocked if it never got a real ending.

    Have you read Big Jo and what are your thoughts about it? I used to like it but now I think that it went down hill.

JustAYaoiFangirl December 4, 2017 4:17 am

First of all I know that this isn't a dating advice app but I don't know who and where to ask.

I go to the same schol as my crush, she is a fun person and likes to roast people she considers as friends. We weren't really that close but im glad that she still considered mea a friend. At first both of us would roast each other-it was fun. After a while I couldn't roast her anymore. I started uncontrolably smiling whenever I saw her, then I couldn't take my eyes of her and now my heart beats like crazy whenever I think about the her. I think I'm in love with her.

But there is a problem.

My crush is asexual. I don't think she would ever consider dating me but in a way she does give me a lot of attention. She calls out my name, she notices me when we are in class together even through we don't sit together. She often places her arm around me and tried to talk to me. She even once compared us to benedick and Beatrice for om much ado about nothing. My behaviour towards her now is the same as benedicks when he was tricked into thinking that she likes him. In other words I don't know way to do when she tries to roast me. Honestly, I'm just so happy that she talks to me.

I also kind of messed up. For some reason I find it hard to admit that I'm lesbian. I know I called her a crush but it's worse than that. I'm in love with her. I tried avoiding her because I don't want her to know. Yet I still can't get my eyes of her, she hasn't noticed but I'm acting like a creep. Fothermore she noticed that I'm avoiding her, she just tried to talk to me harder.

I really don't know what to do. I love her. I don't want to get rejected and I'm also bad at social things. Do you think that there is a chance that she likes me back? What should I do?

    Fehlover December 4, 2017 4:23 am

    Honestly, this is something you might want to go to Reddit about (the relationship subreddit). I have been there, and people are really detailed in their advice. A lot of them are helpful too. Just something I notice. The thing is, if you are posting on here, some people might not care since is mainly a comic site and just ignore your post. However, if you go to a designated site, then people are more willing.

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 4, 2017 4:28 am
    Honestly, this is something you might want to go to Reddit about (the relationship subreddit). I have been there, and people are really detailed in their advice. A lot of them are helpful too. Just something I ... Fehlover

    Thanks. I will try out reddit.

    Fehlover December 4, 2017 4:37 am
    Thanks. I will try out reddit. JustAYaoiFangirl

    Tell me how it goes. If you are a new user, make sure to go to the DATING tab.

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 4, 2017 4:39 am
    Tell me how it goes. If you are a new user, make sure to go to the DATING tab. Fehlover

    Took me a while but i finally found it.

    Greque December 4, 2017 4:39 am

    So, firstly I second Fehlover above. This isn't the best place for serious advice. It's a good place to get trolled or ignored, and you don't deserve that.

    Second, have you talked with this person in depth about their sexuality? Just because someone is asexual, doesn't mean they're also aromantic, so if you don't mind a lack of sexual intimacy, it isn't necessarily completely off the table. It's just something you'd have to learn from then specifically because everyone is different.

    It seems like you're feeling really conflicted about a lot of things. I get it. I was once young, gay, and confused. You don't really want her to find out, but also you want nothing more than to scream it from the rooftops. It's a matter of risk vs reward. Something I'll tell you, and I hope it helps, if someone likes you back, they will usually notice if you're sending signals because they're looking for them just as much as you are. If someone doesn't notice you like them, it is most likely not mutual.

    JustAYaoiFangirl December 4, 2017 4:47 am
    So, firstly I second Fehlover above. This isn't the best place for serious advice. It's a good place to get trolled or ignored, and you don't deserve that. Second, have you talked with this person in depth abou... Greque

    To tell the truth, it does seem li a bad place but I did get some good advice on here before... The fact that I his isn't my first time asking random people on a manga side for advice really shows that I need to get some close friends. This also brings up the point that Tim bad at socialising and I feel like I won't be able to connect with her for some reason.

    I haven't but I'm planing to,nit directly. If I talk to her face to face without a warning she will defenetly figure it out. I have been avoiding her for a while by now,the last time we talked my face went completely red.

