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Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Jooin is in deep. I wonder if he realizes how entangled he’s become. I wonder if he can feel himself being imbibed with new life?

Ye Gyum has grown because he was finally nurtured in a enriching environment by a man who wants to love him for who he is not what he can or will do. Now he has the strength to express his affection not out of fear but in resolute jubilation.

This is so beautiful.

Eldraco created a topic of Jinx

Dan is so pathetic is frustrating. What the fuck are crying for? Cry some more about your Grammy not this bum-legged bastard.

“You don’t trust me?” Bitch you at best have been a convenience for Jaekyung.

A more important question why are you so wildly invested in this man? Why the tears now? This isn’t any worse nor better than he’s treated you in the past. And hardly the first time hes blamed your skills.

Eldraco created a topic of Wet Sand

The only way I see Jo and Ian ending up together is if TJ dies.(I don’t want that as I actually prefer him)

But how I see this going down is that TJ will likely die protecting Ian. Then in guilt or remorse Ian will try to take up TJ vacant position in the gang and seek scorched earth revenge.

Then Jo will have to save Ian from himself.

But it’s just a theory a Yaoi theory lolol

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Both Jooin and Mittens are cripplingly feckless in the face of adversity unfortunately.

They were lovers in every way but an official title and they happy in the little world they made together. But as soon as reality came a-knocking they fell right back into to their original states of being.

In order to live with each other they both have to start living for themselves.

I hope they can before their paths diverge beyond congruence.

Eldraco created a topic of Steel Under Silk

To complain about the non-censorship is very odd to me. We all know these are two men having sex so why would it be off putting to actually see their sexual organs?

I prefer the non censorship personally because the white lightsabers takes me out of the story lol.

Eldraco created a topic of Double Trap

Did the author forget where an asshole is located or is Jaepils located in his taint?

Or is he intersex?

Because the author had no issues illustrating anatomy with the main couple.

Or or is Jaepil’s asshole that stretched out? I’m genuinely confused

Eldraco created a topic of Jinx

The little bitch here is Dan. Get your ass off that floor and get a bone for your back its giving jello right now.

Your tears are wasted on that bastard. He never once given you a shred of affection how could you possibly be this infatuated!?!

I’d be out of the fucking stadium and bedside with my dying meemaw in this situation.

Eldraco created a topic of Wet Sand
Eldraco created a topic of Touch Up

I like this but the story beats are so jumpy and rushed it’s hard not to critique. It really feels like whole scenes are just erased at times

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

You guys this is a much needed trial!

Jooyung is a great (though painful for us) litmus test for our lovers…

Can Jooin muster the courage, energy, and responsibility to stand up for Mittens, assert his exponentially growing love in the face of adversity?

Can Mitten be brave enough to stand firm in his newly found joy and further his autonomy by proclaiming his want for Jooin and need for roots in nurturing soil?

If yes they will ascend into a better more clarified dynamic where they can grow together into more healthy individuals.

In no….while devastating for us they could realize they are both not only capable of giving and receiving real love but deserve it even if it’s not to be from each other.

I’m invested to see what happens.

Eldraco created a topic of Max Mojave's Case

Talk about a page Turner my little fingers have swiped so fast lolol

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Jooin is my husband I’ve decided sorry mittens. He’s mine

Oh so they’re both pedophiles got it! Lol

I guess we should just chalk it up to the it being more accurate to norms of medieval time periods.

Eldraco created a topic of Yours to Claim

Author really said photoshop de haze goes brrrrrrr

Eldraco created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

That doggo’s not long for this world me thinks.

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

To people wondering why the sex is seemingly so hot here my hypothesis
1. The illustration is premium
2. Our two lovers use adult language to talk about sex. No infantile “put your thing there” crap.
3. No dubious consent
4. Mittens is active and transparent in his enjoyment of sex with Jooin.
5. Jooin’s attraction to Mittens has not been possessive or obsessive but admirable and pretty grounded.
6. And this is what I think is most important the sex is emotionally dialed in.

Eldraco created a topic of Jinx

Anyone with any experience dealing with health should knows it’s not over till you’re dead if there’s even a chance that something could work you take it when you’re terminally Ill but want to live. Not to mention you should always seek a secondary opinion It’s hardly a choice at all.

Now of this new deal being offered shouldn’t be taken on a just handshake but a clear and airtight contract with clear stipulations needs to be put in place signed and notarized. In my opinion Dan not considering the option is stupid. Of course being cautious with such an offer is natural but this is also business. Are they being shady yup sure are but when two companies are headhunting it can get that way the benefits of their offer still stand as greater.

When a company is offering a better deal/contract and your current employer doesn’t want to match it or trump it you should freaking leave for the better deal.

I could see apprehension if Dan’s experience working with Jake’s crazy ass was better, if he was super supportive and nice to him but that not at all the case. I could understand more if he was your boyfriend but neither are true. He’s raped you, coerced you, emotionally and mentally abused you. Jo Jaekyung should inspire absolute 0 loyalty from Dan in my opinion.

Dan need to put his big boy show and start taking charge of his situation for his own sake. If you’re gonna stand on being loyal to your own detriment you better stick up for yourself when Jaekyung is pulling is bullshit.

“You’ve got to learn to leave the table when loves no longer being served”-Nina Simone

Eldraco created a topic of Profundis

Ok this is confusing me. Now our MC is back to fighting them off? The past two encounters with the Captain and Vice Captain he’s just let it happen/engaged.

HeeSu is insane but the other ain’t far behind so I’m just wondering what the thought process is here.

Eldraco created a topic of Max Mojave's Case

He’s a psycho rapist but the way he drags Chris is so fucking funny.

“Tofu Bastard”

Bitch Max don’t want your crazy gross self. He loves him some Chris.