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Eldraco created a topic of Backlight

Well that unfortunately wasn’t as hot as I was hoping I’d be

Eldraco created a topic of Waterside Night
Eldraco created a topic of Shangri La no Tori

Thanks so much translator premium job!

This story is so good. It has lots of sex but really the characters and their emotions are so layered that’s what keeps me transfixed. This author is excellent at characterization grounded in reality.

Eldraco created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Ok while Cirrus obviously is possessive of Skylar in this chapter (99) I feel he quite clearly states his position and it’s fair.

He flat out says he’s feeling insecure and needs reassurance from Skylar. That’s not manipulation that’s communication. He has clearly implied physical affection to be his love language…it’s valid if that makes Skylar uncomfortable but then he shouldn’t date Cirrus then.

I think it’s fair to say that Skylar has been a big dismissive of their romance to a difficult degree. He has to study of course and school is a 1st priority but if he doesn’t make time for the relationship he’s in and disallows affection at all times in public how is Cirrus supposed to feel?

Eldraco created a topic of Double Trap

The author really said bottoms don’t have buttholes they have vaginas. And vagina go under the balls while dick goes on the stomach.

Eldraco created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Tak is just…very unappealing as a character to me. Bland unbuttered white bread dipped in lukewarm toilet water.

Then he has the nerve to also be a asshole. Just no.

Eldraco created a topic of Max Mojave's Case

You all should have been there 15 mins tops you should left Daddy death on the driveway got clothes guns and jewelry to pawn and got the hell out there! Now look

Eldraco created a topic of For Your Love

Not Yohan morosely grinding on this man’s cheeks. That’s was the saddest dry hump in history.

Also Yuri is such a bastard I love him.

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

This story is so fucking good definitely one of my favorites I’ve read. The leads are so layered and real. This is truly such a special story.

Also I’m ridiculously attracted to Jooin not just physically but also his easy and grounded way of being is sexy as hell. He’s both boyish and mature all at once.

Eldraco created a topic of Jinx

Dan is pathetic Jaek is a asshole like I don’t see how the author really thinks any chemistry has been built between these two.

Any attraction on Dans part comes off as desperate and naive bordering on crazy

And Jaekyung has not developed as a person over the season and any foreshadowing towards him possibly developing is none existent.

So I stuck reading this constantly just say: “really bitch?”

They’re fun. The banter/character dynamic in this is pretty fun.

The plots no so original but the characters are so I’m having a blast.

Eldraco created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

The sheer amount of crazy Blondie is working with is camp. Idk why Jiwook would tell Seughon about what happened immediately….like they’re both crazy but at least Seagheun actually likes you. (Fyi I know I butchered the spelling of the name you LL know what I mean)

Eldraco created a topic of High Clear

It’s ok Juwon…you give Jeongmin that good dick

Eldraco created a topic of Codename Anastasia

How are you an international operative for your nation’s intelligence operations and this wantonly sloppy with your work.

There no way that pig should’ve been able to ambush you successfully or not. There no way he should had the finesse nor strength to tackle you. And his initial takedown of piggy boy should have rendered piggy unconscious. The MC is combatant of a far superior caliber but this overweight larch nearly best him?

I hate when writing handicaps characters whom logically and literally are described as highly skilled professionals for the sake of plot without justifying it.

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Everybody want them some Jooin huh? I get it I do too lol.

Eldraco created a topic of Jinx

Grandmas probably croaked knowingyhis author. And then Dan gonna just accept a piss poor apology from Jaekyung and be in love cause he’s a weak lil bitch

Eldraco created a topic of 1 to 10
Eldraco created a topic of Young Master

The author said it’s “bullshit Time” and proceeded to speed run past the main conflict of the story with gobbledygook and vague plot. Then pen their pen down and said “that’ll do pig, that’ll do”.

Eldraco created a topic of Define The Relationship

I know their both Alphas….but Lyle is somehow gonna get pregnant. I can’t be the only one thinking this they’re focusing a lot on the amount of semen.

Eldraco created a topic of Risky Vice