    I just hope that she likes me back and notices. I have never felt like this before and it's creeping me out.

    jha December 4, 2017 5:26 am

    Forget labels. Whether she's gay, bisexual, lesbian or asexual I believe that she would be happy when she finds out that someone like you loves her. You know its better to have a roller coaster relationship with someone you love than nothing at all.
    Do it step-by-step. Tell her you like her. If its a no, accept it and move on, if its a yes, treasure her and if its a maybe, you should respect that. But I promise you, whatever the answer will be, you'll feel a lot better.

    Picha 88 December 4, 2017 5:44 am

    You muat give it try. I know it scary but you also want to know about the other party what she really think about you. Even you got rejection. You can always start with friend. If she really care about you, time might be change her heart. Thats what i think

    Just an anon girl December 4, 2017 6:17 am

    Hello, demisexual person here, so I'll tell you what I think. First, being assexual doesn't mean aromantic. You can be assexual and like relationship, getting hugged, kissed, cuddling. Some of us can even make sex, for me, sex is just boring. Like study math, you know. I don't particular dislike, but is not something I like. Everyone is different and if you date this girl someday, you two have to have a talk.
    That being said, she being assexual doesn't mean you can't approach her, is just like confessing to another girl. Don't avoid her, because you can lose her friendship without even telling her how you feel. Confess how you feel for her the same way you would confess to another person (I can't really tell you what to do, people have many ways to confess, some just tal, some are very shy and write a letter... see how you feel more comfortable). If she says no, just tell her it's alright and you still want to befriend with her, because that's the most important thing to you. But, really, just try. Maybe she even feel something for you and you just don't know.

    I am your girlfriend now July 19, 2020 2:06 am
    Tell me how it goes. If you are a new user, make sure to go to the DATING tab. Fehlover

    So I never ended up confessing, I was going to. She said she was gonna attend X college, I attended X college but for some reason she didn't come. Her best friend doesn't know what happened to her and none of her social media was updated in years.

    I don't have any way to get in contact with her. I do regret it and have no idea where she may be and whenever she is ok.

    So yeah, confess to your crushes while you can before they disapear.

    Feh July 26, 2020 6:33 am
    So I never ended up confessing, I was going to. She said she was gonna attend X college, I attended X college but for some reason she didn't come. Her best friend doesn't know what happened to her and none of h... I am your girlfriend now

    It's been years since I last came to this post. I even forgot I posted here. I'm so sorry to hear about this update. There may have been reasons for her to "disappear." For me personally, I simply stopped using social media because of the damaging effects it has on self-esteem. It's also annoying to keep up with appearances too. That might be the case for your crush. Over the years, I also find myself keeping very little contact with friends even through text. I hope she is okay out there, and I hope you are too.

    I am your girlfriend now July 26, 2020 4:40 pm
    It's been years since I last came to this post. I even forgot I posted here. I'm so sorry to hear about this update. There may have been reasons for her to "disappear." For me personally, I simply stopped using... Feh

    Oh, damn I relate to that a lot, I think that she did too and in a sense that's one of the things that attracted me to her.

    I do wonder where and how she is though I try not to think about it. I will work on myself so that if i ever meet her, I can be a bit more confident and maybe approach her. I try to deny it but I'm painfully shy.

    How is your friend circle? I do the same thing and at the moment I have maybe 1 or 2 people I talk to but I don't consider them friends.

    Feh July 26, 2020 5:27 pm
    Oh, damn I relate to that a lot, I think that she did too and in a sense that's one of the things that attracted me to her. I do wonder where and how she is though I try not to think about it. I will work on my... I am your girlfriend now

    I actually moved around a couple times during major points of my life. I moved to another state in the US right after I finished middle school. I went to high school in a different state, but went to college in a different city in the same state. Then right after college, I moved to another state to be with family.

    I did make many friends and a lot of them are added on Facebook, but I haven't talked to them in a long time. There were some people I felt like could have been my best friends, but time and distance just made us drift apart. I honestly don't have friends I'm close to anymore.

    Our relationships could have been maintained if we kept in contact, but over time I just lost the energy. I feel bad about that since there are times when it would take me weeks to reply back to a text. So part of the problem is on my end.

    I am your girlfriend now July 27, 2020 1:09 pm
    I actually moved around a couple times during major points of my life. I moved to another state in the US right after I finished middle school. I went to high school in a different state, but went to college in... Feh

    Ok so we can relate a lot. The only difference is that from time to time I will unfriend them on facebook (them= people i not longer talk to.)

