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Seems like a bunch of ppl is confused, so here's an explanation.

So basically, a God has the ability to alter the past and remove names from the death book. Angel Taker wants to save Sooho, but he doesn't hv the ability to do so, but if he becomes a God, he can alter the past. To do that, he has to consume Sooho's soul.

If Angel Taker saves Sooho when he jumped, Angel Taker won't be able to become a God, and Sooho will continue to suffer as his name is still in the death book.
But if Angel Taker didn't, Angel Taker will become God Taker, and be able to alter the past as well as the death book.

From the chapters, basically Angel Taker did become God Taker, because God Taker from the future stopped Angel Taker from saving Sooho. This allows Angel Taker to consume Sooho's soul to become God Taker.

Basically it's a loop.

Angel Taker becomes God Taker, God Taker stops Angel Taker from saving Sooho, Angel Taker becomes God Taker.
2021-07-09 16:56 marked
I THINK this is what's happening. Who knows.

Basically, Sooyoung has been reduced to just waiting at home for Taesung after the whole bar incident.
Quick summary: Kang-il (Taesung's ex-best friend and a traitor) was going to kidnap or hurt Sooyoung because people know Sooyoung is Taesung's 'lover' or weak point at least. Instead of making sure Sooyoung isn't hurt, Taesung deliberately allows this arrack to happen so Sooyoung can become more dependent on him when he goes to save him. Minhyuk and his regular hook up guy (I forget his name, but the one who's tanned and droopy eyed) catch on about how Taesung came in late on purpose to make sure that Sooyoung was badly injured and would only remember Taesung saving him.

Taesung obviously wants Sooyoung to just be like a 'pet' for him. Sooyoung, who has had many abusive relationships in the past (with his ex, his parents, etc), feels actually loved and needed, so he decides that he wants to get to know Taesung even more cause he wants to be able to fully trust and love him. That's why he begins asking about Taesung's personal life. When he goes to visit his uncle's grave though, one of the staff at the funeral service/ cemetery place tells Sooyoung that someone has also come to visit his uncle's grave before him. When he goes to see who, the only person around was Taesung, who tells him he was just there to see him. However, Sooyoung never told Taesung much about this uncle, so he asks Taesung if he knows his uncle, and Taesung says "no" with a really scary face and all. He then asks if Taesung is hiding anything from him, which he says no.

Sooyoung decides to investigate Taesung by himself cause he wants to confirm that Taesung isn't hiding anything from him. That's when he sees a file with numerous profiles of people and recipes stuck on these profiles. He sees one with someone he knew- a prostitute who worked at the bar he worked at. He goes to the bar and asks the manager where the prostitute was and it's revealed that they have been missing for several days now. Turns out, the prostitute was killed by the mayor after been choked to death during sex. The reason why the mayor choked him was because he couldn't get over how Minyuk had sex with him and was trying to replicate it. Yes, Minhyuk did the nasty with the mayor.

But Sooyoung doesn't know this yet. Droopy eyed tanned man sees what Sooyoung is asking about and decides to help because the prostitute was a friend of his.

Cut to Taesung and the older hyung man. It seems that there is a mole inside their gang, since a lot of information has been leaked. Taesung orders older hyung man to get rid of the mole, which is kindaaaaa implied to be Minhyuk.

Cut AGAIN to Sooyoung and Droopy eyed tanned man. They go to a construction site that is owned by Taesung (I think?????) and they were looking around until they accidentally stepped on a strange creaky tile. They lift the tile up and hidden underneath is a suitcase containing the body of the dead prostitute. However, they hear people coming, and it's the mayor guy and his guards who are checking on the buried body. However, one of the guard/ men notice that the hair of the prostitute is peeking out of the tile, implying that the tile has been tampered with/ opened. And that's where we are now: they were hiding but got found out.

There's a lot I left out, but that's the main plot for now I think. Please tell me if it's confusing or if I left out anything!
2021-06-13 20:51 marked
As i reread it back i realized tht basically sooyoung has been tamed/shaped/mold by taesong. Taesong actually shaped him to become the way he is. He is gradually getting used to a bit of pain during sex and like slowly turning into a masochist a bit. Also you need to realize sooyoung is actually okay with anything tht tae song did to him despite the rough sex.

Sooyoung is in love with taesong and so does taesong. But taesong is just too possessive and protective tht it's hard for him to control his action. As a reader we know tht this is an unhealthy relationship but i doubt Sooyoung sees their relationship as unhealthy. Anyways, altho taesong and minhyuk are trash but i think taesong is much better than minhyuk.

This story is good when it comes to plot. If you don't understand anything i suggest you to reread it back. You'll come to understand their situation once you do tht.
2021-06-13 20:50 marked
So all of a sudden we find out, like 30 chapters later, that the ml loved Cayenna once upon a time? When was that supposed to have taken place? Why wasn’t this info part of the chapters that illuminated Cayenna’s relationship with him? This comes strangely out of nowhere. Seems like a last minute attempt to justify the ml suddenly falling all over her. Which is annoying, especially coupled with those chibi-fied drawings of him. Like a child begging for a pet’s attention after he abandoned it, but got pissed that the pet lives well without him. Ugh
It also makes him look like a self absorbed asshole.
So he loved her as a youth, and when she fell in love and showed him her heart openly, he became disgusted with her display of affection. And he fell out of love over her loving him. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

That doesn’t make too much sense, unless he fell in lust with her looks, him admiring her from afar, building up some fantasy of who she is (probably imagined some benevolent ice Queen), and when she started to return his “affection” it shattered his fantasy. It made her human. A person of flesh and blood with emotions of giddy love and lust. It killed the mystery.

