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Turnip January 20, 2024 3:23 pm

Kyoujima is genuinely so sweet and respectful I just can't ╥﹏╥

I was really worried that this would be another one of those SA tropes where the uke gets cornered or manipulated (which I would have still read, it just wouldn't have been as enjoyable) but this exceeded my expectations entirely
Instead we have a bottom who is independently very sexually open and curious and a top who's very considerate of boundaries and consent, even when the bottom isn't thinking about them himself in his excitement.
Two of my favorite things, I honestly couldn't be happier rn and I just love them and love their dynamic quq

Turnip January 19, 2024 6:48 am

Give it back.
Put his hair back on his head

Turnip January 18, 2024 7:25 pm

Zero self sufficiency.
We don't have a trained chef so instead of possibly making this meat taste a little gross, we'll just starve.
Also is their no farming? Or foraging? It feels like there would have to be if they were really so secluded.

This author doesn't seem to understand how food actually works in a community or where it comes from.

    Turnip January 18, 2024 7:32 pm

    I mean . . .
    Maybe there could actually be something there, where they're missing essential proteins and nutrients because they refuse to eat the meat because it's made people sick and then Senniana just teaches them they have to properly cook it or something like that

    It's kinda a silly plotline but maybe that way it doesn't seem just absolutely gobsmackingly unbelievable

Turnip January 16, 2024 11:14 am

Time skip, the bane of my existence

Turnip January 13, 2024 1:59 am

Maybe he should die.

Turnip January 11, 2024 6:44 am

I wouldn't say that enjoying a trope in fiction is the same as enjoying it irl, but rather it's the refusal to be critical of these tropes or even allow others to be critical that raises concern. Discussion and criticism is a totally healthy aspect of a community and shouldn't be demonized, and the analysis and critique of enjoyable media is all a part of media literacy.

Though I will say, that it's one thing to critique media and another to judge or condemn those who consume said media based solely on the fact that they enjoy it.
But (for example) if someone in the comments were to read the latest chapter and start "shipping" a literal infant with a grown adult (fictional or otherwise), I think that's condemnable behavior worthy of critique because it does glean insight to a concerning pattern of thought.
Being "sensitive" to troubling themes is not a bad thing and it's those who cry and complain at the sight of criticism that are actually insecure and emotionally/mentally immature

And if you see a take you disagree with, argue if you find that fulfilling or just don't engage, but don't argue and then complain about always having to argue and defend what you enjoy, because frankly, you don't have to. That's a choice you're making.

    nut in yo mouth January 11, 2024 6:51 am

    i think this might be the most logical response ive seen on this site

    cheese January 11, 2024 6:58 am

    literally this, it’s annoying how people are saying that the “OG community needs to come back” or “people need to stop being so sensitive.” a community without critical thought or discussion isn’t a community at all

    Turnip January 11, 2024 7:00 am
    literally this, it’s annoying how people are saying that the “OG community needs to come back” or “people need to stop being so sensitive.” a community without critical thought or discussion isn’t a... cheese


    Turnip January 11, 2024 7:01 am
    i think this might be the most logical response ive seen on this site nut in yo mouth

    Aww thaaanks, I try uvu

    kitty January 11, 2024 8:47 am

    sure you can be critical of the troupe, but literally for who's sake are you arguing in behalf of? its not like the Japanese/Korean authors are going to roll up and see that WesternReader839 is sick of toxic semes on illegalmangahosting dot cxm and re-evaluate not writing potentially hot garbage.

    waste of time, and a bigger waste of time when you realize the amount of analytically challenged children that are on this site that seem unable to actually comprehend what it is they're reading to give a meaningful critque on it to begin with.

    silly January 11, 2024 11:15 am


    Urh January 11, 2024 12:56 pm
    sure you can be critical of the troupe, but literally for who's sake are you arguing in behalf of? its not like the Japanese/Korean authors are going to roll up and see that WesternReader839 is sick of toxic s... kitty

    It amaze me that you read the comment and still managed to miss the point.

    kitty January 11, 2024 8:16 pm
    It amaze me that you read the comment and still managed to miss the point. Urh

    are you just saying this because you don't understand the point *I'm* making??? im saying its a waste of time to expect the level nuisance of what's suggested by OP from the hoards of 8th graders on this site. this is an opinion, if you somehow didn't notice.