    Do you know why you might not have the energy to message back/why it might take you so long to reply? I have the same issues and there are people I haven't messaged in months. I personally find it that I enjoy spending time by myself and in a sense texting back does feel like a chore if I'm not in the mood.

    Do you want to have friends or are you ok with your current life style/situation? Is making friends hard?

JustAYaoiFangirl July 11, 2017 6:48 pm

Does anyone know any yaoi manga where:
- the seme puts everyday objects such as vegetables or pens inside the uke
-the uke is not allowed to cum
-the uke cries out to stop but the seme keeps going anyway
-The seme has a massive dick to the point that the uke cries

JustAYaoiFangirl April 15, 2017 1:36 am

Do you also sometimes read a yaoi manga with sex scenes so good that you feel as if you shiver and makes you feel butterflies in your stomach or is it just me?

If you can relate, can you recommend some stuff.

    Y u No notice ur Senpai April 15, 2017 1:44 am

    Well... Now that you mentioned, there was a time when I first started on this site, and I was naive enough to read a manga called Trap.... In the living room. And my face felt like, ... Burning kinda sooo, yah that's that. Good there wasn't anybody there at that time.

    Kawaii_canteloupe April 15, 2017 1:48 am

    I know the feels, but it happens to me more if the sex scene is like really fulfilling and full of love.
    if you could give me an example of what kind of scenes make you feel the butterflies (tell me a manga) and I could probably recommend a few.

    Jaz April 15, 2017 1:53 am

    All of Zariya/Zaria's sex scenes make me feel that way (except for the BDSM ones). Sex scenes so good it makes me, an asexual, wish I could join in on that action.

    rev April 15, 2017 1:58 am

    for me, that would be bara ones,,, i like seeing big guys having fun with each other, ufufufufuh

    JustAYaoiFangirl April 15, 2017 2:36 am
    I know the feels, but it happens to me more if the sex scene is like really fulfilling and full of love.if you could give me an example of what kind of scenes make you feel the butterflies (tell me a manga) and... Kawaii_canteloupe

    This is the most recent one,

    JustAYaoiFangirl April 15, 2017 2:40 am
    Well... Now that you mentioned, there was a time when I first started on this site, and I was naive enough to read a manga called Trap.... In the living room. And my face felt like, ... Burning kinda sooo, yah ... Y u No notice ur Senpai

    Ok, now imagine that taken to the next level. I personally can read hardcore yaoi manga in front of my bff with a poker face but that kind of pleasure is just amazing. Imagine that you feel as if you're not reading that manga but having sex. It's among those lines.

    Kags April 15, 2017 2:50 am
    Ok, now imagine that taken to the next level. I personally can read hardcore yaoi manga in front of my bff with a poker face but that kind of pleasure is just amazing. Imagine that you feel as if you're not rea... JustAYaoiFangirl

    You hit the nail on the head ! :D

    kaye April 15, 2017 3:17 am

    not sometimes but mostly/often not just butterflies but a beast craving in.

    Kawaii_canteloupe April 15, 2017 3:39 am
    Ok, now imagine that taken to the next level. I personally can read hardcore yaoi manga in front of my bff with a poker face but that kind of pleasure is just amazing. Imagine that you feel as if you're not rea... JustAYaoiFangirl

    I read hardcore yaoi in class, haha. And one of my best friends Is in that class, and he knows I love yaoi.
    So I'll be reading hardcore yaoi, ill turn to him and smile real big. And you can just so "ohh god, she's at it again" written all over his face.
    I can read hardcore stuff with a straight face, but when it comes to the lovey dovey parts I will sometimes slam my phone on my desk cuz I can't handle the kawaiiness XD

    Kawaii_canteloupe April 15, 2017 3:41 am
    This is the most recent one, JustAYaoiFangirl

    Ahh, I love this one. I will look through my reads and recomend some

    JustAYaoiFangirl April 15, 2017 4:10 am
    You hit the nail on the head ! :D Kags

    Thank you. I had this feeling for ages and I wasn't sure if others did too since next to no one every mentions it.