I’m sorry but this guy never loved her like she’s a real person. He admired a weird, sexless and untouchable ideal. And as soon as she reciprocated his “love”, it vanished into thin air.
And now he’s all bothered that she’s over him. How she acts now, must be closer to how he imagined her years ago. A benevolent ice Queen, uninterested in him. And that drives his ego nuts and makes him once again lust after her.
So what’s going to happen if she once again starts to reciprocate? If she once again starts looking at him giddy with love/lust? If she once again wants to touch his damn arm? Is he going to turn cold again because he can’t stand her showing normal affection to someone who already claimed to love her? Hell no!
It annoys the hell out of me how he suddenly asks if she doesn’t like him anymore. What kind of egocentric question is this? Did he forget that he treated her like shit when she showed her love openly? And now, after she sincerely promised not to bother him anymore about this (because she accepted that it wouldn’t happen and because it made him uncomfortable), to establish a working partnership to get him what he supposedly wants and her what she feels she can realistically achieve, him asking her like a little kid if she really doesn’t love him anymore is angering in a way.
And it’s a little funny to me how he remembers not liking her touch, but now he’s always trying to grab her gloved hand. Hypocrite much?

Cayenna needs to get the hell out of there. She’s surrounded by emotionally unavailable and damaged guys.
2021-06-01 21:13 marked
SPOILER BELOW (tw: ableism)
this is a spoiler from the novel that's not drawn in the manhwa but i feel paints an important arc in taejung's development.

in the novel, during the reunion, a nameless classmate asks taejung why yoon isn't with him and said how yoon used to always follow taejung around in high school, commenting how he found yoon creepy and autistic. taejung got mad and got into a fight with the classmate, saying how he doesn't know yoon and doesn't get to make these insults about him.

i think the novel describes taejung's story more empathically. i ended up feeling for him a lot, and i really wished at the end he'd move on and find his own happiness. through his arcs, i got to see him become truthful to himself of his lingering love for yoon, his regret and his determination to make things right. he knows he has hurt yoon badly, and i appreciate how he never tried to barge into yoon's life again. taejung is also hurt, confused, conflicted, but he never thinks of wanting to hurt yoon again from this point on. he really is a good person, but he's stuck in a difficult situation and faced with a near-impossible choice. i could never be in his position. i think he (and yoon, really) needs a lot of therapy lol, there's a lot of unresolved emotions there. i really wish him the best.
2021-05-24 03:38 marked
(it’s pretty long, but has whole story)
Princess Zelle was the eighth princess of Roymond, who reduced her presence so she won't be seen as a threat killed by her older siblings. Because of that, she avoided everyone of power and kept to herself. When Granor invaded her kingdom, she and her younger siblings fled to distract the enemies from her older siblings, the more powerful royal heirs. She was captured and woke up as a falcon.

She floundered around before becoming a messenger falcon of Valhail, the commander of the Roymond army and her 2nd sister's fiance. Because normal cavier falcon aren't smart, they keep getting captured by enemies. Valhail noted that Zelle seemed to be able to understand human speech and was initially suspicious, thinking that she is a spy. He started trusting her when she was injured on her first mission because the enemy wouldn't hurt their own spy. Zelle was a bit reckless because she prioritize the success of the army over her own life, which made Valhail mad a lot. She managed to figure out the map of the enemy's camp and was so well successful that the Granor called her the 'Eye of the Sky'.

Later, the Granor army claimed to have Zelle's body and threatened to kill her if the Roymond army attacks them. As the only known royal heir alive, Zelle is very precious to the Roymond army. Valhail managed to start a surprise attack, win the battle, and reclaim her body alive. However, they found that she was poisoned and would die in 30 days without an antidote. Bird Zelle got frustrated and bit her body on the neck, trying to wake herself up. Then Zelle flew off and was shot by poisoned darts after getting lured into a trap.

