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blehhhh did

13 people did   /   0 want to do

yea this fuckass pillow i got is ass at making me comfortable...i need boobs

blehhhh did

164 people did   /   103 want to do

fun fact i once set our curtains on fire and my mom beat my ass for it..still doesnt beat the time i set my fav shirt on fire by accident :3

blehhhh did

178 people did   /   33 want to do

that 2020 friend group ended for a reason....i aint fighting w 2 nonbinary hoes named Tooth and Nail about sum thang....

blehhhh created a topic of Hate Mate

they keep getting on my nerves but this is genuinely so heart wrenching to me i love it,,,,id do anything to go back nd reread it again

blehhhh answered question about question
I don't mind the thought of death later on (I would very much mind it this time of my life tho), but I wouldn't go out of my way to search for it. Of course if i'm met with it I'll fight back cus thats like, yknow, kind of what the human body is programmed to do, but if left with no choice I usually seek an empty space in case it really happens. I......
blehhhh answered question about deeply in love
What if the world was made of pudding
blehhhh asked question about love for the booty

I fw u heavily...stay freaky...

blehhhh answered question about question
Class of 2013 by mitski, Wet by dazey and the scouts and a shit ton of rio romeo songs
blehhhh created a topic of Hate Mate


blehhhh answered question about make a picrew
Im not saying the names but...there will be signs...
blehhhh answered question about being black sheep of mggo
bc its the internet it doesnt matter if its an act or not, nothing u say or do will soften their behavior
blehhhh answered question about being black sheep of mggo
uf this is some niche kind of act or wtv i fw it but if its a genuine attempt at being funny then u gotta pack it up lil bro
blehhhh answered question about question
in 2020 when that question abt pubic hair mixed w honey was circulating...literally grew up w that question
blehhhh answered question about being black sheep of mggo
reading this was like those tiktoks that go "goodnight to everyone but-" same anticipation just a tad bit more enthusiasm
blehhhh created a topic of 6 and 7
blehhhh created a topic of Private Scandal

i finished this a while ago but i forgot to say that im so glad that the author didnt force Iliyan to reconcile w his old bag of dicks of a dad n instead highlighted his past trauma cus that wouldve been so unrealistic

blehhhh answered question about question
Ill read smth w a slightly off artstyle but dont expect me to continue it when it updates I avoid most Omegaverse w AxO or BxO as the plot, anything else is alright I can't stand the trope where there's cheating but they go back together anyways?? Like?? I HATE MEMORY LOSS TROPE!!! BURN IT!!! NOW!!!!!! Thats all i can mention off the top of my head......
blehhhh answered question about get to know you
Ummm that I came 3rd in my class? I was failing everything till last year so ig thats a big jump, also that I've figured out what I wanna do in the future. I'm not sure if this counts but I managed to get over my jealousy over this 1 girl n now we're like bffs Also that I managed to cop a New Jeans album for my gfs birthday which is nxt month :3 I ......
blehhhh created a topic of Private Scandal

jus finished this im so gagged over it its so good i havent read a good long story in a while