    Nico Nico Tine April 15, 2017 5:34 am

    Me. Sometimes when the seme licks the ukes dick i kind of felt it making me shiver in delight. Hahahaaaa

    Y u No notice ur Senpai April 15, 2017 9:45 am
    Ok, now imagine that taken to the next level. I personally can read hardcore yaoi manga in front of my bff with a poker face but that kind of pleasure is just amazing. Imagine that you feel as if you're not rea... JustAYaoiFangirl

    Lol yes I know I always get that feeling, specially when reading things like Koitomo, Owaranai, Mujihi series, etc... That feeling of real life brain stimulation of fukin uke till he starts crying is just too familiar. ....AKA even though I am a girl, I can't see myself being uke but rather I would bang my cute Adorable uke with nice Abe's and inverted nipples. (Sorry I got too graphic..)

    Kags April 17, 2017 5:19 am
    Lol yes I know I always get that feeling, specially when reading things like Koitomo, Owaranai, Mujihi series, etc... That feeling of real life brain stimulation of fukin uke till he starts crying is just too f... Y u No notice ur Senpai

    Oh no please continue xD

JustAYaoiFangirl February 11, 2017 4:30 pm

So on the past I read but haven't finished a manga that goes a bit like this: A old man is about to die in a hospital, the man has regrets about the past.The grandson play violin(?) for the last time, for his grandpa who is about to die. Something happens and the grandson finds him self in the past.

He is then found by a boy about his age, that boy confuses him with his grandfather as they look really similar. When the grandson tried to explain that he is not his grandfather, the other boy thinks that he lost his memory (maybe hit him self on the head). It so happens that the guy who took him back home is in love with him(his grandpa). Nothing sexual really happens.

JustAYaoiFangirl February 5, 2017 8:51 pm

I'm 15 years old. I had never had a sexual relationship with anyone. I had some sexual dreams involving the opposite gender however it was more like a nightmare, it was a dream about getting raped. It only happened once. I never fantasised about the opposite gender.
I never dreamed about having sex with someone of the same gender, however, I did fantasise about it. I find my history teacher hot, she is a female like me. I daydreamed about her forcing herself on me (nothing like this actually happened).
I started watching porn at a very young age. I can masturbate to gay, straight and lesbian porn as long as it's rape. I never wanted to have sex with anyone of the opposite gender, I find is disgusting. I also never wanted to have sex with someone of the same sex but I did fantasise about my teacher.
Am I straight, gay or bi? Do I have a rape fetish and should I see a therapist, I feel as if the reason as to why I find straight relationships disgusting might be because I had a fucked up childhood?

    Natalya Sasaki February 5, 2017 8:59 pm

    Cześć :D
    According to me it is normal, in this age of raging hormones xD Over time you settle down (if you do not treat it seriously and do not know how experienced). Treat it as something normal and with time that would be to you indifferent ^^

    rose February 5, 2017 9:19 pm

    You're still very young and exploring your sexuality, so don't feel too bad about not pinning yourself down just yet. As for watching porn and reading smutty manga and such, remember that it's just fantasy.
    Real relationships, if that's what you're looking for, aren't represented at ALL for the most part on such sites, and if that's what you're into, you're going to be very disappointed by real relationships.
    I strongly suggest seeing a therapist if you feel uncomfortable with your past. Resolving issues from your childhood may change how you see the world and help with your transition through puberty. If a traumatic event in your past is fueling your disgust/distrust of men and/or your slightly self destructive desire to be raped, then it's be best if your dealt with it rather than run away.
    Whatever you decide, You shouldn't feel forced to label yourself. If you have an interest in women, then that's just what it is.
    If you like feeling submissive in your sexual interest, then that's how that goes too.
    If you change your mind later, and do want a cis hetero relationship, cause you found the perfect guy or whatever, go for that too.
    Whatever makes you happy and comfortable in your own skin.
    Everything else doesn't matter.