Zelle woke up as human again. Valhail started suspecting her to be a spy after she slipped a few times (she was supposed to in a coma ever since she was captured so she couldn't be aware of what's going on in the war). Eventually, it boiled to a point where Zelle admitted she was the bird and start quoting back the things Valhail said to the bird. Valhail was stunned, and while coming to terms with the truth, Zelle escaped. She was attacked by barbarians but was saved by Valhail, who admitted to believing her.
Spoiler: their reaction
[There is a lot of awkwardness afterward because Valhail remembered he was rude to the bird a lot and Zelle was embarrassed by her behavior as a bird (cozying up to Valhail because she wanted to survive. He even asked her if that was sincere or just for survival. Zelle answered that she was lonely as a bird and he was the only one who recognized her intellect )]

Zelle used her presence to boost the army's morale (the king and all his concubines are dead, along with many heirs). They continue to search for the remaining heirs (1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th). At one battle, they tried to divide the much larger Granor army. Zelle offered to be a bait, but was turned down by Valhail in favor of a fake bait. The battle was successful and the Granor retreated after taking a big loss. However, a Roymond assassin attacked Zelle, saying only the Eastern King should be the real ruler. Zelle suspected it was one of her siblings. She later strike up a friendship and alliance with Hilde, a politician from the East.
Spoiler: first kiss
[Their first kiss happened after the assassination attempt. Zelle was in shock after one of her maid shielded her and was stabbed (don't worry, she survives) and Valhail barely managed to save her in time (he also gave her a necklace before the battle, which somehow bought Zelle precious time against the assassin). Zelle was a little hysterical and said that she wanted to live. When Valhail reassured her that she was alive, she said she can't feel that she's alive (she's in shock) and he proved her wrong by kissing her. He later apologized for the disrespect and asked to be punished, but Zelle refused, saying she kissed him back too.]

Later, 4th prince was revealed to be alive. He claimed to have fought his way out of where he was imprisoned. Zelle was happy to see him until he later accused her of getting a good reputation and respect from the army by sleeping with Valhail and other higherups.
Spoiler: 4th Prince
[He was the firstborn son and the most favored child of the king. However, because he is younger than his siblings, they are ahead of him in line to the throne. He developed an inferiority complex and chose to buy and harass women who looks like his sisters. He even remarked that it was a shame his full-blood sister, the 3rd princess, was dead because she was the prettiest of all the royal heirs. Right after he said that, he said that Zelle was a lot prettier than he realized. ]

Valhail got really mad at 4th prince for insulting Zelle. During an argument in the Armory, Zelle scratch herself on a spear with a poisoned tip and fell unconscious. She woke up in her bird body, which had been in a coma due to the same poison. Valhail realized this when the bird showed up and he worried about her a lot, refusing to send her to the enemy's camp. (One of his soldier even asked him if he fell in love with a bird because he was seen treating bird Zelle so tenderly. I think it was at this time that Valhail first admitted to one of his soldier that he loves Zelle) Zelle met Adele, a lady from the west who was thought to be a nerd. Zelle discovered that Adele is a genius and is well educated with eastern history. Zelle gave her some messages she got from the Granor and Adele managed to decode them, which talked about how the Granor are worried about their food supply. Valhail learned of Adele's intelligence through Zelle and asked Adele to identify the poison and figure out a cure.

Adele found that the cure is the poison after being diluted. They awoken soldiers that were poisoned in battle, but Zelle wouldn't wake up. Valhail later took Zelle to the cliffs where crystal roses grew. He told her that she should live her life however she want and he would support her. (Even during the war, Zelle didn't want to throw her presence around too much because she was afraid that her older sisters might kill her after the war is over and Valhail realized that) Zelle realized that she like him. Later, Zelle, in her bird body, participated in the war by gathering a bunch of birds and targeting the enemies' layout (they just followed her for some reason, which surprised her and she used it to her advantage) Adele figured out that both blood and poison were involved. She also figured out the history of Zelle's ancestor, who was said to have golden blood and shared that blood with cavier falcon and Zelle realize that could be the answer to why she can wake up in a cavier falcon's body. Zelle woke up after the new cure was administered.

After Adele met Zelle in her human body (she doesn't know Zelle is the bird, only Valhail and two of her maids, including the one that was stabbed, knows), she praised Zelle a lot because she found out through her investigation that Zelle faked a letter pretending to be 1st princess to save grain harvest from a typhoon and saved a lot of people from starvation a few years ago. Zelle was embarrassed because forging letter is a crime and she was trying to keep a low profile to stay alive. Later, rumors of how Zelle saved the grain supply spread though the people of Roymond. The Roymond army won the battle and reclaim Roymond's castle from the Granor. Zelle threw a banquet to celebrate. Granor sent a message asking to end the war.

Later, they found out the rumors about the 4th prince was true and Zelle thought that she must stop him from taking the throne. At the banquet, Valhail's people came and reveal that 4th prince did not fought his way to freedom, but his mother bought him with the lives of 200 Roymond people. A lot of people were angry. Valhail fought with 4th prince and mocked him for his perverse taste toward women who resembles his sisters, humiliating 4th prince in the battle to avenge the victims.

Not long after, 4th prince was found dead, having been killed brutally. In addition, her 2nd sister showed up now that the war has ended with soldiers of her own. She admitted to starting the war with Granor to get rid of 1st princess, but Granor betrayed her. She was the one who was bought out of prison with the lives of 200 Roymond people, but framed the shame on 4th prince. She was the true Eastern King (Her initials were the anagram for Eastern King. Zelle thought it was either 4th, 9th, or 10th because their maternal family are from the East) Zelle tried to run away with Valhail but surrendered after 2nd Princess threatened to kill Zelle's maids. She then imprisoned Zelle, trying to marry her off to Adele's brother, who was on 2nd Princess's side. But to do that, 2nd Princess must ascend the throne to gain the authority for that.