    Urh January 11, 2024 11:08 pm
    are you just saying this because you don't understand the point *I'm* making??? im saying its a waste of time to expect the level nuisance of what's suggested by OP from the hoards of 8th graders on this site. ... kitty

    There's "8th graders" behavior from both sides and you're pretty close to it too, commenting bellow their comment saying there's no point in arguing since the author won't see it and won't change anything.

    kitty January 12, 2024 12:08 am
    There's "8th graders" behavior from both sides and you're pretty close to it too, commenting bellow their comment saying there's no point in arguing since the author won't see it and won't change anything. Urh

    me having a different opinion than them is being close to 8th grade behavior??

    honestly just proving my point as to why ppl shouldn't bother trying to have any meaningful discussions on this stupid site lmao.

    Turnip January 12, 2024 12:36 am
    me having a different opinion than them is being close to 8th grade behavior??honestly just proving my point as to why ppl shouldn't bother trying to have any meaningful discussions on this stupid site lmao. kitty

    It's totally fine for you to think it's pointless to discuss

    From my perspective, it has more to do with community engagement and discussing things with people who are also consuming the same media. To me, community discussion is a fun way to validate or challenge my opinions and be social online in a low-stakes environment.
    When I engage in a critique or argument, it's more about having my ideas be heard than changing someone's mind (tho I don't object to the latter) and isn't really about changing the media I'm consuming at all

    Referencing the part in my original post where I mentioned not to engage in discourse if you don't find it fulfilling - I personally find these discussions very fulfilling (. . .usually) even when talking with people who disagree with me. And if I don't like how someone is talking or think they're being childish, then yeah, I'll disengage. You're right to say it's not worth having discussions like that. Save your time and energy.
    Or don't
    Do what's best for you or just do what you feel like in the moment :)

    When you said that the discussion you just had "proved your point" it really only reaffirmed your own feelings rather than proving anything to anyone else. I'm not saying you should stop talking or sharing your thoughts and opinions, I'm only observing that you seem put out by the discussion which calls back to the question of whether you found partaking in the conversation to be fulfilling. But also it's fine if you want to speak even if you end up frustrated.

    Just because you don't want to discuss doesn't mean no one should. Just because you don't find it enjoyable doesn't mean no one does. You (presumably) enjoy your media without discussion, but I'm not the same, and that's okay :)

    This is just a long-winded way for me to say nothing really. I don't really think there needs to be a change in how the community on here engages with media or each other. I just think that some people on here are tiring themselves out over discussions that they don't want to or need to be a part of and are getting grumpy about it, but that that's also fine in a way.

    Turnip January 12, 2024 12:40 am

    A bit of a TLDR on that long ass response I wrote:
    I enjoy thinking and talking, even if it's "pointless", and media and comics are fun to think, talk and sometimes argue about. And it's okay for you to not want to do the same
    You say it's pointless but it's pointless in the same way that reading or consuming media is as a whole (imo)

    kitty January 12, 2024 2:37 am
    It's totally fine for you to think it's pointless to discussFrom my perspective, it has more to do with community engagement and discussing things with people who are also consuming the same media. To me, commu... Turnip

    my original response was from the side as someone who actually does enjoy opinionated discussions typically, but have found them to be unenjoyable on here because most have a very surface-level takes of the content they read. it was a tongue-in-cheek way of me suggesting for anyone such as myself seeking more meaningful perspectives, or even for perspectives that have understood the media in which they just consumed *at all*, should steer clear of the comments here (and that there's way too many kids on this website). i do understand where you're coming from though; i just like to play devils advocate for the thoughts from others that i find interesting.

    Urh January 12, 2024 7:52 am
    me having a different opinion than them is being close to 8th grade behavior??honestly just proving my point as to why ppl shouldn't bother trying to have any meaningful discussions on this stupid site lmao. kitty

    Do I have to spell it for you to understand ? No you having a different opinion isn't the issue, you commenting on someone else's comment just to say their comment is pointless is.

    ohlook January 12, 2024 8:21 am
    literally this, it’s annoying how people are saying that the “OG community needs to come back” or “people need to stop being so sensitive.” a community without critical thought or discussion isn’t a... cheese

    You're reading yaoi gay sex smut

    kitty January 12, 2024 3:09 pm
    Do I have to spell it for you to understand ? No you having a different opinion isn't the issue, you commenting on someone else's comment just to say their comment is pointless is. Urh

    omg. its not THEIR COMMENT im calling pointless. its the conversations one can attempt to have on here that too often results in a numbskulls such as yourself arguing a stupid non-issue and not understanding the point being made. like jfc thats not even what i said.

    cheese January 12, 2024 5:38 pm
    You're reading yaoi gay sex smut ohlook

    we know einstein

    Urh January 12, 2024 6:59 pm
    omg. its not THEIR COMMENT im calling pointless. its the conversations one can attempt to have on here that too often results in a numbskulls such as yourself arguing a stupid non-issue and not understanding th... kitty