    LessThanThree February 5, 2017 9:22 pm

    You're fine. Some people have rape fantasies. So long as you don't feel the need to go out and rape someone, you shouldn't worry and getting help isn't necessary. As for your sexuality, idk. You'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 5, 2017 10:05 pm
    You're fine. Some people have rape fantasies. So long as you don't feel the need to go out and rape someone, you shouldn't worry and getting help isn't necessary. As for your sexuality, idk. You'll just have to... LessThanThree

    Everyone in real life tells me that I'm a lesbian. I'm not sure myself but I think I might grow up and live alone with 10 cats. I don't want a relationship but I cuddle my BFF when she comes over and once i pinned her down to a wall (didn't do anything else because it was weird, IDK why i did that).

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 5, 2017 10:09 pm
    You're fine. Some people have rape fantasies. So long as you don't feel the need to go out and rape someone, you shouldn't worry and getting help isn't necessary. As for your sexuality, idk. You'll just have to... LessThanThree

    Hej :)
    I just really want to know because shit is getting weird. I'm way too physical towards my BFF, I might be into her. I think that she is straight. I got no idea how o figure this out. I do weird things towards my BFF(like I once pinned her to a wall, idk why I did that but I stopped right away) but on the other hand I don't want a romantic relationship.

    LessThanThree February 5, 2017 10:15 pm
    Hej :)I just really want to know because shit is getting weird. I'm way too physical towards my BFF, I might be into her. I think that she is straight. I got no idea how o figure this out. I do weird things tow... JustAYaoiFangirl

    I feel you. I've had crushes but at the same time no desire for a relationship whatsoever. If my ideal type came up to me and confessed, I'd be happy, and then I'd just be like, "Yeah, no thanks." Lol

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 5, 2017 10:15 pm
    You're fine. Some people have rape fantasies. So long as you don't feel the need to go out and rape someone, you shouldn't worry and getting help isn't necessary. As for your sexuality, idk. You'll just have to... LessThanThree

    I know that manga is unrealistic and I do not consider it as an example of love/sex. The thi ng is that idk what i am.

    Lime February 8, 2017 11:44 am

    Rape fantasies in women are very often, specially in puberty and before engaging in sexual relationship. More importantly, having a rape fantasy does NOT mean you desire to be raped in reality. Considering your age, it just means your sexuality is starting to awaken. Similar goes for same sex fantasies. They do not automatically imply that you are or will be a lesbian, even when you feel the physical desire. Human psyche is a very delicate and complex being, and it rarely expresses its desires and fears in a straight forward manner. You might learn in the future that you really do prefer women, but you might also find out that you are just shy and a little bit afraid from the boys. On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with feeling the physical desire towards your bff, professor, or girls generally. It isn't inappropriate, there is no reason to feel disgusted by it and you shouldn't think of yourself as abnormal. In either case, as Rose said it: don't be quick to label yourself yet. I will quote because I think it's so well said and that it's really true:

    "f you have an interest in women, then that's just what it is.
    If you like feeling submissive in your sexual interest, then that's how that goes too.
    If you change your mind later, and do want a cis hetero relationship, cause you found the perfect guy or whatever, go for that too.
    Whatever makes you happy and comfortable in your own skin.
    Everything else doesn't matter."

    As for seeing a therapist, that's one thing you should decide for yourself. If you ask me, I would say that I some times regret for not having talked to one when I was your age. Seeing a therapist does not mean you are abnormal. It means you have someone more experienced, educated and competent, while not being judgmental and subjective, whom you can talk to openly about everything. It's a person who helps you understand yourself and see what you want to do and who is that you are and want to be. Through the process you learn how to build your personality, your self confidence and courage to realize it, both within yourself and in reality. It's a mental hygiene, a process of cultivating your own soul and mind. There are just few criteria for being mentally healthy: reaching your authentic self and being capable to realize this self through love and work. If you do chose to talk with someone, I would recommend finding a good psychoanalysis oriented psychologist rather then a psychotherapist. And no need for drugs. Nowdays, everyone is quick on recommending them but that's for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies. Some emotions, nevertheless, however difficult they might feel, need to be experienced and lived trough.

    I'm sorry for writing this much. I hope it helps.

    Lime February 8, 2017 11:56 am

    Sorry, made a mistake in my answer. I wanted to say: I would recommend finding a good psychoanalysis oriented psychologist rather then a PSYCHIATRIST.

JustAYaoiFangirl December 12, 2016 9:19 pm

Does anyone know a manga where the uke got rapped in the pas and is scared to have sex with the seme? Anything like his is fine too.

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