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Hinata 257 answered question about disturbing thing you saw
I’m more disappointed in THE 300K PEOPLE WHO READ THIS WTFFF
Hinata 257 created a topic of Cigarette

I’m sorry but why are we making adults act like teenagers? I thought adulthood was all about maturing and communication? Not kissing your ex who broke up with you while knowing he was in a relationship?

Or is this bi fantasyyy
Masc girls and femmm men
Wish that was my realityyyy

Buying rice Overthrowing a dictator
Tomaeto Tomato

Hinata 257 answered question about question
Modern Tsunderes are so fucking overrated At first we all loved tough love mean girls that acted like they didn’t care but secretly learned ur mom’s recipe for ur fav food But now? They’re just fucking assholes who constantly bitchslap their love interest while giving fan service that no one asked for! Where is the substance?? Where is the p......

At first I was like ew what a cheater how dare he chase after his wife’s brother but then BOOM! Pedo (not love) at first sight. He’s not a cheater he’s worse

Hinata 257 answered question about question
That one Doraemon doujin that was getting shared every now and then
Hinata 257 asked question about question

What’s a show,book,game etc… that was soooo long and gave you the biggest slow burn but was ultimately worth the time and patience. Cuz last I checked most dragged out series ended in very disappointing ways

Hinata 257 answered question about question
Let’s be honest, ai can’t be good or bad, it’s called artificial intelligence, it doesn’t have any self awareness. It’s who use it we should be afraid of. Rather than putting a limit to the development of ai as a whole, we should be putting rules and restrictions on how to use it. The moment an invention gets out of the control of humans ......
Hinata 257 created a topic of Sakana To Mizu

I’m not the biggest slice of life fan in general so it’s not really my jam but c’mon?? Why those 1star ratings?? If u don’t like the genre then don’t read! Don’t give it low ratings for the crime of being a genre you don’t like

Hinata 257 answered question about valentines day
Well now I can’t make fun of children for making ‘I’m sans’ girlfriend and wife’ videos anymore :( My honest reaction

The author should’ve let the poor characters retire and instead make a different alpha x alpha story with an unrequited love

Hinata 257 answered question about drag queens
I know I don’t wanna be a drag queen but I DEFINITELY want one as a friend. They have it all! The confidence, the charisma, the humour, the sense of fashion. They’re also very sweet but would roast each other constantly. Overall they’re a vibe. Also Ursula was based off of Divine, so you better thank drag queens for your childhood too!

Being bi isn’t 50% attraction to guys and 50% attraction to girls. It has always been not wanting to choose between boobs and moobs

Hinata 257 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

You’re telling me innocent people get punished just for the crime of having a terrible ruler? If only that also happened in real life too :/

Hinata 257 answered question about liking girls
Committing war crimes but not getting punished cuz u one of the big boys. What the fuck is the point of laws if there’s gonna be exceptions?? Also voting for other countries businesses??? Like, if a small country has a war why does a big rich country decide whether that war should continue or not??? Why do countries not mind their businesses and ......
Hinata 257 answered question about make friend from this site
I’m the type of person that find saliva more gross than piss and shit (idk why I just do) so if that were me I’d punch the guy on reflexe and then immediately punch him on purpose this time, one from the body and one from the mind
Hinata 257 answered question about what do you want in life
Dear minors (never thought I’d type that in my life) please don’t put ur real age here you know damn well there are a lot of creeps and weirdos here Don’t tell everyone everything and stay safe