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daddyrie's feed

i’m rereading this story and honestly it’s so frustrating having to watch penelope constantly have to play nice and lower herself just so she doesn’t get killed by the people within the duchy who have never bothered to care for her. i wish this was more like the villainess turns the hourglass and that penelope would just get revenge on all of them without forgiveness. they’re treating her better now but after all they’ve done they don’t deserve anything good from her. even emily used to prick her with needles and feed her rotten food for no good reason, i don’t like how they’re all getting redemption arcs that they don’t deserve. all these “sweet” moments leave a bad taste in my mouth considering how they insulted, neglected and abused her before. derrick is shit but reynold doesn’t deserve to be forgiven either, he made penelope’s life a living hell before she changed and watched silently as even the servants disrespected her. now he’s trying to act like all his behaviour towards her in the past never happened, has he even apologised properly? no one tried to understand her and she was basically forced into being a villainess by a family who took her in just to neglect her. now that she’s acting servile towards them, suddenly they care…honestly can’t wait until she leaves the duchy with the ML