One of Zelle's maid slipped her the poison to putting her soul in the bird's body. Zelle took it, trying to help Valhail find evidence of 2nd Princess's crime. 2nd Princess killed off two of her own men who could be important witnesses, disheartening Zelle for failing. 2nd Princess was also annoyed with Valhail because he was her fiance but he asked to broke off his engagement and even fell in love with Zelle. Zelle pricked herself with a poisoned spear, waking up as a human again. At the coronation, Valhail's men broke in with evidence of 2nd Princess's crimes and the witness is - surprise - Adele's brother who 2nd princess is trying to marry Zelle to. (Earlier, Zelle accused him of wanting to possess her more than actually loving her, or he wouldn't have let 2nd princess imprison her) Most of the soldiers did not know of 2nd Princess' treason and served her because she was now first in line to the throne with the death of 1st Princess. Valhail's private army is loyal only to Zelle because Valhail swore an oath of loyalty to Zelle during the war and his army only obey the owner of the necklace, which Valhail gave to Zelle.

The 2nd Princess is carried away, screaming at Zelle the whole time, blaming her for everything. With no other heirs, Zelle took the throne and became Empress. She went to look for her bird body, hoping to cure the poison for good and find a way for the bird to live its own life (which might be impossible because it only contain Zelle's soul. When Zelle is in her human body, the bird is unconscious), only to find that the bird had died not too long ago, after Zelle was crowned. Valhail said that the war was too harsh on the bird's body in addition to the poisoning. They buried the body and erected a monument at its burial.

Valhail asked her when she fell in love with him, Zelle replied that it was when he took her to see the crystal roses, so Valhail later proposed to her surrounded by crystal roses. They got married and got a son really quickly. First prince is Russellzen (Regen). Second prince, four years younger, is Kargale. Third princess, ten years younger than Russellzen, is Artiel. Artiel is doted on the most. When Russellzen was 15, the young emperor Recalius of the Belott empire (age 8) greeted them and must have made a mistake, because Artiel scolded him loudly. Amusingly, Recalius seemed to fell in love with Artiel, which made Russellzen and Kargale really protective. Recalius later start learning martial art from Valhail.

SOURCE: By Sarahlin from Novel Updates
2021-05-22 22:37 marked
I havent finished the novel yet but I'm almost there.

So continuation to the latest chapter, rose tried to seduce the emperor with aprodisiac poured into his wine. But the emperor still rejected her advances. Since rose didnt want to leave the room, he left instead. Then he bumped in with trizia along the way but he was already affected with the drugs. At first, rizi tried to ignore the poor emperor suffering with lust (lol) but in the end, they had sex that night. Also it was the queen who offered herself to the emperor that night.

-Since she's a shameless bitch, she tried to sabotage the emperor's birthday through presenting him the flowers he despised the most but nilla prevented that to happen.
-She had an argument with the emperor, revealing her true nature and intentions. That she didnt love him, that she was only in love with his wealth and power and that she will be empress even without his favor.
-She attempted another assassination towards the queen but the queen was quick to act. She purposedly didnt bring large group of knights to guard her when he visited her family.
-In the end, evidences were all pointed towards her so she was executed with guillotine. She also lost her mind when the queen told her that even of she escapes death, she will no longer be queen or queen dowager since she's barren. The queen made her barren.

-Apparently, it was brought to light that the duke (formerly James of house Hedwig) impregnated the duchess (the only daughter and legitimate bloodline of ephreney family) through............TRIGGER WARNING.......... rape. Twenty years ago, he put aphrodisiac on hee drinks and manipulated her that it was her who jumped on him when they had sex. Ugh. Because of that, the duchess immediately divorced him and exiled january and her son out of the estate. Also, her legit son died so she decided to pass the inheritance and title to her maternal cousin.
-Also, the thing that rose used to blackmail the duke was about how the duke used the former queen Alisa's jealousy towards the mother of the current emperor. When she was dethroned, the father of queen alisa who was then one of the chancellors was replaced by duke ephreney. In short, he was involved in the conspiracy of the death of lucio's birth mother.

-I dont have anything much to say about this pitiful ML.
-He realized he loves her so he no longer interferes with the queen's plans to dispose rose.
-He approved rose's execution.
-He even selfishly stops and would not want to permit the queen to step down after everything her put her through.
-As to where I stopped, he was sincerely asking nilla on how he can show his feelings sincerely.
-Will update you on how their romance will evolve.

-ISTG, nilla won in this lifetime. The count is sincere and he cute. He adorable. He supportive. He gives her space since sis is busy supporting the queen behind the scenes. He tells her he misses her but respects her privacy. Ugh. Sis won. Deservancy
-Nilla also knows the past. In short, they were brought back from the past retaining their memories. The reason that she didnt become queen again in this lifetime was because rizie was already crowned when she regained her memories of the past.
-And that's how they became the power sisters who destroyed every queen's enemy.

