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mari followed a list
mari answered question about let's talk about fujoshi's
"i love you master" has lived rent free in my head for years now so
mari created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

fingers crossed for barebacking in 103

mari answered question about question
i would def be homophobic in the omegaverse because i don't wanna see pregnant men
mari answered question about question
i can dm u a tojigumi rec and some others if youd like ^_^
mari created a topic of Slammer Dogs

if you like this, you should play Enzai ^__^

mari created a topic of Campus Secret Girlfriend ♡

Lol wtf. Why do they suddenly like each other out of nowhere when Junseob is straight and Seryeong likes raping straight guys? Way to ruin a plot

mari answered question about question
We should bring back public beheadings and torture for violent offenders with a life sentence. Like why should I pay taxes for monsters to live a cozy life? If u disagree, look up Josef Fritzl and tell me he deserves to live.
mari answered question about question
"ukes look boring so the straight female readers can self-insert" take a yaoi history lesson & educate yourself
mari created a topic of Shota Oni

we are so in (つ≧▽≦)つ

mari created a topic of 16647

oh wow u managed to kidnap the suicidal teen that doesnt ever say no.. how impressive

mari answered question about question
genuinely who gives a fuck. you deleted ur manga reading acct because some ppl buwwied you? ..ok?? stick to reading then
mari created a topic of Myungtae, You Little Rascal!

But I wanna see the fuck train :( ?

mari created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Cirrus immediately tearing up and desperately shouting "I love you! Tell me you love me!!" ... I'm awake. I'm sat. Being jealous of Minwoo since Skylar will never forget him? I'm dead and ascending. I love him ;;

mari answered question about being single
I feel like 90% of people will rank enemies to lovers #1 when they think about it cuz there's so many flavors to it. It can be a lighthearted sitcom rivalry or involve murdering loved ones. Regardless of where it falls, theres always that appeal of two people uniquely getting under each others skin & drawing out emotions that no one else can. Not t......
mari answered question about question
Men: mentally unwell Women: this femcel aesthetic
mari answered question about question
Open your mind a little and you might learn to love it too
mari answered question about question
i’ll be standing in between
mari answered question about question
This gagged me when I found out