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daddyrie created a topic of High Pulse

he’s literally the only one who’s been consistently sabotaging their relationship and refuses to be honest with the ML about anything, the ML has always been the one putting the work in with their relationship. i almost dropped this during those chapters when they were on “break”, the MC was saying nonsense like how the ML doesn’t care about him and that the ML has already forgotten about him. what???? like YOU were literally the one who refused to even breathe in his direction even after saying that you guys would still interact with each other, YOU were the one who initiated being on break, YOU were the one who made up nonsense in your head about how the ML supposedly isn’t into you and now he’s once again trying to cut off contact from the ML without speaking to him. it’s so shitty and lame, almost all of their relationship problems are caused by him overthinking to the point of delusion. i just scrolled past some of these pointless disputes between them, giving me a headache for no good reason. i need MC to be mature and initiate communication with the ML for once because this is getting ridiculous. being this horrifically insecure when you’re in a relationship is a red flag. yeah ML is at fault too for saying he hates omegas but i think anyone with half a brain could tell he just said that so the MC would stop being insecure about him wanting an omega, in this world it’s clear that male omegas are super rare so he probably didn’t even conceptualise the idea that MC could be an omega. but considering that he was willing to be with him even if they were both alphas, he’ll definitely accept MC being an omega so JUST TALK