-I still cant say any updates about her. I think the spoiler you would want to hear is about her romance to the emperor.
-As we all know, she's a badass FL who wont back down as well and is always one step ahead with everything. Literal kween thingz
-My only issue is she seem to waver when it comes to Lucio. Well, it wouldnt be inevitable as she already realized too that she loves him. she's just denying it and she still cant evaluate it that much since she's busy dealing with rose.
-The only thing I like about her feelings with the emperor is she would still ignore him and give him cold replies as what he deserves.
-But i think she'll give in. And i can already guess it that she'll bear a child as part of a happy ending. Lol. Remember when they had sex when thr emperor was drugged. Will update you again about how their romance will unfold.

2021-05-14 01:03 marked
Everyone who is saying she shouldn’t be like that she should understand or the other way around and say it as riftan shouldn’t be like that please remember:

Maxi was abused. Never had validation. Assumes the worst due to conditioning and growing up in an environment were she was abused for doing the minimum of living. She thinks Riftan knows of her abuse but he doesn’t because her father fronted that he was “gifting” Riftan his daughter when really he was just trying to get rid of her to someone who had a rough reputation.

Riftan has never had to express his feelings. He is unaware of Maxi’s abuse and ISNT aware he should be sensitive to it. It’s shown multiple times that he thinks Maxi was spoiled growing up because of the way her father portrayed everything + the fact Maxi never came to the estate when they got married and instead stayed at her fathers (not by her own choice mind you) so he thinks she doesn’t see what he has as good enough. He’s a warrior who isn’t used to truly talking and communicating with others, he’s touch starved and probably thinks physical contact is the only way Maxi will truly understand what he’s trying to convey. He’s a take action ask questions later type of person.

Yes it’s understandable he’s upset and we all know it’s because she could’ve been hurt but no one can blame Maxi for being scared and assuming the worst at the same time.

Both of their feelings are valid.

So please stop with the Maxi/Riftan slander it’s truly just bothersome. If you don’t understand what I’ve stated above then maybe reread the story and actually pay attention.
2021-05-11 05:55 marked
I don’t know if this uploader here is still the same one that was stealing the translation from this website
But if it’s still the same person please stop or at least ask before doing it
2021-04-28 19:30 marked
Why this is entitled Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! and the current actions of Yoon...
Tbh, I cannot blame him cause if were in his situation, I will be just like him.. I do not want to act rashly that I and my family and friends will end up being dead..

Vasya is using Yoon to catch up and get revenge on Kay.. He knows this FBI agent is still alive.. And that is why he is called "Paybacker"... Payback = get back to those who wronged him... That is why Yoon is much wary of acting against him cause he knows Vasya will get him no matter what.. (end up dead) if he acted against him..

And the title.. Mayday3x is used as like a signal of asking help right or like a code used in emergencies using for help.. This gives hint that Yoon is in tight situation that he pretty much wanna cry for help but he can't get it anyway..
2021-04-27 02:07 marked
so Luca actually goes back in time too, the mc now mentioned that she can't remember all of Judith's memory, in the past life she did try to save Luca from harm but that was never mentioned as to make Judith the villain.

Luca acted like that in front of his uncle because when the uncle died in the past life, he did it out of duty and responsibility and not out of love, which prompted Luca now to think that his uncle is incapable to love as the uncle shows signs that he likes Judith.

Judith will come to the palace with Luca as Luca won't come with the uncle if Judith won't be coming. The story is kinda cute honestly, Judith and the uncle become the mother and father figure of Luca while growing up in the palace.
2021-04-25 10:05 marked
To anyone who has forgotten the plot or is confused by it, the texts below maybe can help you. (Note that this covers Chapters 1-52. Instead of a general summary, I made a summary for each chapter starting from 38. So starting from Chapter 38, it's gonna get lengthy.)

(Disclaimer: Everything written here may not be 100% accurate but I'm pretty sure it's at least has an accuracy of over 90%. If you want something to be corrected, please say so below.)

This is basically the gist and what has happened so far:

- Demons can only enter our world through Doors which are humans.

- Joon becomes Cain's Door.

- Cain is a powerful demon who is at war with another powerful demon(?) named Satan.

- Cain can't defeat Satan because of the bullet in his heart which was shot either by Satan or Satan's subordinate. The bullet was from the fusion of weapons from heaven and hell.

- The bullet has significantly reduced Cain's power which is why he instructed his subordinate, the albino bitch Sid, to find the demon doctor that can fix this bullet injury.

- Cain gave Sid a special compass to help him find the demon doctor.

- Turns out that Sid is a traitorous bitch so now there are other demons messing and is after with the couple i.e. Cain and Joon.

- Sid became a traitorous bitch because he believes that Cain is not fit to be the lord of hell because he's too "soft". That and it's also possibly because of that weird demon parasite(?) or his multiple personality entity inside Sid that's is quite possibly influencing him too.

- JinYeong is Joon's bestie, who is secretly in love with him.

- Sid for some reason becomes infatuated with Jin Yeong so he tricks him into having sex with him, then he eventually kidnaps him and keeps forcing him to have sex with him.

- The Demon Doctor, named Aaron, has a clone that was killed by a demon (it's the demon that uses those bondage/rope thingies. Let's call him Bondage Demon.). The Bondage Demon was Sid's subordinate who Sid gave the compass to and instructed to find and kill the doctor.

