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Deedee created a topic of Payback

I might be crazy but I truly like the idea of Yoohan wanting to die after getting his revenge. Ironically, it's the director_while falling for Yoohan in the process_ who is helping him achieve this tragic fate. I wish his character was a bit less controlling & arrogant tho. He always have to have the last word and he is annoyingly able to anticipate all Yoohan's moves. If I was the author, I would write a scene of Yoohan being confused, about to surrender to his fate and the director freaking out and running to save him from a tragic ending. Seeing the director losing the narrative and freaking out a bit would be amazing. Unfortunately we will most likely see him anticipate everything and acting all cocky again ://

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

Do not read below if you don't want to ruin your reading experience of the next 4 chapters.

The raws are up to Ch.8. In the next chapter (Ch.5) they're gonna clear the misunderstanding. The seme will even help him hide from the loan shark in the chapter after that. The uke will get a bit hurt tho so the seme will go with him to the hospital and they will both end up at the uke's flat after that. They will suddently kiss passionately and while both seem ready to go further the uke's friend will interrupt them by knocking the door! XD

Deedee created a topic of Night Song

In the original korean version he said something close to "I like you". I don't know why LZH mess up so bad with the translation. They do it all the time

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

Bless your heart and your entire life whoever is uploading this one

Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

He works at a restaurant but manages to go back home hungry and enable to buy a freaking sandwich? Come on now xD Besides the melodrama, the art looks gorgeous & I have a feeling the seme is not a total a jerk (hi Jinx)

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune
Deedee created a topic of Gig of the Day

Thanks for uploading this one. Looks interesting and the art is gorgeous. I didn't get the story tho. Do they both think they're following each other because they actually meet all the time?

Deedee created a topic of Night Song

Anybody knows why the mean spring is so obsessed by Lee Nok? Apparently it has something to do with his late mother but I couldn't find more details about it...

Deedee created a topic of Night Song

Jaeshin my man. What a freaking hero

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Next chapter is going to be extra special since they'll do it without condoms for the first time

Deedee created a topic of Haunted by Desire

Anybody knows of the new side stories will be about the two (fake) brothers? The ones with a big age & size gap?

Deedee created a topic of Instant Family

Can someone please tell me what the seme has actually done to the uke and his father in the past? Wasn't he too young back then to do anything significant? I must have missed something cause I don't get why he's so afraid of losing the uke once the truth is revealed...

Yep, Seoan is slowly drifting into his dark side and not even Woowon can help him. That guy needs therapy asap. My poor innocent Woowon will have to deal with Seoan anxiety & on top all his problems. It's kinda scary :(

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Damn his younger brother will meddle again in his relationship thinking he's protecting him while not realizing the blond bitch twink is making up stuff. Can't he just move on with his life. He's such a creep. His obsession is not ok

Deedee created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Finally some thrilling action in this BL. The story has been dragged so much with many chapters looking all similar. I just want them to get separated due to some circumstances so both can realize how attached to each other they truly are

Been saying it for a while. Seoan has a dark side and I am afraid it will impact Woowon in a bad way. He's too possessive and controlling. Gives a bit of psycho vibes sometimes. Even during their first meeting as kids, Seoan showed psycho-type of behavior: silent, distant and very calculating and uninterested. For a kid it's quite alarming. Now he wants to 'shape' Woowon as he pleases without any regards for Woowon's opinion on the matter. He thinks it's only for Woowon's benefit but that's the usual reasoning of narcissistic psychos anyways. They're always right and everybody else is wrong. I hope he'll realize soon that he's the one who needs to change and not Woowon

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

I couldn't resist and went to chek the raws. Here's what I think happened next (I don't speak Korean so it's only interpretation from the images):

Blond twink bitch met the crazy fake brother on his way out of the house. His phone fell and the fake brother noticed the weird picture he took with the seme. He took the phone from him, erased the photo and threatened him to leave the lovers alone. Seems like he still can't help but meddle into his big brother life. Well this time it's for a good cause at least(?)

Our gorgeous lovers spend the night on the couch talking, drinking champagne and enjoying the cake. Then they start erotically playing around with the strawberries and the whipped cream. They end up having an intense sex session and when the condoms are all used, the seme asks if it's ok to do it without it. That's how they end up doing it bare for the firs time. And the breeding panel is hella hot to say the least

Deedee created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

I swear Dojun is gonna kill me with his overthinking and lack of self-confidence. Did he ever had a look on a mirror? Bro is majestic, built like a God and smart like hell since he's abt to graduate as an electrical engineering (one of the hardest out there lol). What's wrong with him? He needs to work like a slave to make end meets but it's all temporary. Student life is temporary. Why he keeps thinking he's gonna live like that his whole life? And now he finds a hot rich man who loves him more than ever and he still thinks he's not deserving of love and affection.

I thought he at least had his own feelings sorted towards the seme but it seems that's not even the case. I didn't get what he meant in the last panel "I wish I knew how I am feeling". It gets me even more confused. Hopefully they'll have a proper talk next chapter.

Deedee created a topic of Full volume

Can someone please explain what are these eggs made of? Are they made of Silicon and filled with something inside? Why do they break? These two cannot stop coming up with the most hard-core play every single time xD

Deedee created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Anybody knows if there will be a Season 2 or if the author will limit this story to a single season?