    I've scrolled through a good crunch of them, and you really expect someone to speak nicely and intelligently to people like you who belittle them by saying they're too sensitive and too young? Can't really understand if you're just being a hypocrite or if you genuinely don't see where the problem lies.

    sam January 12, 2024 9:18 pm

    Bro u speaking facts fr

    kitty January 13, 2024 5:37 am
    I've scrolled through a good crunch of them, and you really expect someone to speak nicely and intelligently to people like you who belittle them by saying they're too sensitive and too young? Can't really unde... Urh

    dude, i stopped expecting an intelligent discussion from the people on this platform 4 years ago because they take a facetious comment as an attack on someone else's character somehow (exhibit a right here). i didn't call the original person too sensitive nor too young. i seriously dont understand how you came to that conclusion if you actually read what i said. the person i directed my initial sentiments to seemed to notice that i wasn't saying anything rude to them, so why you're so pressed when YOU decided to reply to ME with an attitude is truly beyond comprehension. you keep saying youll spell it out for me, then be a dear and spit it out already, because im seriously curious as to what you're going on about, and if you yourself know what you're referring to.

    Urh January 13, 2024 1:12 pm
    dude, i stopped expecting an intelligent discussion from the people on this platform 4 years ago because they take a facetious comment as an attack on someone else's character somehow (exhibit a right here). i ... kitty

    So you're just genuinely not getting it. I said people like you because you clearly are only targetting people who are critisizing the manga, and not the tone of people defending it like it was their own talking about a lack of maturity while acting like children.

    kitty January 13, 2024 4:06 pm
    So you're just genuinely not getting it. I said people like you because you clearly are only targetting people who are critisizing the manga, and not the tone of people defending it like it was their own talkin... Urh

    my dude... im not targeting anyone and it has nothing to do with the tones nor sides....

    and im not relating the "other side" as being children in way of maturity.... im saying there's a large amount of actual kids on this website who are actually incapable of having said nuisance discussions because they're only connecting with the media in a surface level manner....

    stop taking my opinion as an actual personal attack please lol. its not that serious.

    Urh January 13, 2024 5:48 pm
    my dude... im not targeting anyone and it has nothing to do with the tones nor sides....and im not relating the "other side" as being children in way of maturity.... im saying there's a large amount of actual ... kitty

    So I as I commented at the beginning, you did not, and still don't, understand the orignal comment's point at all, else you'd stop critisizing other people's way of giving their opinion. This aside, the site should be more regulated in terms of age matters yes, but let's be real for one second, age doesn't equal a specific form of intelligence, just because the comment lacks actual depths doesn't mean the person who wrote is an actual child, vice-versa.

    kitty January 14, 2024 12:06 am
    So I as I commented at the beginning, you did not, and still don't, understand the orignal comment's point at all, else you'd stop critisizing other people's way of giving their opinion. This aside, the site sh... Urh

    soooo once again, i didn't criticize the way people gave their opinion either. nor did i ever say that it was *only* children who make up the vapid comments, just that kids contribute a large factor of them. children are inherently considered as such due to the fact that they're mentally underdeveloped, so idk why we're trying to pretend they aren't.

    i don't think you understand that i wasn't coming at the original commenter with malice, which is why you keep trying to put words in my mouth. that or you're a kid yourself who has hurt feelings about the kid portion of what i said lmao, and if thats the case, then thats a you problem.

    lowkey tired of telling you what i didn't say when what i said is right there in plain day english. it literally can be summed up as "sure you can, but why bother when people are dumb lol." i dont understand how you're somehow missing this.

    Urh January 14, 2024 1:59 am
    soooo once again, i didn't criticize the way people gave their opinion either. nor did i ever say that it was *only* children who make up the vapid comments, just that kids contribute a large factor of them. ch... kitty

    "waste of time, and a bigger waste of time when you realize the amount of analytically challenged children that are on this site that seem unable to actually comprehend what it is they're reading to give a meaningful critque on it to begin with."
    -Your own words since you clearly seem to have forgotten about them even tho you wrote them. Read them again and explain how this isn't you critisizing people.