- The Bondage Demon succeeded at locating and killing the doctor but he did not know that it was only a clone. The real Aaron thought that the attack was probably caused by Satan so he went to his friend/ally, the Pink-haired demon named Gael to find Cain to seek allegiance and protection from Satan.

- Aaron and Gael arrive at Joon's house to apparently help Cain and in doing so gain his alliance and protection.

- Both Aaron and Gael are afraid of Satan and they are hiding from him in our world, well Gael is, Aaron probably have other reasons.

- Aaron is actually the demon doctor that Cain has been looking for but Cain doesn't know that.

- Both Gael and Aaron used to be on Satan's side. The reason for their current state is still unknown.

- Sid suddenly arrives unexpectedly at Cain and Joon's home and Aaron recognizes him as the employer of the killer of his clone.

- Aaron is thinking of a way to prove to Cain that he is the doctor that he's been looking for since Cain is skeptical due to him meeting many fake doctors in the past and his trusted subordinate, Sid, reported to him that the real doctor was killed (it was only his clone that was killed.)

- Aaron concluded that if he proves that the compass is not with Sid, then Cain will know that Sid actually did betray him, that's why Aaron basically said to Sid "Where's the valuable compass that Cain specifically gave to you bitch?".

(At this point, it's gonna get a bit wordy. I'm gonna shorten it at another time)

- Sid didn't answer and he attacks Aaron, so basically he was found out. We get a flashback then telling us that Cain has always sent his minions to the human world to find the doctor, which is always assassinated for some reason. Then, one of Cain's trusted ally, the Little Demon Girl with Hugeass Hands, seems to know that Sid is doing something and when she was about to tell Cain, Sid was there and then Sid intimidated her and the little girl is obviously scared and thus remained silent.

- It turns out Cain has suspected Sid but now it was confirmed that Sid was betraying him and Cain is devastated because Cain didn't want to believe that Sid was betraying him. We get another flashback and we see a younger crying Sid being comforted by Cain. It seems Cain really cares for Sid and Sid too used to really care for Cain too. And so they battle. (Also, props to Joon for his quick thinking and lil Donut for his bravery, "I'm not afraid because I'm strong" lol, so cute haha.)

- Cain, perhaps shielding Joon who was attacking Sid, Sid got stabbed by Sid. Cain then asks why Sid is doing this. Like did he mistreat him (which of course Cain didn't.)

- So it turns out one of the reasons Sid is allying with Satan is that apparently, if Cain hands over his entire domain, Satan would "accept" Sid and that his efforts are appreciated and so he will be promoted or something. (Wtf bitch)

- Cain, who is still shielding Joon, gets really hurt, real bad. Then Sid leaves. Joon begs Aaron to help Cain. Aaron can't do anything because of how big the injury was. It also turns out that the magic around the area is being unconsciously sucked by Cain to heal his injuries. This was apparently a bad thing for demons with magic and so, Gael wanted Aaron and himself to run as far away as possible. Joon however stays and doesn't want to leave Cain and Aaron sees this and remembers a similar thing that has happened in the past (What this was is in the spoiler below)

- Because of this, Aaron decides to stay and help Joon to remove the fragments from Cain. (This is referring to that bullet that was shot to Cain's heart.)

- To do this, Aaron will use his power along with Joon's power (also, Joon is called Youngho now?, I'm gonna keep calling him Joon). This process is very very painful for Joon.

- During this process, it seems that Joon's consciousness entered Cain, and there he meets Cain. Joon then comforts Cain to make him feel better and so have they have this very wild, uberly spicy, belly bulging sex.

- The wild sex continues and the reason why Joon is not injured even though Cain is 2-3 times bigger is that all of these are happening in the mind. (But that doesn't mean they won't still feel the sensations.)

- Back to the real world, they are being attacked by Satan's minion. Gael managed to protect them because of his barriers but it is not enough. Aaron wants to continue because he wants to finish what he started and also because if he stops and leaves, both Cain and Joon will die and he doesn't want that. (Aaron at this point is really getting injured too.)

- It seems that Cain is powering up.

[Chapter Summary - Things are gonna get long here.]

38: Joon's celestial-like power and Cain's demon-like power "bumping" together is a no-no. While Aaron is holding up, it seems the healing process is putting a really huge strain on Joon's soul. Meanwhile, Joon in the mindscape notices Cain seems to be getting stable and is happy about it. However, Joon's soul in the mindscape appears to be disappearing/disintegrating (which could mean he was dying) but is saved by Cain. Cain did this by purposely stopping the treatment resulting to the fragments not being completely removed. Even so, Cain's power has substantially increased. Cain woke up and then asks Aaron for a favor.

39: Joon wakes up but Cain is gone. Cain apparently returned to Hell, never to return to the human world because he doesn't need to anymore and because he's completely healed. Joon is devastated of course because Cain promised he would stay with him, but Aaron is all like, 'what sweet promises did the Prince of Hell tell you, huh? ".

Meanwhile, Cain is somewhere around the city, saying stuff like he will stop anything that will extinguish Joon's light (life), even if it's himself. So basically Cain didn't really wanna leave Joon but he had to because he's endangering Joon's life T T.

