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answered question about get to know fundanshi
I mean yeah you're just a dude, you can claim the fudanshi label if you wanna. The people saying that you "don't count" are just transphobic, because otherwise why would a dude reading BL not count as fudanshi??
answered question about read yaoi in public
When I was like 15 and still forced to go to church I'd read danmeis in the corner bc I'd get understimulated and need to stim. Imo not much different than reading it at school or any other public place, just don't be loud and in direct sight of other people(showing people porn without consent is weirdo behaviour even if written)
answered question about video games
im currently coping with the actor au ️
created a topic of Sexless(am)

shocked this has such a low rating ngl almost missed it because of it

created a topic of Tada Zutto Negatteru

silly goofy how they didn't upload the other part under this one but made a separate entry
i hope vol3 gets translated too

answered question about question
Why would getting a family/being old change what media you're allowed to consume? Replace the genre with any other one, does it change anything? It's just manga, if you're not a weirdo about it, it won't matter how old you are reading it.
answered question about question
As someone that does bdsm sometimes being FORCED into a play/role is nightmare level, especially since consent is such an important part of bdsm. Whenever I see dom/sub universe stories they come off as horror to me
answered question about question
homegirl was attacking everyone who dared to argue that their post was racist and or immediately blocking. Some of the shit they said under peoples comments was worse than most of the comments under their post. People sending those messages are shitty, but it's better for UNO and everyone elses mental health that they won't be posting more wack ass......
answered question about question
shit just broke me man but ig I should've expected tragic gays after it literally started with tragic lesbians the worst part is that Ivan would've been fine if Till didn't run back for Mizi, they could've ran away!!! aghhhh
created a topic of Claudine

This was wildly progressive for the year it came out, handled the topic better than some current mangas
makes me curious how the official translation did the pronouns, unfortunately I haven't been able to find it anywhere

answered question about question
are you an eternalism/four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime thruther or sth? While it's true that there's no objective times, that doesnt mean the subjective times that take into account space are any less real. Your past or future will never be the same as another person or objects past or future but that doesn't really have an impact on its import......
created a topic of Hourou Musuko

chiba and her multiple attempts at a gaslighting into detransition speedrun
ngl I'm disappointed at how transphobia is framed in this manga, it's depicted as this completely natural response, especially since multiple positive characters still propagate it, and it's only condemned when it's a part of bullying.
The only adult trans person is a predator, and has a predator for a boyfriend
This author has an issue with confusing gender identity and sexual orientation(having trans women call themselves "gay" because they like men, or "becoming" women because they're gay) and it seems to be a bit better in this one, even if there's the whole part about Yuki becoming a woman FOR shii-chan(and not for herself) that I found strange.
Having the only existing trans masc character detransition later on was also weird, especially since Takatsuki had gender dysphoria even before puberty, which only intensified during it, so their experience was closer to a typical trans masc person than a typical detransitioner.
Overall while there were some relatable moments, taking in the whole manga made it feel like the person writing it only kind of heard about the experience from other people and didn't really try that much to properly understand it making it feel very half-assed

answered question about mental breakdown
They really should let us change our votes like every other sns, but can't expect that from this site
answered question about mental breakdown
Why the fuck are you calling it "child corn" tf use csam like a normal person, and if you HAVE to use cp then call it child porn. Terms talking about such important issues shouldn't be made a mockery of
created a topic of Smells Like Green Spirit

Somehow this completely unhinged, drawn in the same comedic style as all of this dudes other works manga always makes me bawl my eyes out every reread

answered question about question
if you want to bait for attention at least be a bit original
answered question about eat ass
so nothing changes except im magically a bottom now? mango users forgetting gay people exist irl
created a topic of The Second Coming of Gluttony

everything changed so much in s2 I had to do a double take if I'm even reading the right manhwa
s1 was pretty good, interesting and not AS typical as other manhwas this genre but s2 just throws everything out
If you liked s1, don't bother with s2, and if you didn't start yet just pass on this one

created a topic of We Won't Call It Love

Taking into account that both of them are the only ones on the cover and the fact that Yachiyo isn't wearing his wedding ring in ch3(divorced alr maybe?) they'll probably end up together
Kinda sad abt Kiyoto cuz i like him alr