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Eldraco created a topic of Crush and Burn

Ian old self was definitely in love/attracted to Ken guys.

Vercike is gaslighting him now because he want Ian for himself. That’s what I think. He doesn’t want him to really remember. It’s mostly likely we’ll within his power to return Ian’s memories but he’s choosing not to.

The alternative seem to unlikely to me because if it truly were a transfer of Vercikes emotions into Ian he would have already had his way with Ken. I fully believe if Vercike wanted sexually or romantically Ken he would either indoctrinate hmm or force himself on him.

That’s my theory at least.

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

This is tragic for Jooin and Ye Gyum.

But we mustn’t called the Noona names because of how she’s acting she’s known Jooin far longer and her future is also wrapped up in this mess. She was cruel but in this situation it is understandable as she in defense mode.

Mittens (whilst validly upset) isn’t her responsibility she has to move fast to get Jooin legal counsel and diminish the damage to her and Jooin’s company assets or everything they’ve fought for will fall to ash. That’s a lot for her to have shoulder.

Poor Mittens…he deffo gonna sacrifice himself to that bastard brother to save Jooin.

Eldraco created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Contrary to what the stories wants/told us to believe….Taekjoo is truly such an incompetent spy lol.

He just takes everything at face value and this super brash when he does bother to think. Then he doesn’t even have the physical aptitude to save himself when shit hits the fan in most cases.

His mama should be worried cause he really ain’t cut out for this lol

Eldraco created a topic of Instant Family

Why the hell does he keep calling him sir?!? That drives me bananas when they do this in BL.

He has been inside you, clapped your cheeks so much one could’ve mistook it for applause, and you all have bathed and slept together, what this formal “sir” or manager bullshit? I could see if it were some BDSM kink crap but it’s not so…

Eldraco created a topic of Profundis

Yaaall what the duck is going on?

These character developments are coming out of no where. What is the MC suddenly in love/ecstasy. This whole time he’s literally been through a rape gauntlet and now when he should be at his mental and emotional breaking point he’s horny?

If anything it’d make sense for him to be in a catatonic stupor while all these bastard have there way with him (like they have the whole time) and that pushes him over the edge towards a breakdown. But this?

Nah I’m not buying it.

Hot sex but the context ruined it.

Eldraco created a topic of Red Mansion

This is so interesting. Also it’s a shame that a mini mart is one of the few BL examples that are really honest and forward about there enjoyment of sex because it’s tainted by his disregard for his own personhood in his obsession with the ML.

I do think the ML is truly getting attached but I think the caveat to that is that is love is on the condition of having it his way. If Mini Mart were assert himself or display any amount of autonomy I think it’d be a huge issue.

This art is sososo good. The subtle face expression shifts. The detailed designs. And I’m loving the writing this one’s special to me.

Eldraco created a topic of Crush and Burn

I don’t think Vercike wants to fuck Ken. I think he just wants him to remember who his past self is.

Ian on the other hand…he’s wanted Ken from the beginning so this shouldn’t be shocking to anyone. Before losing his memories he was in love with Ken.

I do think Vercike might have a thing for Ian however since he keeps him alive.

Eldraco created a topic of Check You Out

Chaeheon vulgar and direct way of talking is very attractive to me.

Eldraco created a topic of Risky Vice

Doc wants that risky dick me thinks.

Eldraco created a topic of Profundis

These characters be flip flopping like a fish out of water. Jesus.

Eldraco created a topic of Wet Sand
Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Jooin is such a good man Gyum is so fucking lucky. But once again author giving them a reality check. Can’t they just be in love without the world interfering

Eldraco created a topic of Double Trap

These vagina booty holes are getting less and less ambiguous just slap on some labia why don’t ya?

Eldraco created a topic of 2020

Mop head is crazy freaking hot. His quiet confidence and Adonis features

Eldraco created a topic of Check You Out

The way I gasped when he said : “I going to put my dick in you and fuck you till you cum” with a straight face.

That kinda audacity is super hot to me

Eldraco created a topic of Dirty High

Their dynamic is really novel I like Angel being more assertive as a bottom I relate to that.

Eldraco created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

They are not in a place to date one another. But they are so Cirrus needs to curtail his vindictive and possessive tendencies and Skylar needs to be more forthcoming and attentive.

Saying Cirrus is “butthurt” is highly dismissive of the physical injury Skylar inflicted not to mention the continued romantic neglect.

That being said retaliation has no place in any relationship of love if it’s to last.

But both are very young and hurt people so hopefully they can mature with destroying what they have together….we shall see.

Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

I love this story but it makes me feel jealous and but lacking all at once. I envy the beauty of their love I yearn the closeness of their bond, and ache for the passion of their chemistry.

Really makes a man think

Eldraco created a topic of Risky Vice

This writing is so shitty lolol I’m entertained by the wreckage of it’s mediocrity lolol. I’ve never eyerolled and chuckled “really bitch?” so loud before.