40: Joon is devastated and in denial that Cain would leave him just like that.

It turns out Cain made Aaron lie. Cain also gave Aaron some of his powers that he found in hell. The surgery was not finished because Cain stopped it. The reason why Cain stopped it is because the surgery was hurting Joon. Basically, Cain doesn't want Joon to die because of him so that's why he left Joon in Aaron's care. He wanted to Aaron to lie that Cain doesn't need Joon anymore so that Joon would get emotionally hurt and wouldn't look for him.

41: Joon doesn't believe Cain just left him like that so he wants to know where he is. Before Cain left, Gail asks Cain to wake Joon up to which Cain refused because if Joon wakes up then Joon will not let Cain leave.

Meanwhile, a Blue-haired demon is attacking their building but they are protected by the barrier. The Blue-haired demon eventually breaks the barrier.

Cain is somewhere going super saiyan as he prepares to battle Sid again.

The Blue-haired demon enters the building only to find it is empty. Joon, Aaron, and Gail has already escaped via Donut's dragon form.

(Admittedly, the translation is a bit confusing in this chapter so take this with a grain of salt)

42: Cain is battling a lot of demon monsters.

Then we see Sid in a mindscape. Satan arrives and converses with him. Their conversation reveals that Sid's betrayal to Cain has a purpose, and it's not because Sid liked Satan or because he hates Cain. In fact, you can say that Sid is possibly doing this for Cain.

So we see Sid and Satan has made a deal. After Satan left, we can see that Sid doesn't actually like Satan.

Then the chapter ends with Cain stabbing Sid.

43: Cain is kicking Sid's ass. Cain asks Sid if he's the one who's causing all of these things. He is still shocked that Sid betrayed him. Sid monologues that he doesn't care what Cain thinks of him anymore, he has made his "decision".

We then see a flashback of a young Cain together with a young Sid. They seem like they had a really good relationship. (We also see Donut's origins. He was from a jade that young Sid gifted to young Cain. Cain instead transformed it into Donut and gave it to Sid.)

Sid managed to escape. We then see Jin (Joon's best friend) having some sort of a breakdown. Hating the thought that Cain is being with and stealing Joon from him. He also regrets things and wishes for it to return to normal, to be just happily be friends with Joon again. Sids arrives and Jin stabs him.

44: Jin tries to kill Sid but Sid restrained him. We then switch to Joon riding on Donut in dragon form. Joon wonders how Donut transformed into a dragon and Donut says it's because the master (Cain) has more strength thus his power increased as well.

Joon hears his phone ringing which was inside Donut's stomach. He sees a text from Jin telling him that he can come to his house. Joon's worried about his state.

They arrive at his house which is surrounded by several journalists and such which is probably because of the incident/massacre (refer to chapter 23 ) Using Gael's invisibility barrier magic, they enter Jin's house. They are greeted by an apparently "healthy/normal" Jin.

45: Jin invites them into his home. Joon is suspicious of Jin acting "normally" so he questions him. Jin doesn't remember anything, about the demon monster that attacked them or Sid. He only remembers he was on a house arrest of some sort.

For his own good, Joon avoids asking Jin any question that might remind him about doors and demons. He asks him how he contacted him and Jin says he saw his phone with no data on it except for a backup of his contacts. Out of all the number, only Joon was marked "Important" that's why Jin texted that number and also because he felt texting this number was the okay thing to do since they're close friends. Joon then flashbacks to Jin's confession and kiss and breakdown. Joon then says they will always be friends, always have and always will be. Jin is happy to hear this.

Jin then has a painful headache which he has been having since he woke up. Joon then guilt-trips Aaron into checking Jin. Jin stumbles and he and Aaron have an "awkward" moment with each other. (Thus a new ship has been revealed.)

46: Aaron is wondering why Jin is making him so flustered/nervous, which he hasn't felt for a long time. Aaron continues his check-up.

Joon is being sad af for Cain leaving him. Joon wonders if he was indeed just being used and fooled but he's so sure that everything was true so he won't believe it unless Cain tells him himself. He misses Cain.

Meanwhile Cain is still battling a loooooooot of demon monsters and he's massacring all of them. Sid is hiding somewhere healing his injury. We then see him having a conversation with this parasite-looking thing on his body saying stuff like he was to merciful (to Jin).

47: We see what Sid actually did to Jin after he restrained him on Chapter 44. He erased his memory about him and the demons and stuff. He then gives Jin a bj.

Back to the present, Sid senses the arrival of another demon. (A new character has appeared. I find him hawt too.)

Okay ngl, the translation was quite iffy but I think Joon and friends are trying to break the contract or the spell that's making Jin a Door. Aaron also notices Joon's very special soul.

48: Ben the Beastmaster is one of Cain's subordinates (I call him that because he has a whip for a weapon and he has an army of thousands of those demon dogs that he loves and cares for.) In Hell, he asks the Jazz Hands Demon Girl for the coordinates of his general Cain.

Back to Earth, Aaron made Joon realize about the transformation of the color of his eyes which shocks Joon. They speculate that his eyes changes on special or serious situations.