    Urh January 14, 2024 2:01 am
    soooo once again, i didn't criticize the way people gave their opinion either. nor did i ever say that it was *only* children who make up the vapid comments, just that kids contribute a large factor of them. ch... kitty

    You wouldn't have to tire yourself if you didn't try so hard to act as if no one could see your comments after you posted them, too bad for you mangago doesn't have the option to delete the ones you leave in response of other comments.

    kitty January 14, 2024 5:19 am
    "waste of time, and a bigger waste of time when you realize the amount of analytically challenged children that are on this site that seem unable to actually comprehend what it is they're reading to give a mean... Urh

    okay so heres a list of all the things you've tried to say my criticism is about:
    1. the original comment in general
    >> "you commenting on someone else's comment just to say their comment is pointless is"
    2. "belittling" the original commenter by saying they're "too young or too sensitive"
    >> "you really expect someone to speak nicely and intelligently to people like you who belittle them by saying they're too sensitive and too young?"
    3. the tone in which people give their criticism and the side in which their opinion is coming from
    >> "you clearly are only targetting people who are critisizing the manga, and not the tone of people defending it like it was their own talking about a lack of maturity while acting like children"
    4. (most recent) the manner in which people give their criticism
    >>"you'd stop critisizing other people's way of giving their opinion"

    you have subsequently stopped mentioning each one presumably in recognition that it has nothing to do with what i was initially saying. good job! in my most reply to you, i did say that i didn't criticize anyone's *way* of giving an opinion, because i did not. never said there was a certain way to say an opinion, no enforcing certain wordage, none of that.

    i DID say "waste of time, and a bigger waste of time when you realize the amount of analytically challenged children that are on this site that seem unable to actually comprehend what it is they're reading to give a meaningful critque on it to begin with."

    what is this statement saying? you could read it, but ill go ahead and tell you that its suggesting that its a waste of time trying to engage meaningful/anaylatical discussion with the amount of children who seem to consume yaoi in a vapid manner and aren't mentally mature enough to entertain such conversations. is this saying all children? nope! in even simpler means, its saying its a waste of time bothering because the response you receive might not be as stimulating and well thought out as one might of hoped for. in the simplest of meanings: its a waste of time because it could be unfulfilling/disappointing. you could argue that this is flawed reasoning as well (and it definitely is at its most simplistic state), but not in any of the ways in which you have tried to suggest for the past like two days.

    if you're in your feelings that i punctuated my thoughts of theoretical children by saying they're "analytically challenged" and lack reading comprehension, then once again, that is a y o u problem, and i'm afraid i don't care enough to sit here and help you solve it, to be quite real with you. if it helps, next time i make a facetious comment, i'll be sure to include it with an /s or a "lol" at the end so those such as yourself don't get indirectly insulted to the point where you're taking up arms in defense for the hapless.

    Urh January 14, 2024 7:15 am

    It's tiring to speak with someone as tone deaf as you, the point of a public comment section is to freely comment what you want without arrogant people such as yourself calling it pointless or "analytically challenge".
    I don't dwell on each of my point everytime I respond coz you obviously have an issue with owning to what you write and I don't wish to waste more time on a point when I know you're just gonna keep denying it.
    Or just straight up misunderstand what I said, like the thing about "belittling the original commenter" when I was clearly mentioning comments as in plural (hence why I wrote "I read through a good chunk of them").
    Have at least the decency to stop inventing new meaning to your sentences, especially since it's not like you left any room to interpretation. I can't believe you still have the nerve to say you got what the og commenter was saying and you still continue to argue about "children" supposedly not having a deep enough understanding on a subject to leave an opinion.

    Urh January 14, 2024 7:18 am
    okay so heres a list of all the things you've tried to say my criticism is about:1. the original comment in general>> "you commenting on someone else's comment just to say their comment is pointless is"2.... kitty

    Your complete lack of awareness of your passive aggressive behavior under a comment stating to leave people give their own opinions in peace is appalling.

    kitty January 14, 2024 12:42 pm
    It's tiring to speak with someone as tone deaf as you, the point of a public comment section is to freely comment what you want without arrogant people such as yourself calling it pointless or "analytically cha... Urh

    once more, the only person offended by what i said, and thought it was an attack against the original commenter, is you. they responded, seemingly taking no offense with what I said, and i even let them know that i understood what they're getting at. ive been passive aggressive with YOU because thats how you started off replying to me. if you're not "dwell" (read: prove) on each one of your accusations, then im not quite sure why you bothered to bring them up in the first place, but yet here we are i guess.

    moving forward, i do implore you to not take what's said in the comment sections too close to heart to the point where your making leaps just to interpret what someone's saying and turn it to something else when its true meaning isn't even that complicated! i even simplified it for you, and you still just don't want to acknowledge it, so it truly is moot to continue rehashing the same thing~

    Urh January 14, 2024 11:05 pm
    once more, the only person offended by what i said, and thought it was an attack against the original commenter, is you. they responded, seemingly taking no offense with what I said, and i even let them know th... kitty

