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Fool created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Everyone, it's a dark romance, what do y'all expect? If it's not for you, you can always stop, and read those that you can actually enjoy, if this ain't for you, that's fine. But that's fucked up of you to judge others that actually read this and find it fun, don't ruin the fun of others just because you don't like it, and made it your goal to make others do the same. And don't compare it to real life, you need reality check if you think— just because others find this enjoyable doesn't mean they would too in real life. DON'T MIX FICTION WITH REALITY.

I tried to reread chapter 29 —the uncensored one, I wanted to see if tsar has a pretty dick— whut the fuck, I know Tsar is BIG, but that thing is a weapon, it can actually kill, whut the fuck?( ̄∇ ̄")

Fool created a topic of The Cutest Girl Closest To Me

Big sis... My goddess. She's so pretty, I can't take my eyes off her.

Fool created a topic of Love in Orbit

Little Sohan being stupid, I love you, baby, but your stupidity need to stop. You masochistic, martyr little guy.

That shitty old guy be calling Sohan his son, he's not even a fucking father. God, I'm not your strongest soldier, I'm about to disrespect this old fucking creature with his fucking golf membership and shove it up his homophobic fucking ass. I'm sorry, I'm so freaking mad. I can'ttt.༎‿༎

But Sacha and Gabinnn, so cute, really cute. I love them. Right now, they're the only reason I'm happy reading this. Gabin is so cutee, like a little bean.

Fool created a topic of Gig of the Day

Maybe it's because I feel like shit because of our thesis, but I hate everyone except Yeomin. If this baby get hurt be it physically, emotionally or mentally I hope everyone that hurts him burns alive.

Fool created a topic of Love in Orbit

Aww, my sweet little gabin, my cute baby. Look how small he is, he's like a little beann. (/TДT)/ I'm tired of waiting for that unfather-like to leave.

Fool created a topic of Love in Orbit

I'm trying not to get angry at Sohan, and understand him. And it's not working. I don't understand why he'd rather be with his fucked up of a father than Sihwa— which no matter what anyone says, Sihwa's clearly better— and I'm trying to reason Sohan's action like, "maybe he long for parental love, that's why." But anyways, my cute Sihwa's cryinggg. Poor baby.

I still stand my ground about wanting Sacha and Gabin the second couple if there's anyyy.

Fool created a topic of Sheep's Mask

To be completely honest, it's kinda unfair, he should've fucked up everyone too, not just the sergeant, they all deserve it. Then kill himself because he basically became one of them.

Fool created a topic of Tamaranai no wa Koi na no ka?


Fool created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Baby, everyone in the world wants to hook up with you. You're gorgeous. Also, I love a good amount of pining, it slaps. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Fool created a topic of 19 Days

So precious, them happy and laughing is my treasure. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Fool created a topic of Love in Orbit

I'm gonna blame this to his father, because he's the only one I hate. It's all your fault father, so go and run away again you little shit.

Rintarou's playful smile is everything. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Fool created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

At this point I'm flabbergasted by how delusional and shameless she is. She really wants her hair to get pulled.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Fool created a topic of Tamon-kun ima docchi?!

Gloomyhothara so cuteee. I love himmm. With all my heart. So cuteeeee, I want to squeeze him so bad, he'll explodeeee. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Fool created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

Yeah, minato needs to be lectured like, "it's bad to suddenly grab someone's hand when they're cooking". Not just some sugary words like, "it's not your fault" ( though, no one really said it.) but I do love how minato feels sorry for his papa to give him his favorite toy.

Gentle parenting is good— better even, but it needed to be executed properly. You can't just ignore the problem just because he's a child, it's because he's a child that he needed to learn what can happen and what kind of consequences will occur through his actions. Also I don't have a kid, why do I keep yapping. Don't plan on having one too. What's wrong with mee.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Nahh, why is he so hot? No one is supposed to be that hot. He can't be. No one should be. Why is he so perfect, he loves his wife so much. How can he love so good too?? Whut the hell. This is illegal, his existence is illegal. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Fool created a topic of Guiding Hazard
Fool created a topic of Inazuma to Romance

The amount of heart flutters I got from them is too muchhh, the butterflies!! His face should be illegal, how can he be that hot, no one is supposed to be that hot. Also, I really love sumire, i love her, I love so her much.

The age gap is not that bad, and also the past kidnapping.(Maybe it is bad, I'm just so used to dark romance novels that this is actually so tamed. I've just read "that sik luv" and the age gap... She's 18 and he's in his 30s. I can't. I love it still though.. ) this is really good actually. I love a touch of dark romance to my shojo mangas. As long as the ml loves her with all his heart, I love it. And she also loves him the same. Even better. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Fool created a topic of Studio Cabana

Good Job, Yuuske! Fawk Haruki. Maki babyy, don't cryyy.(/TДT)/