Aaron wants to know more about this change and he thinks that bringing Joon and Cain together would do that and so Aaron finally reveals to Joon what Cain actually did, which was he lied about leaving and not loving him.

Joon is both happy and mad about this, happy because it was indeed a lie that Cain didn't love him and mad because Cain said such a lie and left him, and so Joon drives the car Fast and Furious style so he could go to where Cain is (Lol, so cute. Go Joon, go get your demon bf)

49: It was revealed that Donut (the cute round demon) knows Cain's location and so Joon used Gamma's car to go to Cain using Donut. Gamma is one of Aaron's clones. Aaron has several clones of himself. (In this translation, Donut is called sticky rice. I'm gonna stick with Donut.)

Joon luckily found Cain, who was flying up high in the sky. Cain is terrified and tries to escape. Joon chases Cain fast and very furious style. Seeing that Cain won't stop moving away, Joon decides to drive off a cliff to force Cain to come back and catch him.

It works and Joon finally caught Cain.

50: Cain acts like he is mad at Joon for doing such a crazy thing but then Joon rebukes him and basically tells him it doesn't matter what you do or what happens, just stay by my side forever.

And then a very hawt, spicy, steamy reunion sex ensues.

51: Joon wakes up inside the car with Cain. Then they do more lovey-dovey stuff.

Joon asks Cain why he returned to his apartment even though he knew it was destroyed and Donut had already taken Joon far away safe. Cain reveals that he wanted to retrieve a photo of Joon because Cain wanted a photo of Joon while they are apart.

Cain also asks Joon who that human was in the photo with him because Joon was smiling there and he has never smiled like that when he was with Cain. Joon tells him that she was his fiancée. Cain is hurt by this.

52: Joon tells Cain that she died of some illness years ago and the reason he stayed in the apartment is because so he could feel her presence all the time because Joon didn't want to forget her. Also, those plants were her fiancée's favorites. Joon continues telling how hard and painful it was to live that way for many years.

Cain comforts Joon and tells him it's okay to stop telling him this. Joon tells him that he wants to continue and that he wants Cain to listen.

Joon was still in so much pain because he still couldn't move on until he met Cain and his life was then changed forever. Joon began "living" again.

Joon tells Cain he loves him and he asks Cain if he does too. Of course it's mutual and then they have a steamy sex again.

But their sex is interrupted by the arrival of an army of demon dogs and Ben, one of Cain's subordinate.

That is what has happened so far.

BONUS SPOILER (It’s about Jin and Aaron. Feel free to skip this one.)

Jinyeong, MC'S best friend, highly resembles the dead previous lover of Aaron the Demon Doctor. Jinyeong is highly likely the reincarnation of Aaron's former lover. Aaron's previous lover was also his door and maybe that's also the reason why he is stuck in our world. So Jinyeong x Aaron is endgame, they were always meant to be since 500 years ago.

Edit: The raw chapter 83 shows that Jin and Aaron is still very much happy together. They are still so adorable together.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2021-04-24 17:59 marked
Little BDSM lesson here: The SM in BDSM doesn't stand for the dom and sub (I suspect the author thought it was Slave/Master), it's actually for the term sadomasochism (or Sadism/Masochism). The BDSM acronym represents the main categories of BDSM play: Bondage and Discipline (BD), Dominance and Submission (DS), Sadism and Masochism (SM). And from the context, it should really be noted that the dynamic between the doms and subs in this manga is actually more of a Master/slave one, not a Dom/sub one. Someone can be a Dom without being a Master and someone can be a sub without being a slave. The main difference is that you usually see this "orders are absolute" aspect in a Master/slave relationship, whereas in a D/s relationship, the sub has all of the control and chooses to submit/obey, and what's allowed between the two is thoroughly negotiated and agreed upon, and safe words are established and used. The Dom can't tell the sub to do anything they want and expect to be obeyed, and the sub can refuse to obey an order and end the play whenever they want, which any decent and normal Dom would immediately comply with. In a Master/slave relationship though, the slave usually gives up full control to the Master and the slave is expected to obey their Master completely, with the expectation that the Master will act with their slave's wellbeing as their top priority. So even if the slave doesn't necessarily want to obey an order, they would be expected to because they agreed to giving up their control when they entered the relationship. In real-life BDSM relationships though, the complete rule of the Master isn't really an absolute part of the relationship, it's just typical. An M/s relationship could still have limits imposed by the slave or the option to negotiate if something comes up; everyone has to be happy in these relationships or they don't survive, so the details of the relationship are defined by the people taking part in it, and there's no law that says it can't be customized to fit the Master AND slave's needs. The entire foundation of BDSM is built upon clear and open communication between all parties and the necessity of all participants giving their informed consent prior to anything happening. Something like "the dom's orders are absolute and even if the sub hates it they can't disobey" is purely a fictional concept. Which is fine, it's fiction, we can indulge in the taboo of it while understanding that it's only a fantasy and in reality it would not be healthy or sane. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the manga, just don't read it and think it's an accurate depiction of the Dom/sub dynamic. Okay, BDSM lesson over, i'm hopping off my soap box now.
2021-02-13 07:39 marked

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