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Deedee created a topic of The Alpha's Bride

Is this the last chapter? I loved this BL so much. Too bad the translation was so bad

Deedee created a topic of Finder

Lol I've been reading Finder for like 6-7 years and still no ending in sight The last arc was as dramatic as funny with all the memory loss nonsense. I still enjoyed it but this manhwa is no longer what it used to be. I particularly regret the author former art style where the characters looked more their age. Akihito looks like a 15yo in these last 2 arcs and Asami's features have been drastically soften. He lost his built and muscles and his face looks way too feminine... although Yamane Ayano kept drawing him with an unusual big nose

Deedee created a topic of Night Song

I just cannot comprehend how the author of such masterpiece can work on two successful BLs projects at the same time (Instant Family + this one) and barely take any hiatus or anything before the end of the seasons. Is it truly the same author or maybe just the artist? Idk it's kinda mind-blowing since the art work on Night Song is so rich and detailed oO

Deedee created a topic of Manhattan Melancholy

Finally!! I've been following the raws for months and it's finally here with translation! The story seems interesting and let me tell you: the smexy scenes are

Deedee created a topic of Night Song

Is there any chance Jaeshin saves Nok from a certain death? I find it hard to believe Nok will die soon in this story. I've always had the conviction Jaeshin will be the one sacrificing his eternity at the end by becoming mortal so he could live with Nok. Maybe Jaeshin's brothers lied to him abt Nok's near death just to stop him from acting reckless and killing Nok himself?? Idk

Also, have y'all seen the mesmerizing beauty of Jaeshin's face in the last few panels of this chapter?! I could look at that face for hours and hours & hours & hours & .....

Deedee created a topic of Semantic Error

What a masterpiece! I am gonna miss them so much so hopefully the author will give us some nice side stories. Any chance the side stories will be R rated?

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

The side couple is cute but let's not forget the blond guy is kinda crazy and made his brother's life a living hell. He's a psycho who doesn't even care about his own mother who is suffering at the hospital. Some will say he's just immature but he literally has 0 excuse for his selfish behavior. It's not like he was abused or mistreated during his childhood. I personally cannot stand him and I pity that poor dark hair guy who is clearly falling for him

Deedee created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

My babies!! I am gonna miss them so bad. I liked the final monologue. Taesung finally understood how to let go and give up on controlling Sooyoung by any mean. I like that he was the one compromising the most at the end. I hope we'll have tons of lovely dovey moments of them in the side stories Shout-out to the author for her tremendous work. The plot was a bit confusing at some point but she did hell of a job in the art and graphics. She's one of the most talented out there

Deedee created a topic of Waterside Night

Anybody can help me understand the bottoms feelings towards the top in this BL? It's hard for me to figure him out. At first he was rebellious but then he kinda went with the flow and ended up in a romantic relationship. Still it doesn't look like he has true feelings for him. It's like he just accepted his fate while the top is clearly obsessed and in love with him. Maybe I missed something in their storyline so another perspective would be valuable. Thanks

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Is there a slightest chance the top could be fooling the bottom regarding his true intentions and past? Or maybe the bottom is simply too insecure so he keeps doubting his lover. I must admitted he got me with all his questioning. The top looks way too familiar and comfortable with gay sex while he's supposed to be a 'gay virgin'. There's also the fact he keeps pushing himself on the bottom and does whatever he wants basically. I feel like he secretly enjoys having both the physical and psychological power over the bottom... even if his intentions are not harmful

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

But why they all look alike in this BL?!? The author could have used a different hair color or skin tone for the second couple. I'm constantly confused lol

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Why on earth he never listens to him when he says stop? The top feels like the bottom's body belongs to him and he does whatever he likes whenever he likes it. The fact the bottom is in love with him doesn't justify his behavior. I really don't know how to feel about it

Deedee created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

Is the version on here uncensored or is it exactly like the one on Webtwoon? Thanks for the answer

Deedee created a topic of Night Song

Does that mean Nok will have to die to be with Jaeshin in the afterworld? Or is there a possibility Jaeshin will give up is immortality to be with Nok in the actual world?

Omg all I wanted to say during the 'I love you' part was 'Shut the F up' That was a bit too much. I like that Nakwon is somehow living in his own bubble and being so extrovert and vibrant but still he gives me creepy Dom vibes when he's f*cking Mokhwa. It's like he likes seeing him in pain and cry. Idk it's a bit weird

Deedee created a topic of Instant Family

Was the uke whoring himself out all this time and with that many guys? It's terrible

Deedee created a topic of Night Song

Does anybody know what's the explanation behind giving her name? What will they do with it? Is it to curse somebody or something else? I am totally lost with all the malefic parts lol

Deedee created a topic of Shutline

Am I the only who was expecting a bit more of drama and blood? I honestly thought someone would hurt Shin badly and Jake will retaliate like a wild animal. Well that's pretty much what happened but with quite a happy ending rather than a thrilling cliffhanger. They could both escape the gangsters safely and that's a good thing but still I really wanted to see a wounded Shin and Jake being humbled a little bit lol The end was simply Shin getting super angry over Jake when he realized he was fooling him all this time abt his true identity

Does anybody knows what Ross was saying to them? I need translation

Shout out to Kyou for her storytelling and art like always. All the panels were next level. The hands holding while escaping made me melt

Deedee created a topic of Shutline

I am addicted to this BL and this power couple. Can someone please recommend BLs with the same vibe and quality??

Yeah idk about this chapter. When I first saw the raws and didn't understand the dialogues it felt all right and even beautiful but with the translation it feels a bit off. It's great that he confessed but he didn't even give him the time to process it. He just took into consideration his own feelings and desire and shoved his thing inside my poor baby Mokhwa. I know Nakwon meant no harm whatsoever but the method here is still a big NO. Like can't you stop for a sec and wait for Mokhwa's reaction to your confession? I truly liked the time and energy Nakwon put into making amends for his past despicable behavior but now all I feel is confusion and disappointment. He somehow ruined all those efforts here ://