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Fool's feed

Fool created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Everyone, it's a dark romance, what do y'all expect? If it's not for you, you can always stop, and read those that you can actually enjoy, if this ain't for you, that's fine. But that's fucked up of you to judge others that actually read this and find it fun, don't ruin the fun of others just because you don't like it, and made it your goal to make others do the same. And don't compare it to real life, you need reality check if you think— just because others find this enjoyable doesn't mean they would too in real life. DON'T MIX FICTION WITH REALITY.

I tried to reread chapter 29 —the uncensored one, I wanted to see if tsar has a pretty dick— whut the fuck, I know Tsar is BIG, but that thing is a weapon, it can actually kill, whut the fuck?( ̄∇ ̄")