    I'm not gonna bother reading your bullshit since you obviously don't bother to read my comment with your eyes open, I made it clear I was talking about comments here and not the one from the original commenter in particular, and I doubled it down in the comment you've just responded to.

    cheese January 15, 2024 1:08 am

    omg bruh this shit is from DAYS ago why is there still an ongoing dumbass argument if u don’t agree then stop responding that is the mature thing to do bc people will not change their minds do not waste ur time trying to change it

    cheese January 15, 2024 1:09 am
    omg bruh this shit is from DAYS ago why is there still an ongoing dumbass argument if u don’t agree then stop responding that is the mature thing to do bc people will not change their minds do not waste ur t... cheese

    this applies to both of u

    sam January 15, 2024 1:14 am
    this applies to both of u cheese

    Nah let them cook

    cheese January 15, 2024 1:22 am
    Nah let them cook sam

    u right u right

    ohlook January 15, 2024 3:03 am
    we know einstein cheese

    Then you should also know no one gives a fuck about your dissertation this is literally gay smut fiction go HOME

    Turnip January 15, 2024 4:05 am
    Nah let them cook sam

    Lmao fr, this is getting interesting

    cheese January 15, 2024 8:22 am
    Then you should also know no one gives a fuck about your dissertation this is literally gay smut fiction go HOME ohlook

    bro calm tf down it is not that serious go outside or smth

    ohlook January 15, 2024 4:24 pm
    bro calm tf down it is not that serious go outside or smth cheese

    Not that serious and yet you're blowing all this hot air, going black and blue, desperate to "critique" OMEGAVERSE YAOI SMUT if anyone needs to touch grass it's you bc if anything is not that serious it's this story

    cheese January 15, 2024 6:03 pm
    Not that serious and yet you're blowing all this hot air, going black and blue, desperate to "critique" OMEGAVERSE YAOI SMUT if anyone needs to touch grass it's you bc if anything is not that serious it's this... ohlook

    ive made like 1 comment here about this topic on this entire thread? bro r u confusing me w someone else or smth….

Turnip January 7, 2024 8:07 am

This is so excitinggggg
Idk I like the idea of her facing her past and addressing it more rather than just moving on
I hope this will lead to Killian learning about her previous life too :>

Turnip December 28, 2023 1:31 pm

I think it's really fitting and really satisfying that Nasia is a lesbian considering The Little Mermaid's historical gay-ness uvu

    Mint December 28, 2023 1:41 pm

    omg please elaborate

    Pikmin December 28, 2023 3:33 pm
    omg please elaborate Mint

    The author of the Little Mermaid is queer and he wrote that for his unrequited love for his close friend who got married to a woman I believe

    Turnip December 30, 2023 5:19 am
    The author of the Little Mermaid is queer and he wrote that for his unrequited love for his close friend who got married to a woman I believe Pikmin

    Exactly this :>

    My favorite part is how the little mermaid would dance for the prince despite the feeling of needles in the soles of her feet just to make him smile, just like how the author would do all he could to express his love through his actions and endured all his own pain in silence. That and how at the end when the prince married another woman, the mermaid was offered the opportunity to free herself and stab him, but she chose to spare him at the cost of her own life and she turned to seafoam.

    Idk it really just speaks to me and reminds me of the feelings surrounding my first queer crush/relationship which is kinda cool

Turnip December 25, 2023 10:53 am


Turnip December 19, 2023 7:51 pm

That was horrific
So basically he's being punished for "treating women like crap" but idk how much of that even makes sense.
One of the issues was that he kept getting his girlfriend pregnant, but he wasn't even ridiculed for having unprotected sex because the doctor also just does that, he was ridiculed for "cumming inside someone he doesn't even love" which is weird to me, because even if you don't fully ejac when inside, its still possible to cause pregnancy. And I don't like how it was a man's job to have to explain that to him, I feel like that's a conversation his gf should have had with him and that if that conversation went south, she needed to let him go.
The GF was actually obsessive and toxic so that's one of the biggest reasons I was kind of questioning if any of this "punishment" made sense

As far as we know the only the he did wrong was cheat on his past girlfriend and continued to finish inside his gf after she asked him not to (we assume, because it's not confirmed whether she even addressed that to him or not)
So yeah, he's a shitty guy but it just doesn't sit right with me that his punishment comes from a cheater and someone who also has casual unprotected sex.
Oh, and whatever body horror entity it was that kept ripping vulvas/vaginas into his flesh for nonsensical reasons

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