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Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

This story is a typical "Uke fell first but Seme fell harder". There will be some angst & misunderstanding at the beginning but I'm not too worried. I don't expect SA of any kind and I hope I am right on this one. I loved the author's previous projects and toxicity and violence were never part of her work. Why would she change her style all of a sudden? I cannot wait to read the rest

Deedee created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I try to imagine a happy-ending type of scenario for these two but I honestly fail each time. I cannot see it. Seems impossible

Deedee created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I was expecting fluffy side stories between SY and TS but we're leaning towards a rough thressome with TS acting like a jerk once more. Even in a parallel side story my baby SY cannot even have a pure moment of joy & tenderness

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

This is slowly becoming one of my favorite BL. I love how the seme is obsessed with the uke. He truly loves him unconditionally. It's beautiful. The uke took a bit more time to fall deeply in love but he's finally there. Problem is he's still has major issues communicating his feelings :((

Deedee created a topic of Thirst
Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

Can someone please remind me who's that friend at the end? Was he the one who helped Yeomin with food and kept protecting him and stuff? He looked kinda mean in that last panel. Could he be secretly in love with him and he's getting jealous or smth?!

Deedee created a topic of 2020

I don't get why he said "that was close" when he saw the bite marks on the uke's neck oO Is there any chance he's a vampire or something? I hope not. I hate the genre

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

The way he brutally removed his hand tho oO. I would have been so pissed if it was me. I get that he's confused but still :/

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

I'm truly surprised how there so many BL stories with similar clichés plot and characters and even similar art style yet the artists often manage to bring up some originality into their drawings. It's to the point we fall instantly in love with the characters lol

Deedee created a topic of Wet Sand

Guys, this story has one single main character and it's obviously Ian. Even the cover of both seasons suggest so. TJ and Jo are secondary characters to the plot that focuses on Ian's life and torments. From that perspective, there's no point to try and establish a hierarchy between them. Both will come and go as Ian's story evolves. He's a complex character with a messed up past. It makes sense he'll get involved with multiple people/partners whom will have a different impact on his life. The author is doing wonders with the plot & the art in depicting Ian's journey. Let's wait and see where his destiny will take him at the end. Please chill and enjoy the ride

Deedee created a topic of Wet Sand

Whenever I find myself leaning towards Jo being the endgame, there's a chapter like this that messes it up all over again. I then imagine TJ & Ian being exactly like Jay & Shin from Shutline (minus the CIA part) and it becomes way too obvious that they're eachothers soulmates and nothing/no one will be able to separate them for good

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

I cannot stand the narcissistic fake brother. He's nothing more than a piece of sh*t. All he cares about is his own person. I truly believed he was changing for the better but he screwed things again and here we are back to square 1!

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

I'm not against the domination plot as long as it's consensual and here the uke seems open to try new things and enjoy them, even while enduring the pain. I love it when the seme gives orders to the uke. Making him go down on his knees. Undress him while the seme still keeps his clothes. I feel like their dynamic will evolve earound lust and initiations untill the seme falls completely for his puppy. Add to that tons of drama with the loan sharks and you get a sort of light version of 'Limited Run' type of story. The chibis and the touch of comedy suggests low toxicity in this story. We'll see :))

PS. It's gonna get graphic here so please stop reading if you're sensitive. I wanna ask if we've ever had BL sex action with mouth-to-mouth spitting? I've seen all sorts of gross kinks including the 'squirting' but never mouth spitting. I wonder why. It's kinda hot in my humble opinion lol and I can clearly picture it happening for these two xD

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

I like that we have the seme's monologue at basically every step. He thinks the uke is too naïve but he's clearly the naïve one. He doesn't realize yet he's gonna fall head to toe for that angel face. He already stepped out of his comfort zone by doing it for the 1st time with a guy. He also helped him escape the loan shark yet from his personality it's easy to guess he's not necessarily the kind type. That's gonna be very interesting. I just hope the uke won't be too much of a pushover with basically no personality (hi JINX) q

Deedee created a topic of Wet Sand

I get huge Shutline vibes in Wetsand. As much as I love Jo, I cannot help but think of TJ & Ian as Jake & Shin. Just like these two, they cannot be anything else than endgame. Their chemistry & history are unmatched. I feel sad for my baby Jo. I wish this wasn't a love triangle and he had a romance of his own with his true soulmate :'((

Deedee created a topic of Finder

I guess we really do grow up and change after all. I used to be so obsessed with Aki and Asami. It led me to discover the BL universe and this website. But the last arc felt so dragged and unnecessary it made lose interest. I barely care now and it somehow makes me feel sad. I was enjoying it so much. To the point of devouring fanfics and spending hours on forums and stuff. It used to bring me contentement during dark times in my life

Deedee created a topic of Thirst

Why is everyone confusing Ethan with Wren? Tristan was raised by Wren and not Ethan. They've never met before that first movie they played in together :))

Deedee created a topic of Payback

I'm happy they reached this point but I'm still annoyed by Jay's attitude. He's such an arrogant jerk. Even in the way he comforts Yoohan he cannot help but being an as.hole. I just want to see him on his knees begging Yoohan to choose him instead of a tragic ending

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

I love this artist previous projects so Im not worried about the plot. I usually don't like a very naive & innocent uke but this one has the merit to take bold initiatives. He's not afraid to verbalize his feelings and to act upon them. So refreshing

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

Is the ml straight? We saw him only having affairs with women so I'm guessing the mc will be his first guy? I like it when it's that way :D