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I'm just glad Mokhwa is giving Nakwon a hard time. I know they gonna end up together all lovey dovey at some point but seeing all the frustration Nakwon is going through just to reach that point is quite satisfying. He's been a jerk and honestly even though he's less violent now he still acts creepy with all the planning and pushing. At least Mokhwa is resisting it for a bit

Deedee created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I honestly only understand like 40% of the dialogues with all that fancy vocabulary. It's tiring That being said I think Yeonjo will execute his plan after gathering the courage but something will go wrong (a slight hesitation at the last minute?) and the attempt will fail. He might manage to run away somehow. The governor will be devastated & heartbroken by finally knowing what Yeonjo was planning. He'll look for him like a madman to get his revenge while secretly knowing he's only after him to bring him back & gain his trust & love for good. We'll have a time lapse of few months/years until they meet again maybe (?)

Deedee created a topic of Shutline

Anybody knows when the new season is starting? Any post by the author? It's been 6 months already

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

If the author sticks to their usual plots, then this story isn't toxic and the jerk seme is going to turn very soon into the biggest supporter/protector/cheerleader of the uke. That was the case in literally all their previous BL works. I've always been a big fan if this author & artist. This BL is amazing so far although the seme is still in his crap era lol

Woof! The new update is fire. I truly forgot how this BL is above it all and now I do remember. The epilogue chapter is everything I've ever wanted and even more

Deedee created a topic of Wet Sand

Ian is one horny bitch and I'm here for it most of the times. But it really makes me sad for both TJ and Jo sometimes. I suggest an ending with them getting together (Jo being the uke) after Ian dies while saving TJ from some mafia shit

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

The level of delulu of Yeomin is refreshing and annoying at the same time. How can he be so naive when it comes to that jerk's true intentions? Sometimes I have the feeling he gets it but he just pretends to be dumb so he can enjoy his protection and physical affection. Glad the jerk is finally feeling something. Jealousy is better than indifference. We'll see how it goes from there

Can a kind soul over here make me a short summary on what happened in this story since the mean father appeared? I stopped reading when Seoan became a bit too possessive, jealous and controlling. I was scared this would turn into a very dark plot but I truly wasn't expecting the plot twist would come from the jerk father :,((( Are the couple still in good terms? I had the feeling few chapters ago they were on the edge of separation. It's like something was broken. It wasn't the same between them anymore

Deedee created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Does that mean they'll be going to fluffy dates in S3? That's the only missing part from their relationship at this point

Deedee created a topic of Thirst

I would never forgive Tristan's character if he cheats on Ethan. Even if it's limited to a kiss it would be unacceptable. Please don't destroy their beautiful love story. They waited for eachother 3 long years. There's no way the author would ruin that. Please :,(

So Nakwon IS that rich but he still used Mokhwa inherited money (from his criminal boss) to buy both the coffee hop and the condo? This guy is so reckless I swear. He deserves a slap or two for such audacity. Sometimes I really cannot stand him. And it's hard to find any consistency in his character. At first he was a selfish jerk who liked violence. It was easy to hate him. Now he turned into a puppy who craves fluff and romance. He's still a selfish jerk tho. All he does seems to serve one goal: his own desires. I don't know what to think about him anymore

Deedee created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Such a waste of time and skills. The author should've asked the fans in a survey on X or something. Most of us were disgusted by this side story. We don't want to see SY being assaulted again and again and by multiple men on top of that. For God sake we just want some fluff between the main characters and no one else. We want to see TS on his knees, begging for SY's pardon. We want a Canon side story and not some parallele universe non sense. Please.

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

All my worries were confirmed in this last chapter. I wanna cry! Taeseok has indeed psychological troubles that manifest into a form of violence/control. It somehow explains his behavior in bed when he couldn't stop even when Dojun was in pain and begging for some rest. That part about TS always made me feel uncomfortable and he seemed a bit off, sometimes even a red flag. Now I understand why. Violence runs in his blood. It's a consequence of his childhood trauma. He's more complex than I thought. Now that his dark side is finally exposed, I am excited to know more about him.

Dojun still doesn't love TS the way TS loves him: an unconditional & deep love. They're both on a different stage in regards of their feelings. This was inevitably leading them into a major crash. I don't think a simple conversation will fix anything. They need time and space. I forsee a break-up. It honestly seems necessary at this point :((

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

Typical uke fell first but seme will fall harder kinda story and I'm here for it

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

This situation will ruin their relationship for a while. Dojun already feels like a useless piece of s.hit and now blondie jerk made him believe he even got between his lover and his important work. Knowing how selfless & stupid Dojun is, I am guessing he'll step out of their relationship thinking it's better of the seme. He may even lie about his true intention which will further destroy their trust & affection. I don't think they'll manage to talk things out anytime soon. It's gonna be misunderstanding over misunderstanding until a miracle happens

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

I'm just glad the seme was straightforward with him and didn't fool him just to get his as.s. He might be a jerk but he's not a lier. I also liked the fact he asked to stop if uke wanted to. I was worried we'll get another SA type of plot. Now I can enjoy this BL even better as I know that seme will be the protecting Yeomin from everything and everyone in the near future <3

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

I've always had the impression that DJ doesn't love TS deeply. Don't get me wrong he does love him and like him and cares about him but it's not as deep and passionate as TS loves him. I cannot really blame him for that as he was somehow pressured into getting imwith him. Out of gratitude & admiration he accepted to give TS a chance. His affection towars him evolved a lot durIng season 2 and it's slowly leading him to deep and pure love but he's still not there yet.

His comment regarding that jerk of fake friend who mocked him makes it even clear. He said he cannot even resent him and although he wanted to cut him off anyways, he finds himself feeling empty and confused!

Seriously, his attitude is driving me crazy! It's like he really couldn't get over that stupid crush and TS doesn't come first in this whole situation. Just what the hell is wrong with him? The truth about that jerk was revealed and he still doesn't get his s. hit together. If I was his boyfriend I would be so mad and so disappointed tbh :///

Deedee created a topic of Define The Relationship

Is there any chance he'll get pregnant after this rut? I mean they didn't use any protection

Deedee created a topic of Shutline

This story is the only one I could reread several times without getting bored. It's so well written you can't skip a single chapter as you keep discovering new details over and over. Literally obsessed

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Im just glad that jerk exposed himself. Dojun needed to wake the F up. But the fact he was still blushing and being all awkward around that psycho made me quite angry. He's dating the most caring hot rich guy of the city yet he still cannot admit it proudly to end things up with psycho jerk. What else do you need from your man to finally relax & enjoy this relationship. He needed a strong reminder & hopefully this will be it