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lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh

what the actual fuck

lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh

the transition to the hospital omg

lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh


lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh

guys there’s a second season right. i found this audio drama (idk what u call it but this thing where VAs read the panels of the manga. why does no else know this?? i dont see my other topic for some reason so sorry if i posted this twice. anyway

lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh

Before transferring to New York, Nogi Shinjiro confessed to his crush, Aoyama Yuki, and was rejected...

  • Author: NIGARI Shio
  • Genres: Yaoi

4/5 Relatively simple (and maybe a little cliché) plot and storytelling, but it works! I, for one, loved the tension between them even before the confession… Got me kicking my feet in the art like it's a shoujo manga. ANYWAY, this was incredibly sweet and fluffy. I always appreciate manga with themes of found family. I loved how the author dealt with the characters dealing with homophobia. The art was delish! All in all, pretty good read.

lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh
lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh


lilithespark add 1 photos to bruh