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Hinata 257 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I read this in my school’s library surrounded by a lot of people, either I don’t have any fear or I’m too tired to care

Hinata 257 answered question about question
I’m usually the youngest in any group yet also the most responsible and logical person, which helps my middle child syndrome lol Also, do you know how many people I gave relationship advice when I’ve never even dated? It’s like the less I’m experienced the better my advice is
Hinata 257 answered question about question
Absolutely not I do not want another Elsa gate
Hinata 257 answered question about question
I follow them because I’m cliché trash and like reading repetitive predictable shit as a comfort food But I just read their bio and… I don’t think saying ‘I read taboo genres like shota’ and ‘I’m 30+ yrs old’ is gonna do anyone favours. You can not be a picky reader but still not read shota y’know?
Hinata 257 created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Two broken people breaking each other some more
Dear people of mangago plz don’t use unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with ur unresolved trauma, get therapy. Or a weighted blanket that’s cheaper

This manhwa keeps switching between being so fucking good and being the biggest cliche ever, it’s like 2 different interpretations of the same story lumped in together. Also lots of wasted arc potentials

Hinata 257 created a topic of Esther's Garden

Sometimes, I can see the appeal to stories I personally don’t enjoy
But here? I’m blind as fuck cuz what is there to enjoy???

Me: I love reading well crafted stories with detailed and unique world building that’s beyond the characters and not just made for them as well as characters with substances and not just overplayed tropes
Also me: I love this :3

Hinata 257 created a topic of A Delicious Descendant

The seme keeps switching between being the biggest most toxic red flag and being a decent loyal bf and I just can’t get to like him because every time he gets a ‘development’ he immediately does the most out of pocket shit ever right after :/

Hinata 257 answered question about read 1000 manga or more
I dreamt about my dad and I in a car and my dad just drove off a bridge, the last thing I saw was us falling into the water and then I woke up pretty startled. I’ve only ever had this dream once but I think about it every once in a while
Hinata 257 answered question about question
Challenge: find the person with sensory issues Difficulty: very easy Ok but seriously have you went to therapy about this? Are you already diagnosed with a mental illness? (I don’t agree with the term I used I just forgot every other word that can be used, there’s nothing wrong with neurodivergence) And before you say ‘no I’m very functiona......
Hinata 257 answered question about make a picrew
Fucked my math exam today and I have a physics/chemistry exam tomorrow morning yet I’m not studying, not cuz I’m confident and studied hard no no no I’m just a pos I just realised they said weirdest but oh well
Hinata 257 answered question about i need to study
Sun wukong, specifically the animated Lego series one. I know nothing about Chinese mythology. All I know is he’s a lil mischievous monkey god and he’s forgiven :3 So what if he committed a few crimes against heaven and the jade emperor? Everyone does that every once in a while >.<
Hinata 257 answered question about i need to study
Hinata 257 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Ig those dick growth pill ads weren’t false advertising

Hinata 257 answered question about question
Who needs haters when u got siblings (plot twist: I’m the hater)

Bro is such a hater, mf got his head chopped off yet he’s still gonna fight

Hinata 257 answered question about question
I’m sry but wtf is with these responses? We all know that mommy and daddy can also be used as sexual/kinky terms in bed like tf? And if u use something in a non innocent way, it’s gonna be weird/ awkward when someone does use it in an innocent way, kinda like using emojis for sexting but then receiving emoji texts from ur parents that are compl......
Hinata 257 answered question about question
Student that enjoys reading gay porn in their homophobic country cuz Danger is my middle name Love this artist’s works btw
Hinata 257 answered question about question
Bestie we need more details Are u asking for character names or the story title? Which type of friend Is the side character (aka the Mc in ur story) Are they the always supportive one The sassy one that’s actually not very supportive The only character with common sense in the story Did she use to have a crush on the love interest but then wake ......