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blehhhh created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

few chapters in i am NOT hearing anyone out abt this, u guys srsly need new taste

blehhhh answered question about question
(Eight, continuing off of Sunbeam Baebe. This isnt good, i know, but im not used to describing spaces. Sorry) A tree, tall and colorless, stood right in front of him, under the bright night sky. What was it doing here, in such an ethereal space? His eyes gaze up to its branches and shocked he is by the mere sight of it's horrors. What it held with......
blehhhh answered question about question
if u evr see me reading Full Volume, Legs that won't walk, or anything like that baby that aint me!!
blehhhh answered question about helping each other
have we learned nothing from 2020-2021 ?
blehhhh created a topic of Define The Relationship

hiatus!!! ahahaha!!!!! im so normal about this!!!!!!

blehhhh answered question about question
Anyone can criticise anything, there are no set rules or steps to do so. Calling something ugly is not criticism anyways, it's a plain and simple conclusion, while criticism on the other hand is observing the faults and pointing them out while laying solutions to fix or better them.
blehhhh created a topic of Love in Orbit

imagine winning the jackpot and your dad, who you haven't seen in years, comes in to hug u out of nowhere HAHAHAHA

blehhhh created a topic of Chainsaw Man

silly little Asa trips and almost gets herself icon....

blehhhh answered question about question
blehhhh answered question about question
%17 w Enhypen, TXT and twice as shared artists....which i dont even listen to
blehhhh created a topic of Love in Orbit
blehhhh followed a goer
blehhhh answered question about question
brojola had site 3amr bw9 7na had t9a7bin ma 3ndnach fkawkab zomorodayarbi nl9a chi 7ed mghribi hnaya so far l9it ha wa7d☹️
blehhhh answered question about question
would you rather get a bajillion dollars or one disgusting old penny
blehhhh answered question about question
i looked thru ur acc nd literally y r the nicest ones always the victims You deserve so much better, clearly this isnt the first time ans pairing this w ur 1st question is NOT making it any better, im not gonna tell u what 2 do w ur relationship but what i am gonna advise u to do is care for urself. I know how ure feeling rn, ive been in this same ......
blehhhh followed question about question

People with actual autism (asd), what are your special interests?

25 02,2024
blehhhh did

28 people did   /   3 want to do

i forgot to eat for 2-3 days and my sugar levels went heart beat fast nd i felt dizzy so i ended up eating sugar cubes at like 7am

blehhhh did

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my therapist was so sweet but i did not want to be there so im sure i made her job harder...shoutout my girl Bahia u did ur best w me

blehhhh did

267 people did   /   30 want to do

i am NOT a fag!!
get pranked i love my gf

blehhhh did

58 people did   /   22 want to do

craving wheat pancakes rn.............